Birthday surprise?

I'll love you even if death separates us.
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~Young Mi's POV~

I'm on my way to Boyfriend cafe from the hospital. I went for a body check up and my condition is getting worst now. The doctor said I only have 6 months to live. I was really sadden by this news. I guess, I have to spent my last 6 months together with the people I care about wisely

I was staring blankly at the ground while walking. Suddenly, someone pulled my arms. 'Young Mi-ah, be careful!' the guys said. I realized that I almost hit a pole. 'Oh, gamsahabmida.' I bowed at him and looked at him. He looks familiar.  'Can I know... your name? Have we met before?' I asked. 

He just smile sheepishly and rub the back of his head. 'My name is Lee Chi Hoon. I confessed to you on your first day. You didn't remember?' he said. 'Mianne!' I apologized and bowed. 'Gwenchanayo. I should apologize for confessing to you. I didn't know that you have a boyfriend already.' he laughed. I just nodded with an awkward smile.

'Can I walk you home?' he asked. I shook my head. 'I have to go somewhere else before heading home. Thank you for offering though.' I smiled and walked away.

~Author's' POV~

Why are you always rejecting me? Is it that you dislike me so much?! Am I really that hate able? Chi Hoon thought and bit his lower lips. 'I'll get you someday.' he said to himself and walked away.

-In Boyfriend cafe-

The door bell jingles and a wide smile grew on Minwoo's face. 'Anyeong, my cute girlfriend~ you came!' he said and hugged Young Mi. 'Oppa! Do you know what day is it today?' she asked with a grin. 'Um... 1st of July? Summer?' Minwoo answered innocently. 'And?' she lost hope. Did you forgot my birthday? 'Is today a special day?' he asked and tilted his head. She frowned. 

'What wrong? Did I say something wrong?' Minwoo acted like he don't know it's her birhtday. She shook her head. 'Wait here. I'm almost done with my shift. I'll bring you out for dinner!' Minwoo cheerfully announced. She nodded sadly. He didn't remember... -sigh-

After Minwoo's shift, he brought her to a restaurant. 'Oppa, we can just eat at Boyfriend cafe. Here... Don't you think it's a bit high class here?' Young Mi asked worriedly. 'Gwenchana. The hyungs will disturb our 'date' if we eat there.' he winked at her and she blushed.

-In the restaurant-

'I'll have this and this.' Young Mi ordered

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hey guys, i can't update this week because school is starting tomorrow >< so i think i'll update this coming saturday or maybe sunday? pls wait for my update :)


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Chapter 21: I love this story... it's so sad~~~ T.T
clarluvskpop #2
Chapter 6: I'm not saying this was adapted from anything but it's obvious top me that she had cancer cuz in a Singapore drama series,a girl got a lot of noise bleeds and it turned out that she had cancer sooooo.....I WAS RIGHT!
kr8_tiv #3
Chapter 1: superb fanfic author-nim! chapter 18 was a very sad ending. It makes me burst in tears.
jeonggie #4
Chapter 1: Great fanfic! Even though min woo is not my bias, it's really make my heart burnt. so sad.
K-popStyle14 #5
Chapter 19: Update This story is fun..... :)
ohlalala #6
update more !!!
Goldie98 #7
Chapter 18: Update pls.....