Bonus: Found love

I'll love you even if death separates us.
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The main character is.... you!!!! hurray~~

Enjoy ~~ :)

~Minwoo's POV~

I sat next to her tomb, smiling sadly. It's the first time I've visited her. I finally pulled out the courage to see her. I placed a bouquet of flowers in front of her tomb gently.

"Noona... I miss you. I'm sorry for not coming to see you. It's been 2 years right? I didn't see you for 2 years already... I miss you so much. Every night I dreamt of you. I was actually happy seeing you but the dream didn't last long. Everytime I wake up, I cried. It's because the you in my dream was leaving me. Every night, the same dream... It hurts me. I can't really accept reality..." I sighed.

"I thought if I actually accepted reality that you're no longer here with me, I would finally be happy again. But I was wrong. Even if I tried to open my heart to someone else, I still can't forget you. I can't be happy without you... I can't live without you... That's what I thought. I've lived 2 years without you. I can't really believe that I actually lived 2 years without you," I laughed to myself.

"Maybe it's because I have friends to stop me from killing myself. Without them, I might be next to you now. Or maybe not," I said sadly. "Everyone is coming later on. Donghyun hyung, Hyunseong hyung, Jeongmin hyung and the twins. Your brother and his friends are coming too. Today is your death anniversary right?" I asked. I smiled.

"While waiting for them, I'll tell you everything that happened to everyone after you left... Donghyun hyung got a girlfriend. I only met her once. I didn't really get her name though... Hyunseong hyung and Jeongmin hyung are still single. When Donghyun hyung bragged about his girlfriend, Jeongmin hyung immediately pouted. He said, 'If Young Mi is still here, I'll court her for sure!' I can't help but be jealous. Then again, you're mine, and only mine, right? If only you're still alive, we would have been the happiest couple alive..." I looked at the sky, imagining Young Mi is looking at me from above, smiling sweetly at me.

I smiled again. "You know what, your brother, he got a girlfriend too. She's the girl who worked with him. She's the gym's manager, I guess. I think you know who, right?" I said. Lee Ji Eun unnie? I'm happy for him... I heard someone said. I looked around and found no one here but me. I then look back at her tomb. "Is that you talking to me?" I asked. I then smiled. "I must really miss you too much... Isn't that good? You never left my heart. I think of you every single day. I thought of you in school, when I close my eyes, even in my sleep... Why do you have to leave me?" I said sadly.

I spotted some people walking towards me. I smiled again. "They're here to visit you..." I whispered. "Yo ho, Maiyuu~ You're here early," Jeongmin hyung winked at me. I nodded stiffly. "Come on, maknae-ah. Smile. Young Mi would want to see you smile..." Donghyun hyung said. I looked away from them and sighed.

"I'll get going now..." I uttered and walked away from them. Wooyoung hyung stopped me. "Yah, can't you stay a little longer? She would be happy," he said. I shook my head. "I got to go... I'm sorry," I apologized. He let go of me and look at me with a worried face. I walked around town, to the places where Young Mi and I used to go for our dates. 

When I reached Namsam tower, my heart felt heavy. "We spent our last winter here..." I mumbled sadly. I heard gigglings and laughters of the couples around me. I started to feel awkward so I walked away from Namsam tower. If only you were here... I thought and closed me eyes. Suddenly, I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking—," my eyes were wide open. It can't be... "Noona..." I muttered.

"Aish... What an unlucky I had today," she said while rubbing her head. This girl, she looks like Young Mi. The only thing different about her is she had short hair. I offered her my hand and pulled her up. "I'm sorry..." she apologized. "Who... are you?" I asked. She tilted her head and giggled. "Have you fallen for my charms?" she laughed. "Just kidding. I need something to cheer me up now," she looked down her shoes. "I'm you. Let me guess, I look like someone you know too? I bumped into a candy shop's owner this morning. She was shock to see me. She said I looked like someone she knew," she smiled.

I kept quiet. "You know what, I think we should become friends... I mean, it's must be fate that we met, right?" she tilted her head again. She reminds me so much of Young Mi. I took a step back and shook my head. I turned around and run away. My heart belongs to Young Mi and her only! I told myself.

~you's POV

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hey guys, i can't update this week because school is starting tomorrow >< so i think i'll update this coming saturday or maybe sunday? pls wait for my update :)


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Chapter 21: I love this story... it's so sad~~~ T.T
clarluvskpop #2
Chapter 6: I'm not saying this was adapted from anything but it's obvious top me that she had cancer cuz in a Singapore drama series,a girl got a lot of noise bleeds and it turned out that she had cancer sooooo.....I WAS RIGHT!
kr8_tiv #3
Chapter 1: superb fanfic author-nim! chapter 18 was a very sad ending. It makes me burst in tears.
jeonggie #4
Chapter 1: Great fanfic! Even though min woo is not my bias, it's really make my heart burnt. so sad.
K-popStyle14 #5
Chapter 19: Update This story is fun..... :)
ohlalala #6
update more !!!
Goldie98 #7
Chapter 18: Update pls.....