
One Kiss

He pulled away then you both heard a noise but chose to ignore it

, you looked down at the ground blushing like crazy.

" H-he kissed me oh my god say something dont just stand there," you thought to yourself . You lifted your head and

looked at him, you started to open your mouth looking at his pink face and before you could say anything he

kissed you again. It wasnt a long kiss like the one you just had it was a quick peck on the lips. You stood there in shock

you were frozen. He waited for you to answer but he was impatience. " Um I can explain.." he answered in a low

tone , you looked at him. He took a deep breath "Okay where do I start? Umm Victora?" he cleared his throat. " You saw her kiss me .. Im sooo sorry , she kissed me. I had no control over that . Then threw out the whole party I couldnt help but look at you, and that dress makes my heart beat faster then when Im on stage. What Im trying to say is that I like you! Hell I-I " he stopped and got down on hes knees in front of you.  Your heart was beating so loud you were sure everyone at the party could even hear it. You snapped back into it and looked down at his brown eyes that brought you to smile. Then he began....


" I love you and I have since we were young. I didnt know what the hell love was then but all I knew was you were

more then just a Crush . Then I liked other girls but I didnt understand why they never made me feel the way you do,

but now since Im older I finally realized that it was LOVE the whole time. You have been the only girl i ever looked at

your beautiful and EVERYTHING about you I love . When you smile I could hug you and hold on forever. When you

get nervous I wanna just tell you everything is fine and hold you tight. I could careless what you wear Sweat pants and

a baggy t-shirt you're still beautiful to me. To tell you the truth when you called me to ask what i wanted for

christmas I gave the phone to Hyung to answer while I had to think of other things to say what I wanted. All I could

think that i wanted was Your Love, But I couldnt say that so I sound like an arrogant jerk. So I just want you to know

I always loved you and I always will..." He sighed in relief.

You started crying and he stood up looking at you worried, then suddenly while you were crying smiles blursted out of

you. You jump up and wrapped your arms around his neck hugging him tightly " I LOVE YOU TOO" you said loudly not

caring if people heard or not. You let go of his neck and all you see is Kyu smiling , you stood next to him and then you

both started walking and he gently grabbed your hand your face turned pink.


Time to go back to the party......




Authors Note: WAH finally a confession <3 Time to celebrate Writer block is GONE !!!! Hehe kisses yay !


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243 streak #1
Chapter 10: Lol that was such a cute ending, aish Kyu lol to cute ^^
-Qiaolian #2
congrats ^^
MyBabyXing #3
Congrats :DD
cristyne21 #6
Congratulations ^^
congrats ;)
Congrats :)