Telephone Call

One Kiss

Christmas is 3 days away and you still need to buy somethings for

your friends. You get off the couch sighing and thinking " What the hell I found what

Im buying everyone else but kyuhyun no no no this gift needs to be perfect !!" you jumpped up and

ran over to your phone you quick dialed oppa.

"Ringgggg Ringggggggg"

Hello ?

you: Hi Um Oppa what do you want for Christmas?

Ohhh Cupcake do you want to talk to Kyu ?

Donghae oppa had answered the phone . He even had a nickname for you "Cupcake" why because

you were always baking them .

You: Duh if i called his phone i want to talk to him !

Donghae:Well someone needs to chill and I dont know hes playing StarCraft right now.

You: Im not surprised at all, Can you put me on speaker so i can talk to him?

Donghae: Sure thing Cupcake .

he put you on speaker , you could tell you could hear Siwon and Leetuek in the backround

along with sound of Kyu playing StarCraft.

You:OPPA!! Hey pause the game for on second and talk to me!

Kyu: NO can do , what do you need ?!

Siwon: Stop playing for 5 mins and talk to her , you've been playing for 3 hours!!

you could hear kyuhyun sigh and pause the game then he took you off of speaker and started talking to you

Kyu: I paused the game Happy ? What do you need ?

You: VERY happy, I want to know what you want for christmas..

Kyu; Well i want alot of things , most of them invovle my laptop or games so

buy anything like that ok ? we have to go practice Spy talk to you later...

You: Ok Oppa bye.

you hung up the phone sighing ...

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243 streak #1
Chapter 10: Lol that was such a cute ending, aish Kyu lol to cute ^^
-Qiaolian #2
congrats ^^
MyBabyXing #3
Congrats :DD
cristyne21 #6
Congratulations ^^
congrats ;)
Congrats :)