Jung Sooah

One Kiss

Jung Sooah

She was your Best Friend in the whole world , you met when you guys we very young of course

she knew Super Junior like you well mostly because you introduced them to her.

Shes a die hard ELF , She has the biggest crush on Leeteuk, shes tall , has dark brown hair and is pretty just like you.

She knows your in love with Kyuhyun and always tries to help you but it back fires half the time.

She was coming to the Chirstmas Party and of course this year she plans on getting Leeteuk.

You guys were going to the party together she was going to meet you at your house and she already told you

what she's wearing .

She was going to wear a Pink cocktail dress and black heels like you.





Authors Note:

Sorry about the short Chapter its main just about your best friend.

I hope your enjoying the story , sorry if im not the best writer .

ENJOY :) !!!!!1

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243 streak #1
Chapter 10: Lol that was such a cute ending, aish Kyu lol to cute ^^
-Qiaolian #2
congrats ^^
MyBabyXing #3
Congrats :DD
cristyne21 #6
Congratulations ^^
congrats ;)
Congrats :)