Christmas Party

One Kiss

You rolled out of bed hitting the floor hard " ouch" you sighed looking at

the calender December 24. You jumped up off the ground running up to the calendar , you grabbed it looking at it

then a very bright smile came on you face and u started jumping up and down " I get to see Kyuhyun in a suit " you

said while jumping up and down spazzing out.  Then there was a knock at the door....

You ran down the stairs to greet the person at the door which you knew was Sooah.

You opened the door and rushing in came Sooah she was just as excited as you were !

She grabbed the broom and started dancing around singing " Today is the day i make oppa mine", you started laughing

then she tried to do a weird move and then she fell and you started laughing even harder that you hit the ground too.

After you stopped laughing you got up " well we got a a few hours till the partys starts and the ride there takes about

1 hour " you said she nodded and smiled . The room got quiet and suddenly your phone went off , you both looked

in its direction . You walked over to it and opened the message ....

Kyuhyun: Heyy make sure you bring wine:) thank you

You smiled once you seen who sent it you answered quickly hoping for him to see it

You: Should i bring Red or White wine?

Kyuhyun: ummm well i prefer red wine

You: Okay but you have to bring champane.

Kyuhyun: Okay i will see you later at the party

You: kk bye see you there.

you put down your phone and said "its about time we start getting ready " .

You guys got up and went up stairs to your room and Sooah brought a box and bag upstairs with

you guys. You pulled your dress out of your closet " OH MY GOD THATS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRESS

I EVER SEEN OH MY GOD YOUR GOING TO LOOK WONDERFUL" she said while jumping up and down .

You thanked her for the complainment and continued getting the things you needed. Sooah and you both got on

your dresses one after the other . " Wow you look WONDERFUL in that dress " you said to her smiling brightly. You

went into the bathroom and did your hair . You had put it down and you put a purple in your hair and Sooah

put her hair up in the most prettiest bun you ever seen. You were both finally ready for the party .

You both got into the car and you were the driver......


You guys finally got there you got out the car and there you saw Kyuhyun wear a suit .He looked soo y in

the suit and you could help but think so . Then suddlenly Victora walked up to him and hugged him then gave him

a slight kiss on his cheek. Your heart dropped to the floor and you wanted to cry but held it in , in fear that he would

see and your makeup would be ruined. You continue to go inside and you handed the Wine to Donghae . " Im

happy you could make it today " he said smiling but you could repond with a smilew back because of you broken heart.

You greeted everyone there but Kyuhyun . You looked to your left to see Sooah dancing with Leeteuk , you

laughed even thought you were sad. You walked over to the Drink table and one after the other started drinking

champane , at one point you got tipsy and walked outside and there you saw Kyuhyun alone holding wine.

You clumsy walked over to him before you did u got yourself together.

" h-hi" you studdered

" hey i didnt see you when you get out here" kyuhyun answerewd with a smile

" um i saw you with victora when i first got here" you said quietly

" oh you saw that " he smirked

you looked at the smirk that he just had on his face you started crying 


" why are you cr.."

You cut his sentance off with a kiss . You grabbed his tie and pulled him down meeting his lips

with yours and wrapping your arm around him bringing him closer .You finally let him go realizing what you did

I-I just kissed kyuhyun you thought to yourself 

You looked at him to see that he was about to say something.........................

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243 streak #1
Chapter 10: Lol that was such a cute ending, aish Kyu lol to cute ^^
-Qiaolian #2
congrats ^^
MyBabyXing #3
Congrats :DD
cristyne21 #6
Congratulations ^^
congrats ;)
Congrats :)