Chapter 5: My Girl

Days to Forever


--The next day at school…

Ilhoon: I hope our day’s going to be better than yesterday!

--Ilhoon was hopping happily on their way to the classroom.

Hyunsik: why are you so energetic today?

--Ilhoon stopped and went to hyunsik.

Ilhoon: am i? oh, I’m always like this! What are you talking about?

--He pushed hyunsik a little.

Hyunsik: why are you so defensive?

--He just smiled at hyunsik and went away.

Hyunsik: yah ilhoon!

Sungjae: hyunsik, what’s going on?

--Sungjae was parking his bike)

Hyunsik: I don’t know…I really don’t know..

Sungjae: let’s go then..we shouldn’t be late! We have a lot of lessons to learn today! Ahhh..the day’s so nice.

--He put his arm around hyunsik’s shoulder. Hyunsik just stared at him and was really confused.

Hyunsik: what’s going on? Why is everybody in good…in great mood today?

Sungjae: aren’t you?

Hyunsik: I’s just that I think your mood is on top of mine…

Sungjae: well, poor you hyunsik..

Hyunsik: [am I missing something?]


--Jessy was already in the school too.

Jessy: annyeong seolhyun!

Seolhyun: annyeong ms…jessy!

Jessy: you are early today huh…don’t you want to be late again so that---

Seolhyun: ah! Don’t talk about it out loud…hihihi

Jessy: eh? Why are you so giddy today? Did something happen…

--Seolhyun nodded.

Jessy: tell me! Tell me!

--Jessy was so in hype, jumping up and down for seolhyun to tell her what happened. Then choaya came out of nowhere.

Choaya: what should you tell her, seolhyun?

Seolhyun: ah! Nothing!

--Then soulhyun whispered to jessy.

Seolhyun: I’ll tell you if we have the time, jessy : )

--Jessy nodded in excitement.

Choaya: then let’s go..

Seolhyun: bye jessy!

Jessy: bye seolhyun and…choaya!

--While jessy was trying her best to be nice to her, choaya did not seem to put the same effort and  just smirked at her. Jessy chuckled and saw yoonari running.

Jessy: yoonari?

Yoonari: ah annyeong hasseo (bowed) you already know me?

Jessy: de, seolhyun told me your hard, ok?

Yoonari: de! hyun, who will be performing tonight?

Jessy:’s a secret… : )

Yoonari: tell it to me please…please.

--Yooari was held her hands together as if praying that jessy would tell her.

Jessy: alright..come…

--Jessy put an arm around yoonari and guided her to less crowded place as if what they’re going to talk about was a top secret. And slowly, jessy said the name of who’s going to perform.

Jeesy: lee. Min. hyuk.

Yoonari: waaaaaaaaaa!!! Really?! Really?! That’s so great!

Jessy: don’t tell it to anyone ok?

Yoonari: I’m so excited! Bye! Kamsahamnida!

--Jessy was happy. She felt closer to yoonari now that she knows they’re both fans of minhyuk.

Jessy: de! Fighting!


--While at the gymnasium…

Jessy: ahhh…everything’s just have to wait appa, you just have to wait…

--Then her phone rang.

Jessy: omma!

Mrs. Hyun: is everything ready for tonight?

Jessy: de!

Mrs. Hyun: that’s great! Prove your appa how capable you are! Good luck then! Bye! I miss you!

Jessy: thanks omma, I miss you too..bye!

--When she walked out of the gym, she was shocked on how a lot of girls were gossiping about minhyuk.

Jessy: ahhhh..really…maybe she didn’t hear me when I said not to tell anyone about it…well, we’re all just fans…

--Though it’s disappointing that the ‘supposed to be surprise’ for the students failed, she was dragged into the blackhole of the students’ anticipation. Fangirl mode on girl, fangirl mode on.


--At the guys’ class…Ilhoon was whispering to hyunsik.

Ilhoon: hyunsik, are we going to watch later?

Hyunsik: I don’t know..but we don’t want to disappoint jessy, do we? We should support her.

Ilhoon: you’re right..but what about sungjae?

--Sungjae overheard the conversation.

Sungjae: is there a reason not to come?

--Ilhoon and hyunsik were nudging each other.

Sungjae: we’ll come, of course. We have to be there for her. : )

Ilhoon: really? Then I get to see seo---…I mean of course, we have to see how happy jessy will be…

Hyunsik: ok, we’ll come.

--And he patted sungjae’s back.


--Mr. park got out of his car.

Mr. park: ahh..this is going to be a great day…

Mr. kim: will be, mr. park : )

--He was shocked that mr. kim was just behind him.

Mr. park: ah….de. I have to go..

Mr. kim: ok! Work hard, mr. park!

--And like a guilty theft, he ran away. If only mr. kim knew what that dean planned, he wouldn’t be that nice to him.


--Break time! Jessy was already eating at the cafeteria when the three guys came.

Hyunsik: how dare you not invite us to eat with you?

--Jessy immediately stood up and bowed to hyunsik.

Jessy: ah! Hyunsik, mianhamnida!

Ilhoon: aissshhh..continue eating jessy..we’ll get our food too, ok?

--And as if what ilhoon said was not enough, she was still staring at hyunsik.

Hyunsik: I was just kidding ok? Haha go ahead and eat….

--Jessy smiled and got back to what she’s eating. She’s still not used to hyunsik’s ‘I’m mad at you’ jokes. The guys came back with their food.

Ilhoon: so, you’re excited for tonight?

Jessy: de! Of course! You have to come ok?

Hyunsik: of course we will…

Ilhoon: don’t be too nervous with your opening speech, ok? You have to be confident..

Jessy: I’m always confident…

--Jessy said while raising an eyebrow to ilhoon and flipped her hair. Hyunsik smiled ans the two high fived.

Hyunsik: that’s what I’m talking about! haha

Ilhoon: Whoa…you’re a bad- girl. Haha..I bet you’ll be beautiful tonight.. : )

Sungjae: tss…

Jessy: eh? What was that for sungjae?

Sungjae: um? I didn’t say anything…

Jessy: but you did something!

Sungjae: did what? Yeah are going to be beautiful tonight..

--Jessy smirked and inhaled deeply.

Jessy: thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnk yooooooooooooooou….

--Sungjae was nearly choked by his food because of what she said. He grabbed a glass of water and drank a lot. Then he cleared his throat and fixed his composure.

Sungjae: you better keep your speech short and not disappoint all of the girls..

Jessy: I won’t..

Hyunsik: ah…really. You should have invited some girl groups too..

Jessy: time, hyunsik..

Hyunsik: you said that ok..

--Jessy nodded and made a promise gesture. While ilhoon and hyunsik were clapping for the promise she made, Sungjae was just staring at her and smiling.


--Then the night for the performance came…

Yoonari: ahhhh..i’m so excited…

--Seolhyun was searching for ilhoon.

Choaya: seolhyun, is everything alright?


--The gymnasium was so crowded. Girls were already preparing themselves for minhyuk’s performance.

--At the gate… note: they should be cool wearing their btob styles at this moment..maybe airport attires?:D

Hyunsik: kept us waiting for so long…

Ilhoon: ah..mianhe..

Sungjae: should we see jessy at the backstage and wish her good luck?

Hyunsik: de…


--At the backstage…

Jessy: what?! No..i didn’t reschedule the performance! It should be tonight! He should be here tonight!

*manager: but he said you know about this…

Jessy: who?!

*manager: you know, ms. Hyun, he’s already performing at this time so there’s nothing you can do…I’m sorry.

Jessy: then just send anyone to perform here…

*manager: we can’t, they all have their own schedules tonight..

Jessy: please..please…I beg you….

*manager: I’m sorry…I’m really sorry…I can’t do anything about it now..

Jessy: where is he?

*manager: excuse me?

Jessy: I beg you..please tell me where is minhyuk…

*manager: he’s in platinum hotel…

 Jessy: platinum hotel?

*manager: that’s all I can say, bye, ms.hyun…

--The boys heard all about the conversation.

Ilhoon: j-jessy…

Hyunsik: are you alright?

Jessy: i-I don’t know what to do..

--Tears were forming in her eyes. She was shaking. The crowd was cheering for the program to start.

Sungjae: [she doesn’t deserve this..she worked hard for this..i’m not going to let him ruin this]

--Ilhoon put his arm around her shoulder.

Ilhoon: I’m really sorry jessy..

Jessy: I guess I just have to tell the students the truth…

--No matter how much she tried to hold back her tears, they were streaming down her cheeks. Then sungjae held her wrist and pulled her away.

Jessy: what?!

Sungjae: I told you not to cry in front of me…

Jessy: then why don’t you just go away?! Just leave if you don’t want to see me! I don’t know what to do now, ok?! I don’t know what I should tell appa…

--Jessy was shouting her feelings out. She was pulling away from sungjae but he was holding her arm tightly.

Jesy: just..just leave me alone…please

--Sungjae did not go away, but instead pulled her into his arms. He hugged her as he patted her head as if telling her to stop crying.

Sungjae: collect yourself…go out there and deliver your speech…

Jessy: I can’t…

Sungjae: ssshhhh…you can…I know you can..tell them he’s coming..

Jessy: but he isn---

Sungjae: he is…just wait ok? Everything’s going to be alright..we’ll fix this.

--Sungjae then cupped her face in his palms.

Jessy: sungjae…

Sungjae: trust me ok? I have to go…

--He forced a smile and left.


--He got his bike, pushing the pedal as hard as he could. It’s cold but sweat was dripping from his forehead. His chest hurts but he still continued. At the back of his mind, he wondered why he was doing this. But when he remembered the tears in jessy’s eyes, he realized that he’s doing this for her. He could not bear seeing her like that. It hurts him. He arrived at the hotel where minhyuk was performing.

Sungjae: let me come in!

--He said as he was pushing through the bodyguards at the backstage.

guard: you can’ really can’t go inside..

Sungjae: I have to…please let me come in!!!

--Then he saw him climbing up the stage.

Sungjae: minhyuk!!!

-With all the force that was left in his body, he pushed through the guards and climbed up the stage too.

Sungjae: minhyuk!

Minhyuk: yah…what are you doing here?

--The audience was confused and told him to get off the stage.

Hotel manager: what’s going on? Guards!

--The guards quickly held sungjae’s arms.

Sungjae: she’s waiting for you! please go there! She’s waiting for you!

--He said as he was dragged off the stage.

Minhyuk: mianhamnida!

--Minhyuk panicked and apologized to the people using the microphone. He ran as fast as he could.


 --At the backstage, ilhoon and hyunsik wanted to cry hearing jessy’s trembling voice on the stage. Then they saw minhyuk which made them both stood up.

Ilhoon: minhyuk-ssi!!!

--Minhyuk just smiled and went to the stage.

Hyunsik: ahjussi! the music!

--Hyunsik told the staff.


--Jessy was delivering her speech with tears craving to get out of her eyes.

Jessy: I’m sorry..i’m very sorry to keep you all waiting. But lee minhyuk is not--

--But when the music played, she almost jumped out of surprise.

Minhyuk  “Cheotnune banhaetdan geol arayo geudaega malhan saram najyo”

--MInhyuk sang “u & I” by btob. He was looking at her. Jessy didn’t know what to react. Students screamed and cheered.

Jessy: m-minhyuk…

--Minhyuk came nearer to jessy. He wiped her tears that were flowing down her cheeks. He waved to the crowd and continued to sing beside her.

Jessy: y-you came…


--Back to the hotel…

Sungjae: I’m going ok? Let me go!

guard: you shouldn’t have come here at the first place! You bastard!

Hotel manager: don’t you know what you did? Don’t you know who these people are?

--H was talking about the audience.

Sungjae: I don’t care…just let me go!

Hotel manager: yeah! We’ll let you go! Don’t you dare come back!

--Being held by the two guards he didn’t have a choice but to take the punch of the manager at his face. With piercing eyes and bloody lip, he stared at him.

Sungjae: are you done now?

--He shrugged off the bodyguards, walked to his bicycle and went away.


--At the gymnasium…

Reporter: mr. park, thank you for inviting us here..this is a great success for ms. Hyun..

Mr.park: this can’t be…

--Reporters were taking pictures.


--Sungjae was running his way inside the gym. He went in front of the stage together with the other students. He saw minhyuk singing for jessy and she seemed happy. He smiled at the sight of her. But the thought that she smiled because of minhyuk hurt him. He wanted to be the one to make her stop crying, but at this moment, minhyuk was the one whom she needs. He finally felt the punch of the manager, the pain on his chest, the tiredness from riding the bicycle, but what he felt in his soul hurt the most. He forced himself to just walk away. The song ended.

Minhyuk: jessy…

--The crowd became quiet.

Minhyuk: mianhamnida…

--Sungjae stopped from walking and looked back. He didn’t expect what he’d see. He knew that it’d hurt him but he still looked as minhyuk pulled jessy into a hug.

Minhyuk: mianhamnida..i won’t let you cry again...

--The crowd went wild and was cheering for them.

--Jessy was shocked. She was pulling away from him but then he tightened his hug. The reporters were taking pictures of them but minhyuk didn’t seem to care at all. Sungjae felt his knees shaking. He was clenching his fist as fought his tears back. He bit his bleeding lip wanting to distract himself from what he’s seeing, but then he couldn’t escape it.

Sungjae: [I shouldn’t feel like this..]

--Ilhoon and hyunsik peeked at the stage to see what’s happening. Ilhoon saw sungjae.

Ilhoon: sungjae-ie…

--Jessy heard ilhoon and saw sungjae too.

Jessy: sungjae…

--Sungjae just walked away. Jessy wanted to run after him but she can’t. Minhyuk held her beside him as he thanked the students for watching the show.

--Sungjae went to his bicycle and drove away as the wind blew the tears coming from his eyes.

--Minhyuk and jessy finally went to the backstage when the show ended.

Jessy: minhyuk.kamsahamnida (bowed)

Minhyuk: I’m sorry..i didn’t know…

Jessy: it’s alright, at least everything went fine...

Minhyuk: (smiled) from now on, whenever you need me, I’ll be sure to come…

--Jessy also smiled at him and wanted to find sungjae.

Hyunsik: jessy!

minhyuk’s assistant: minhyuk-ssi, we have to go..

Minhyuk: I have to go, jessy..bye…

--He tried to reach for jessy’s hand but she bowed to him. minhyuk went away.

Hyunsik: congratulations…

--Hyunsik and ilhoon hugged her happily.

Jessy: gomawo..where’s sungjae?

Ilhoon: maybe he’s already going home now..he looks tired..he didn’t even bother to congratulate you..

Jessy: I have to go! Be careful on your way home too,ok?

--She quickly ran away.

Hyunsik: de…[what’s going on? Why does she suddenly want to see him?]


--Jessy was running out of the school. She went to the parking lot and searched for sungjae but she did not see him. Her heels were killing her so she took them off and continued to search.

Jessy: [please sungjae…where are you..]

--Then someone held her shoulder.

Jessy: sungjae!

Mr. kim: eh?

Jessy: mianhamnida..

Mr. kim: you’re looking for that boy?

Jessy: I guess he already left... come on, get in the car…

--He pushed her inside the car.

Mr. kim: quick!

--He was driving very fast and she’s still looking for him through the window. When she decided to give up, the car stopped and pushed the horn of the car too hard. come on, jessy..hurry and get out!

--Jessy was confused. She looked out and saw sungjae. She swiftly got out of the car, not caring about her aching feet. Sungjae stopped because he saw the car and jessy. He was surprised. They stared at each other.

Jessy: kamsaham—

-- She realized she’s not supposed to say thank you. She trailed off and ran towards him. She hugged him. Sungjae was shocked. He hugged her too and held her head as she fights the urge to cry. Her warmth was comforting his body that was in pain. They were both shaking a little. But they didn’t know if it was because of the weather or because of the emotions they have at this moment.

Sungjae: you did it…

Jessy: de..and it’s because of you..

--Sungjae smiled. He finally heard the words that would make him feel that what he did was worth it. Jessy slowly pulled away.

Jessy: ah?

--She held the bruise of sungjae where the hotel manager punched him.

Sungjae: ah!

--He stopped her hand.

Jessy: who did that?

Sungjae: you…

Jessy: eh?

Sungjae: weyo?! It’s because of you why that hotel manager hurt me…

--He was trying to lighten the mood.

Jessy: you should put medicine on it..

Sungjae: it’s alright…you have to go home now..look at you..

Jessy: yeah..i guess I have want me to give you a ride?

Sungjae: I’m fine..just rest.

Jessy: you too, ok? I’ll be going, then..

--Before she went away, Sungjae held her hand.

Sungjae: I’m glad I made you happy : )

Jessy: you’re really a good friend, sungjae..i owe you a lot : )

Sungjae: bye… : )

--He waved goodbye as she went in the car.

Sungjae: [as long as it’s for you, I don’t care how much I’ll get hurt]

--He finally understood it. He’s not living for himself only anymore. He would do anything even if it hurts him as long as it’s for his girl.

“(step by step) nae soneul jababwa

(day by day) ireoke love is forever

(nae mamsok) maeil neoman boyeo

Ije naman barabwajwo nae modeun geol julgeyo—my girl by btob”



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nice story ^^
Valeriedabomb #2
i so totally like this fanfic..daebak ne!!
chococandies #3
Chapter 9: whooa this. is. an. amazing. story.
minhyuk still looks cool even his heart has broken ><
Chapter 8: no offense to minhuk i like the sungjae couple more
Chapter 2: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^0^
aeg118 #6
I really like this fanfic. Actually I'm not a fan of fanfic, but your story is truly amazing. It's not about randiom fangirl meet their oppars, but seriously I can learn some things from your story. T_____T Thank you! I'm really looking forward for the next chapters :)