Chapter 4: I Admire You, Ice Cream Girl

Days to Forever


--The next day…jessy got out of the car.

Mr. kim: don’t force your body so much, ok?

Jessy: de, kamsahamnida : )

--Then she texted minhyuk

*jessy: annyeong, minhyuk, gomawo for last night. I really appreciated it : )

--In a few seconds, he replied.

*Minhyuk: I hope you liked it. Are you feeling fine now? I hope it made you feel better.

*Jessy: de, I’m perfectly fine now. Gomawo. I think you’re busy today, so don’t bother to reply..bye! : )

--And as she was walking…

Ilhoon: yah jessy! Annyeong!

--ilhoon smiled widely when he saw jessy. But when he’s going to put an arm around her shoulder, she bowed and apologized.

Jessy: ilhoon, mianhamnida…

Ilhoon: aissh..let’s not think about it anymore. Are you feeling fine now?

Jessy: de : )

Ilhoon: let’s eat together later, ok?

--he gave her a thumb up, which jessy gave two thumbs up to.

Ilhoon: ahhhh…chincha..we missed you.

--Ilhoon then put his arm around her neck. Jessy was fine with it. She even thought that ilhoon looks at her like one of his guy friends. Ilhoon acted as if strangling her. And by then, sungjae appeared.

Sungjae: you missed her but now you’re killing her…

Ilhoon: sungjae-ie!

--Out of her embarrassment that sungjae saw ilhoon and her at that state, she quickly put away ilhoon’s arm and looked away.

Jessy: annyeong…

--She was still looking away, acting awkward. Sungjae just smiled. And then, she changed the topic.

Jessy: two are going to be late!

Ilhoon: ah! See you later then!

--Ilhoon grabbed sungjae and they walked away. Jessy looked at sungjae and smiled unconsciously. Then, mr. park passed by her.

Mr. park: ms. Hyun, how are you feeling?

Jessy: I’m fine now, mr.park

Mr.park: I hope you don’t get sick again….you missed a lot.

--Without waiting for her response, he left with an evil smile on his face. As jessy was about to go to her room, she passed by the three girls.

Yoonari, seolhyun: annyeong! (bowed)

Jessy: annyeong! (bowed too) I hope you have a great day! J (looked at choaya) you too J

--Choaya just smirked and walked away. Yoonari, seolhyun followed her and waved goodbye to jessy.


--At the guys’ classroom…

Ilhoon: hyunsik, jessy’s here today.

Hyunsik: ah chincha! I didn’t see her…

Sungjae: that’s because you’re always too early..

Hyunsik: better to be early than late..

Sungjae: well I’m not late!

Hyunsik: did I say that you’re late?

--Ilhoon was trying to hide his laugh at their childish argument.

Ilhoon: let’s just eat together later with her...

Hyunsik: de! Don’t go with us sungjae!

Sungjae: ah weyo?!

--Sungjae’s reaction of already getting mad surprised them.

Ilhoon: eh?

Sungjae: I just….don’t want to eat alone..[aissh what am I doing]

Ilhoon: fine, I’ll believe you…

--And sungjae just smiled shyly.


--Rather than staying in her room, jessy decided to help in decorating the gymnasium for the performance tomorrow.

Jessy: ahhhhh..this is going to be so great…

Staff: ms. Hyun, rest for a while..

Jessy: de…

--She bowed to the ahjussi and went to peek at the three boys’ classroom, but then she saw someone already peeking, seolhyun. She walked towards her silently.

Jessy: annyeong..

Seolhyun: ah! Ms. Hyun!

--She was going to run but jessy caught her by the arm.

Jessy: can we talk? I won’t tell your teacher : )

--Though she’s nervous on what they’re going to talk about, seolhyun just nodded. They sat on a bench.

Jessy: what’s your name?

Seolhyun: ah! Han seolhyun imnida, ms. Hyun!

Jessy: just call me jessy…what are the names of your friends?

Seolhyun: ah..yoonari and…

--She stopped and thought jessy was going to talk about how rude they are when they first met.

Seolhyun: and choaya…

Jessy: oh…so why are you always taking a look in that class?

--Seolhyun was caught off guard.

Seolhyun: ah…nothing!

Jessy: come on…I might help you..

--Seolhyun put her hair behind his ear as if she’s shy.

Jessy: come on…

--Jessy leaned nearer to her, eyes darting on seoulhyun’s small eyes.

Seolhyun: i…I only want to see ilhoon oppa..

Jessy: chinchaya? Weyo?

Seolhyun: it’s a long story...

Jessy: then you better make it quick..cuz I won’t let you go until you tell it to me…you still have a class, remember?

--She threatened her a bit and smiled.

Seolhyun: it was just..he was just…he’s nice..

Jessy: then?


*seolhyun: I was so late one day…it was because of a problem in our house..i was not allowed to go to my class...i was so disappointed so I just sat at the stairs waiting for the break so that I can come in..

--Ilhoon walked out from the men’s room and saw her.

Ilhoon: annyeong…why are you sitting there?

Seolhyun:because I want to..

Ilhoon: why aren’t you in class?

Seolhyun: because I’m not allowed to..

Ilhoon: eh? Weyo? You want me to talk to your teacher?

Seolhyun: just leave me’s my fault after all…

--she cried, and ilhoon offered a hand.

Ilhoon: come, I’ll help you ask your teacher..

Seolhyun: anyo..i said just leave me alone..

Ilhoon: fine…

--then he sat beside her…

Seolhyun: why did you sit beside me?!

Ilhoon: because I want to..

Seolhyun: why don’t you just go to your class?!

Ilhoon: because I’m not allowed to..i’m not allowed to until you stop being sad…

--and they just sat there until the break time came…


--After the story, seolhyun and jessy immediately parted their ways.

Jessy: that ilhoon.. said he was just bored in class..maybe he’s just waiting to see her there…that lover boy..tss


--Then, jessy’s phone rang…

*mrs.hyun: jessy?

Jessy: ah! Omma!

*mrs.hyun:ah…my precious little girl..i miss you..

Jessy: I miss you too omma…

*mrs.hyun: how are you there?

--Jessy remembered minhyuk’s song for her; how he said it was dedicated for her and how he sang it so sweetly last night.

Jessy: I’m fine..i’m perfectly fine.

--She sounded too dreamy, trying to reminisce every moment that minhyuk closed his eyes while feeling the song.

*mrs. Hyun: are you alright?

Jessy: ah! De!

*mrs. Hyun: I’m sorry my dear..i can’t even win over your dad..i’m sorry that your vacation have to be like this..

Jessy: it’s not your fault, omma. And I think…I think this is where I really belong to now..

*mrs.hyun: maybe just now..but you know I don’t want you being---

Jessy: I can do this..i know I can give up on anything just to make you and….appa happy..

*mrs.hyun: I’ll only be happy when you’re happy..i love you jessy..maybe if you show your dad that you can do the things that you really want without sacrificing his plans for you…maybe one day, he’ll just let you have your life..

Jessy: ah…i-I love you too, omma. i-I gotta go..bye!

--She immediately hang up because if this conversation took longer, she would have cried to her mom.


--On the other hand…

Mr. hyun: who were you talking to?

Mrs. Hyun: ah..just some friend..

Mr.hyun: then did your friend told you that the matters in the school are all arranged and set?

Mrs.hyun: tae-bin! You don’t know how much our daughter’s hurting because of you…

Mr.hyun: success won’t be achieved without some pain…

--Mrs.hyun had nothing more to say, she just sighed and hoped that jessy would get through all of this.


--At seolhyun’s classroom…as soon as she sat down…

Choaya: where did you go? What took you so long?

Seolhyun: ah…I just…I just ate at the cafeteria..i just can’t help tummy already hurts

Choaya: ah, should have told me so that I came with you..

Seolhyun: choaya?

Choaya: de?

Seolhyun: why do you hate jessy so much?

Choaya: that’s her name..nothing..i just don’t like her

Seolhyun: then sungjae’s nothing?

Choaya: seolhyun!

--She shouted a bit. Seolhyun covered her face with a book, well not because she’s scared of choaya, but because she didn’t want to be stared at by their classmates. Then yoonari looked at them, a finger raised in front of .

Yoonari: ssshhh..if you want to talk then see to it that you won’t be heard by the prof..seolhyun..tell it to me after class ok?

--Then she winked at seolhyun and concentrated back at the lesson. But seolhyun’s not yet done to choaya.

Seolhyun: she’s not doing anything to you though…

Choaya: ah..this girl..i like sungjae ok?

Seolhyun: are you sure she likes her too? What if he’s the one who likes her?

Choaya: anyo..she’s not like his bratty and immature..

--Seolhyun stared at her, head cocked and an eyebrow raised.

Choaya: ah! Why are you looking at me like that?

Seolhyun: ummm…nothing…

--She looked away, thinking that choaya clearly described herself.


--At our guy’s house…

Minhyuk: omma!

--He shouted as he put away his shoes and wore slippers.

Mrs. Lee: oh! Minhyuk! I missed you! you’ve been so busy these days huh?

--She hugged him so tight.

Minhyuk: not so much…

Mrs. Lee: eh? Then why didn’t you come home often?

Minhyuk: I have some important things to do..

Mrs. Lee: like what huh? Like what?

--Then he acted so manly, he dropped his bag on the couch and fixed his collar.

Minhyuk: just someone..i mean just some important business..[that girl really got into me..]

--He smiled and shooked his head a little.

Mrs. Lee: ah! You minhyuk! Who is it? Huh? Who?

Minhyuk: eh? It’s just manager…

--Mrs. Lee held his face and looked at him straight in the eyes.

Mrs. Lee: I know you’re telling a lie…nugu?!

--Minhyuk just smiled. Mothers surely know their children. He immediately changed the topic. This kind of talk makes him embarrassed.

Minhyuk: is appa here? appa? appa?

--Then he started to look for his father and walked away.

Mrs. Lee: he isn’t here..said he’ll go to his friend’s house..said they’ll talk about some business

Minhyuk: ah..chincha? ok did you cook something, omma?


--Mr. lee was standing in front of a gate.

Mr. lee: can I come in, min ah?

--He talked through the security system of the house. And it blinked and made a sound that means someone’s opening the door.


--At the gymnasium, where the dean wanted to boss around…

Mr. park: how’s everything going?

Staff: just few more hours and we’re done, sir…

Mr.park: good..i hope those will be of good use…

--He looked around. Everything looked so classy.

Staff: well they should be..these are a little expensive, sir..haha

Mr.park: better..just better…

--Then he left with an evil smile on his face.


--It was already lunch break. The boys were walking towards the cafeteria. Hyunsik’s arm was on ilhoon’s shoulder.

Hyunsik: ah…boegopa…

--And he acted like he’s about to faint.

Ilhoon: me too…

--Ilhoon acted too, he tried to put his hand on sungjae’s shoulder as if to ask for help. But then sungjae is so hyper that he walked too fast, making ilhoon lose his balance from his failed act.

Sungjae: kapshida!

Ilhoon: eh??? Ahhhh…ok..let’s go

Jessy: you’ll eat without me, huh?!

--Jessy came in between of hyunsik and ilhoon and put his arms around their arms. She popped in the middle of nowhere.

Ilhoon:’s just sungjae’s who’s just so excited..

--Ilhoon pointed at sungjae, who’s already leading the way. But then when he saw jessy, he stopped walking for a while. Hyunsik looked at jessy’s arm around his.

Hyunsik: yah jessy!

--Hyunsik looked annoyed.

Jessy: de?

--Jessy looked at their arms linked together and quickly put her arm away.

Jessy: ah…ah mianhe!

Hyunsik: aissh…’re making me fall for you…

Jessy: eh?!!!

--She was so shocked with what he said. Then hyunsik gave her his gorgeous eyesmile. ^^

Hyunsik: haha! If you always do that..i promise that next time I’ll return it to you with a hug.haha

Jessy:  aisssh! I hate you!

--She attempted to push him. But in a second, sungjae blocked hyunsik and held her hand.

Sungjae: I hate you too…

--Jessy blushed, pulled her hand and smirked.

Hyunsik: you know sungjae loves better put more effort than him..

--Hyunsik hugged sungjae’s arm while Sungjae just smiled teasingly.

Ilhoon: ah chincha! You hyunsik!

--And the Jessy-ilhoon cutie combo bursted out. Ilhoon tried to strangle hyunsik. And jessy punched sungjae’s arm.

Sungjae: ouch! You cry baby… sensitive…

Jessy: ah! I really hate you!


--Then they were sitting at their favorite spot in the cafeteria and eating a lot of food.

Hyunsik: ahhhh…this is so good.

Ilhoon: de..

Jessy: ahhh.i’m so full.

Ilhoon: good thing that you like Korean food.

Jessy: my mom always cooks Korean food.

Hyunsik: chincha? Then you must be good at cooking too.

Jessy: anyo..

Hyunsik: ah! Weyo?

Sungjae: cause she always have someone to do things for her..

Ilhoon:’s ok..we’ll teach you sometime..

Jessy: eh? Gomawo!

Ilhoon: jessy, who will be performing tomorrow?

--The two boys were so excited. They were raising their chopsticks while thinking who would perform.

Hyunsik: s-snsd?

Ilhoon: hyunA?

Hyunsik: ah…2ne1!

Jessy: anyo…it’s lee minhyuk..I think it’ll be great..i’m a fan of him and he’s such a good person..i like him : )

--And they were disappointed with what they heard.


Jessy: weyo?

Hyunsik: n-nothing! it’ll surely be great!

--Hyunsik elbowed ilhoon. Sungjae looked at the two boys and changed the topic of the conversation.

Sungjae: ahhhhh…so full..who wants ice cream?

Jessy: me!

--Jessy immediately raised her hand. She really likes ice cream big time.

Sungjae: ok, come…

--Then they were ordering.

Jessy: ahh…vanilla!

Sungjae: don’t you want chocolate?

Jessy: anyo..i always eat chocolate…it’s sickening…so, vanillaaaaaaaaaaaa….

Sungjae: fine…

--As the ice creams were being prepared…

Sungjae: how are you?

--Sungjae became serious.

Jessy: I’m…I’m fine…

Sungjae: how about the matters with your father?

Jessy: nothing changes..

Sungjae: why don’t you talk to him?

Jessy: I did..i did so many times and I’m getting tired of it..

--Then the ice creams were served.

Sungjae: kamsahamnida.

--Sungjae got them and ate the vanilla-flavored quickly.

Jessy: that’s mine!

--Sungjae stopped and looked at her. He’s a little distracted by jessy’s cute reaction but then he handed the chocolate-flavored ice cream to her.

Sungjae: even if you’re getting tired of shouldn’t stop trying.. you still have to take it..that way, you will learn to like it again..and you’ll realize that from the start, it’s what you really wanted..

--She didn’t know what to reply. She just accepted the ice cream.

Jessy: gomawo…[why is he doing this…]

Sungjae: I don’t want to see you cry again…if you want to, just don’t let me see it…

--He his melting ice cream and walked away. He went to their table while she’s still just standing and staring at him. Then Jessy smiled for what sungjae said and finally went to the table too.

Ilhoon: why don’t we have any ice cream?

Hyunsik: ah! Chocolate! That’s the best ice cream here in cafeteria!

Jessy: of course it is…

--She took a taste of it and like a child, her eyes twinkled with satisfaction.

Jessy: so good! I think I’m going to have this every day!

--Hyunsik and ilhoon were trying to get the ice cream from jessy. And sungjae was staring at them and laughing. Jessy looked at her. It was the first time she saw him laugh. Sungjae looked away and ate his ice cream while trying his best not to smile. But he failed. His lips, though covered with ice cream, curled up into a smile. And when jessy saw it, she smiled too.


--Back to minhyuk’s home…

Minhyuk: omma..where’s my compilation of chords?

Mrs. Lee: eh? I don’t know..maybe in the book shelves?

Minhyuk: okay…

--He went to the reading room where his father also made his office in their house. He saw the planner of his father on his desk.

Minhyuk: aissh..he said he’s talking some business with his friend but then he left this…

--He opened it and saw an address that was scheduled for his father to go that day.

Minhyuk: so this is where he is..i better give him this…----omma! I have something to bring to appa! Haige!

Mrs. Lee: ok! Come back quick!

Minhyuk: de!


--Minhyuk went to the address and got out of his car.

Minhyuk: maybe this is the house…

--He pushed the doorbell and mrs. Yook opened the gate.

Minhyuk: annyeong hasseo..lee minhyuk imnida.. (bowed and smiled)

Mrs. Yook: m-minhyuk-ssi…

--She was surprised. And then mr. lee got out, looking surprised too.

Mr. lee: minhyuk?

Minhyuk: appa! You left this…

--He handed the planner.

Minhyuk: so she’s your friend? [I didn’t know her but I think she’s familiar?]

Mr. lee: de…

Mrs. Yook: ah...yook min ah imnida..bangap sumnida minhyuk-ssi..

--She looked uncomfortable but she managed to smile sweetly.

Minhyuk: nice to meet you too..(bowed again) appa, haige…

Mr. lee: ah..we just finished talking. I’ll go then, mrs. Yook…(bowed)

Mrs. Yook: a-alright…jalga.

Minhyuk: haige!

--Minhyuk waved goodbye. And as soon as they were walking towards their car, sungjae came.

Mrs. Yook: sungjae…

--Sungjae looked at mr.lee then at minhyuk with a poker face.

Minhyuk: annyeong!

--Minhyuk smiled at him, but sungjae just bowed and went inside the house.

Sungjae: [he’s really unbelievable*sarcasm]

Minhyuk: [well that’s weird…] appa, kapshida?

Mr. lee: de..kapshida…


--Sungjae was shocked to see them, but when his mother called him, he pretended to be fine.

Mrs.yook: sungjae..

--He faced his mother and smiled.

Sungjae: de, omma?

Mrs.yook: are you alright?

Sungjae: I’m always alright : )

--Mrs.yook linked her arm around sungjae’s.

Mrs. Yook: fine’s your day? : )

Sungjae: great..really great…

--But he said the words with a sense of sarcasm.


--Classes were already dismissed.

Yoonari: bye bye seolhyun!

Seolhyun: de..take care! : )

--She waved goodbye. Yoonari and choaya went home and parted their ways with seolhyun. Ilhoon saw seolhyun. Seoulhyun and him have the same path toward their houses so he walked behind her. Seolhyun felt someone following her and was scared so she walked faster. Ilhoon, unintentionally wanted to walk near her, walked faster too. Seolhyun became more scared now, inhaled deeply and stopped.

Seolhyun: I swear that if you come nearer me..i’ll scream for help and you’ll get caught…

Ilhoon: ah! I won’t do anything to you!

--Seolhyun was surprised because she heard a familiar voice, and when she looked back she was more shocked than ever to see ilhoon.

Seolhyun: i-ilhoon?

Ilhoon: you already know my name?


Ilhoon: unfair…

Seolhyun: ah! Seolhyun imnida! (bowed)

Ilhoon: (smiled shyly) seolhyun..

--She smiled. Ilhoon walked beside her.

Ilhoon: I swear if you ever think bad of me again, I’ll be the one to scream first. : )

Seolhyun: mianhamnida… : )

Ilhoon: this is your way home?

Seolhyun: de…

Ilhoon: same as mine…

--They looked at each other and smiled.

Ilhoon: let’s go then…

--Although she was nervous being right next to the boy she was staring at almost everyday, she nodded.


--At the school…

Hyunsik: jessy, you’re not going yet?

Jessy: ah! I thought you already left?

Hyunsik: de..i just forgot my book in my locker so I came’s late, why don’t you go home too?

Jessy: I just want to make sure that everything’s going to be alright tomorrow.

Hyunsik:’re really doing your best huh?

Jessy: I have to..

Hyunsik: I’m sure your parents are so proud of you…

--He sat on the bench and she sat beside him

Jessy: I hope so…

Hyunsik: isn’t it the best feeling when your parents praise you for your achievements? That’s why I’m really doing my best in everything that I do..

Jessy: I really are so smart, hyunsik : )

Hyunsik: I get that a lot..haha

Jessy: ah! But you really are boastful!

Hyunsik: well then you should do that sometimes! You have a lot to boast about too!

--He faced her and tapped her forehead with his finger.

Jessy: fine..maybe if I do that my parents will also realize all of the things I’ve done.. : ) go home now! You have to study!

Hyunsik: boasting doesn’t mean commanding others miss hyun…

--He put his hand on her head.

Jessy: well poor you, I don’t have to study anymore…

Hyunsik:’re getting good at it quick! haha then I’m going..bye!

--He stood up and waved goodbye.

Jess: bye!


--Minhyuk was talking with his manager on the phone.

Minhyuk: de, hyung?

Manager: do you already know where you’re performing tomorrow?

Minhyuk:’s in jessy’s--

Manager: ai…anyo..they rescheduled your performance there..

Minhyuk: eh? Really? She didn’t tell me that..

Manager: but they already finalized now you’ll be performing in mr.yoon’s event..maybe she just doesn’t want to disappoint you…

Minhyuk: ah..i see..ok..kamsahamnida…

 -- He quickly texted jessy: you can tell me anything you know…no need to be shy : )

*jessy: huh? Does he know that I have a crush on him? no..don’t reply jessy, just for this once…do not reply…

--She ignored the text and hid her cellphone.


--But then she decided to text, not minhyuk, but sungjae.

Jessy: yah…gomawo

*sungjae: eh? For what?

Jessy: because you made me realize a lot of things…

*sungjae: I did? Really? When?

Jessy: [ah..this guy]

--She felt irritated and called him.

Jessy: just thank you, ok?! Just thank you!

--And when she was hanging up…

Sungjae: wait! Is that your way to say thank you?

Jessy: you don’t even know what I’m thanking you for so why do you care?

Sungjae: ah..i know…

Jessy: eh?

Sungjae: it’s just that you don’t have to thank me for them…

Jessy: weyo?

Sungjae: just don’ don’t need to..because if that’s the case you’ll have to thank me a million times for the next days to come…

--She was getting confused.

Jessy: eh? Weyo? What are you talki----

Sungjae: jessy. You’re welcome. You’re always welcome.

Jessy: ahhhh….de thank--..then what should I say?

Sungjae: haha..well then, say i admire you, sungjae oppa. You’re so handsome..

Jessy: what?! Shiroyo!

--Sungjae was laughing.  He was having a lot of fun teasing jessy. Jessy was getting mad, oh well, not really mad. She likes talking to sungjae like that.

Sungjae: then what else would you say?

Jessy: I don’t know!

Sungjae: Just say I admire you sungjae oppa…

Jessy: no way!

Sungjae: ahhh…chincha!

Jessy: you’re so petty!

Sungjae: am i?

Jessy: de! I hate you!

Sungjae: I hate you too…

--He was dying of laughing at their conversation.

Jessy: bye!

--She hung up.

Sungjae: ahhh..really. I should be the one thanking you for making me happy today…

--He smiled. At this moment, he felt like she was the only one who could make him smile. He looked at his phone, imagining jessy was still on the line.

Sungjae: jessy, tha--…I admire you, ice cream girl…

--And he shooked his head with what he just said.




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nice story ^^
Valeriedabomb #2
i so totally like this fanfic..daebak ne!!
chococandies #3
Chapter 9: whooa this. is. an. amazing. story.
minhyuk still looks cool even his heart has broken ><
Chapter 8: no offense to minhuk i like the sungjae couple more
Chapter 2: DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^0^
aeg118 #6
I really like this fanfic. Actually I'm not a fan of fanfic, but your story is truly amazing. It's not about randiom fangirl meet their oppars, but seriously I can learn some things from your story. T_____T Thank you! I'm really looking forward for the next chapters :)