Confusing Thoughts

Without Wings


[[ Bang Yongguk's POV ]]

 I sighed again as I stare at the window, still waiting for Himchan to return. He suddenly insisted that he would be the one to return the broom, and I knew how a pest Himchan can be once he wanted to do something. “I shouldn’t let him do that … I have a promise to meet her …” Those words suddenly escaped my pale lips. Why did I felt strange after saying those words? It felt like a bomb inside me suddenly exploded leaving only a big mark from it.

I grabbed my clothed chest and clenched the fabric on it. Himchan was acting weird before he left, is he plotting something again? I walked back and forth inside my house, still waiting and nervous about Himchan’s mischievous smiles.

I walked towards the couch and let my body fall onto it. When I felt the soft comfort touched my skin, I slowly calmed down, it felt like all my worries are washed by the strong waves that came out of nowhere. I placed my hand over my forehead and groaned. “Please .. Himchan if you do something silly and pathetic .. I will punch your life out of your body.”

When I thought that I will finally get some sleep sudden attacks of knocking echoed. I stood up and walked leisurely towards the door, I only know a one guy who will dare knock the Bang Yongguk’s residence in that kind of manner, my friend Himchan.

“Finally!” Himchan suddenly shouted in front of me. That frustrated expression can be quickly seen on his face. He ruffled his own hair and flipped it before entering my house without even me inviting him. I closed the door when he finally settled himself on the living room. I followed him to start bombarding him with questions.

“What did you do?” I asked him, hostility was present in my voice. It’s not that I’m upset if he really did something to her, definitely no. But I’m sure that he already said to her that he’s my friend, and if Himchan did actually did something to her, it will also affect my name right? I’m just protecting my name here people, it’s not that I love her or anything.

I knew it … something was wrong … something was out of place. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed, Himchan was shaking his head whenever I ask him, and he’s been to quiet after he left her house, and believe me … Himchan is not normal if he suddenly shut his trap and stopped talking or nagging.

I quickly became irritated by his silence, quietness and his weird gestures, it felt like he suddenly changed, he’s not even the same Himchan that I knew … I miss that nagging guy …. Wait … I shook my head furiously to shrug those words out of my system, that’s just plain disgusting.

Hours have already passed and its already dinner time, I’m here sitting right beside the table, with my elbow supporting my chin, staring at the apron wearing Himchan in front of me. I hit the top of the table with my hand, making the plates on it softly made sounds that quickly caught Himchan’s attention.

“Why are you so quiet!!” I didn’t mean to shout at him, but frustration quickly flowed inside me, I can’t bear my life without Himchan’s naggings. I stood up and started marching towards him, I grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him a bit. “Speak! NOW!” I shouted again, I saw himchan was a bit scared at my sudden outburst of emotions, but I can’t contain my feelings anymore, it irritates me hearing nothing but crickets and soft thuds.

“You said that you don’t love her right?” Himchan finally talked to me, but for some reason, I felt nervous because of it. I suddenly regretted the fact that I forced him to talk, I want to go back to the past and just lock my thoughts deeper inside me. I looked straight to his eyes and slowly nod. I felt guilt struck my heart, I can sense where this was going .. and its leading to something I don’t want to hear.

My hand slowly left his shoulders and retreated back to my pockets, I turned around and started walking towards my seat again. I sat there neither muttering a word nor sound. I sat there, just staring at the empty plate in front of me, I shouldn’t have shouted at him, I shouldn’t have forced him to say anything … i shouldn’t have thought negative things about him, if I didn’t did those things, I should’ve never felt this nervousness inside me.

I can hear footsteps towards me, slowly approaching me. My eyes slowly glided to the right and I saw Himchan walking towards him. I focused my eyes back to the plate, my right foot started to move on its own, making wooden sounds as my heel continues to hit the innocent floor.

“You said that you don’t love her … right?” Innocence oozed out from his voice, why does Himchan’s voice keep me feeling like this? Nervous .. I’m ing nervous. His steps, his words, his breathe … the things that I never noticed before … has now causing my breath to shorten, my heart to beat faster and my mind going crazy.

Words were stuck inside my throat, I tried to clean my throat but still words didn’t even come out from it. I looked up and saw his eyes, I knew it, he’s hiding something from me. I turned away to avoid his gaze, I didn’t even know Himchan can do this to me. I was stupid to even think that he couldn’t do this to me, I am an idiot.

“Yes … I don’t love her.” I answered. My shivered at my own words, I don’t love her right? I don’t … I don’t … I shook my head and turned again, now facing him. His face remain emotionless, a very bizarre sight of Himchan. He always show emotions or say things directly not even caring if his words might hurt someone, but now .. the Himchan I knew vanished right before my eye, the Himchan I once knew that I can always read like a visible book has now turned into an unreadable blank paper. He changed.

“Good … that’s good.” Himchan slowly smiled then sat on the opposite side. He placed the plate holding the food he coocked on the middle of the table. He’s back again, the old cheery one. I was confused by his sudden change of expression again. I cleared my throat and asked. “Why?” I shouldn’t have asked that question. Because of my nosiness and that question … my world literally flipped around, and I started to view Himchan in a different shade of light.

“Because I started to like her …” He answered the answer that I fear the most, the words that I don’t want to hear from him. Because of his words, I started to view Himchan as my rival for her heart.



Author's note.

I'm really sorry!! but this fanfic will never turn into a banghim one hahahaha

tell me your thoughts about this update that i did!! XDDD


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Chapter 6: This is so amazing. A beautiful story.
hippo_guk #2
Chapter 6: I love you story :D
kgrl123 #3
Chapter 6: Keep writing please! make more comedy using fluff!!! keke. I love that word.. yeaaaa. oh! and if you add more banghim moments, please don't make it seem as if it is really a banghim story cuz sometimes those just creep me out.
Chapter 6: I want to slap your arse -u-
Keep writing.
You have too much that needs to escape from that brain of yours.
And gosh, he finally realizes.
I want more more more.
Chapter 6: Don't stop writing! I love your story. I love it that she voiced out her yhought about Yongguk staring at her legs.
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaa~ He just admitted he likes her! :D
Chapter 4: Hohohoho. Himchan has something brewing in that naughty head of his. And it makes me excited. :D
Chapter 3: It's okay if there is less fluff. I thought Yongguk knew about her already. :D So... he hates 'love' huh.
Chapter 2: I love the poster. :D And the story too of course. :)
Waiting for more!! ♥