
Without Wings



[[ Jae Hwa’s POV ]]

My heart was racing as I guide him inside my house, I pushed my own wheelchair and went into the kitchen where the cleaning materials was placed, now that Yongguk knows that I’m like this, a girl who can’t even walk or stand, will he hate me?


“Uhh .. Y-y-ongguk-ssi ..” My eyes suddenly widened and covered my mouth. I forgot that we never talked before so he would probably bewildered after knowing that I already know his name, will he think that I’m some kind of a creep or something?


“It’s kind of unfair that you know my name .. while I don’t know yours.” His soft chuckle lingered in front of my ears, it was deep yet kind, it was husky yet gentle. His voice I never believed that I can hear it so close like this.


I was in a daze after hearing his voice, and unfortunately Yongguk sensed it, he snapped his fingers which woke me up from cloud 9. “You okay?” He asked once again, a blush betrayed my strong front, I lowered my head to hide it.


“Y-yes .. s-sorry … m-my name is Jae Hwa …” I whispered, my voice for some reason is really soft right now, maybe because the guy that I admire is now in front of me, Or maybe the fact that I felt really small in front of him because … of my disability.


I clasped my hands together and realized that the book or diary is still hidden inside the piece of cloth on my lap, I was scared that he might read it and looked at me with disgust. I should’ve hid it first before letting him enter my place.


Then a thought crossed my mind, how can I be so careless to let a man inside my house, I may sound a bit paranoid but thousands of ‘what ifs’ are revolving inside my head, and most of it may cause my fragile heart and body to break.


I unclasped my hands and held the wheels of my wheelchair, I turned it around to face the cabinet holding the cleaning materials he need. When I felt the metallic texture of the handle touched my skin. I winced a bit, I still can’t shrug the thoughts and ‘what ifs’ inside my head.


Because of my carelessness, I forgot the thing that I should always remember whenever I open the cabinet, things inside it might fall whenever I open it. As I opened the door, a broom swung out of the holder and was about to hit my face, but luckily Yongguk was there, his quick reflexes easily kicked in, he used his arm to interfere with the broom’s course.


“Are you okay?” He asked me, why do I feel so dumb right now? Why do I feel so useless in front of him? Why do I feel like I’m some kind of an idiot right now …


I heard him repeat his question after I didn’t answer the first one, I slowly turned to him and smiled. “I’m … okay …” I whispered. I took the broom from the ground and gave it to him. “Here …” I felt our hands touched for a moment, I jerked back my hand and caressed it with my free one. Yongguk seems to be surprised by my actions but he didn’t pry anymore.


“Uh … thanks .. I will give it back after I used it …” He held the broom with his right hand then placed his left one inside his pocket. He started walking backwards towards the living room, I followed him using my wheel chair of course.


 He stopped right in front of the doorway and raised the broom. “I’ll give it back … uhh maybe tomorrow …” He mumbled an inconsistent answer which made me smile, it’s been a while since I interacted with someone like this, and being Yongguk who was the first one to talked to me really made my day.


“Sure … “ Words seems to be caught inside my throat now, I don’t know what to say nor what to do anymore, I bowed my head a bit then waved my hands. “Its … nice talking to you … Yongguk-ssi.” I murmured, I can feel the warmth on my cheeks and I’m sure Yongguk can see me blushing right now.


“It’s also nice meeting you Jae Hwa … just call me Yongguk, drop the honorifics.” He blinked a few times before smiling. His eyes blinking like how kids blink really made me blush more, I found it very cute.


“Arasso … Yongguk ..” I whispered when I called him, but I’m sure that he heard it.


After that small interaction with him, he left my house. A part of me wants to pull him back and talk to him more, but I know I can’t, I’m just a mere neighbor for him, nothing more … nothing less.


I’ll be waiting for you … Yongguk …


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Chapter 6: This is so amazing. A beautiful story.
hippo_guk #2
Chapter 6: I love you story :D
kgrl123 #3
Chapter 6: Keep writing please! make more comedy using fluff!!! keke. I love that word.. yeaaaa. oh! and if you add more banghim moments, please don't make it seem as if it is really a banghim story cuz sometimes those just creep me out.
Chapter 6: I want to slap your arse -u-
Keep writing.
You have too much that needs to escape from that brain of yours.
And gosh, he finally realizes.
I want more more more.
Chapter 6: Don't stop writing! I love your story. I love it that she voiced out her yhought about Yongguk staring at her legs.
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaa~ He just admitted he likes her! :D
Chapter 4: Hohohoho. Himchan has something brewing in that naughty head of his. And it makes me excited. :D
Chapter 3: It's okay if there is less fluff. I thought Yongguk knew about her already. :D So... he hates 'love' huh.
Chapter 2: I love the poster. :D And the story too of course. :)
Waiting for more!! ♥