
Without Wings


[[ 3rd POV ]]


Yongguk tightened his grip on the broom as he walked back to his house. He turned around and saw the closing of the door of the female’s house. He blinked a few times before turning away with a smile tugging the corners of his lips upwards.


As soon as Yongguk opened the door, he was greeted by a pissed face of his friend, Himchan.


“What took you so long!?” He groaned. He placed both of his hands on his hips and balanced himself on the wall, leaning against it. He leaned his head on the doorways as he waits for Yongguk’s response, but to his disappointment, Yongguk just passed him without muttering a single word.


Himchan blinked before shaking his head and closing the door. He sensed that something happened to his best friend, and he’ll do everything to make Yongguk spill the beans. He marched towards him and swiped the broom from his hand. He stomped his foot on the wooden floor to take his attention.


“Yongguk!!” He shouted, his voice made the lifeless guy jerked from his seat, bewildered.


He turned around as if he’s lost, he was searching for the origin of that irritating voice and that’s the only time where he realized that his friend is standing in front of him with the broom already in his grasp. “Oh …” He murmured then back to his ‘nothing-happened-state’.


Himchan gasped at the lack of reaction he got from Yongguk, he was really expecting the other guy to shout at him or throw a pillow at him, but all he received was a deep ‘Oh’ and a blank stare from him. He was infuriated by that, he wants attention and he needs it now.


He raised his hand that is holding the broom and whacked Yongguk’s leg with the hard wood of the broom. That made Yongguk jump again, that woke him up again the pain was crawling inside his pants, he rubbed the whacked part and shot a glare at Himchan.


“! What the are you doing!!” He growled and cursed. Himchan smirked with triumph as he finally received the attention he was seeking earlier. He placed the broom gently on the wall, leaning it there. He sat beside Yongguk as if nothing happened and smiled.


“Finally got your attention? Good.” He crossed his arms and placed it on his chest. He also crossed his legs then turned his head towards Yongguk with an insulting grin on his face. Yongguk wanted to punch the hell out of him, but he know he can’t because Himchan is the only one who wants to befriend him, and he is also one of his precious friend, since he IS the only friend Yongguk have.


“Funny.” He rolled his eyes which are really unnatural for Yongguk, for some reason Yongguk continues to fall into a deep trance like state before, but now that the pain on his leg keeps on pulling him back to reality, he never fall into it again. Thanks to Himchan’s perseverance … or mischievousness.


“So, care to tell some story about you being so lovestruck for someone.” Those words made Yongguk turn to him again, his face was filled with terror and shock. The thing that Yongguk hated is the word ‘Love-‘ Himchan knows how he curse that icky feeling, and yet Himchan was being a good friend by saying that word in front of him.


“You have already lost your mind Himchan.” He shrugged that out of his memory then back to him staring blankly at their coffee table. Himchan placed his feet on the spot where Yongguk was staring to irritate him. He then waved his hand in front of his face to take his attention again.


“Yes it is my friend, you are in deep .” Himchan laughed maniacally, knowing that his instinct was correct. His love hating friend has now fallen in love with someone who he doesn’t know. “So tell  me, who is she?” Himchan asked all of a sudden, like a girl asks their girlfriends to spill their secrets about it.


He raised his palms and made a sprout-ish figure in front of him then he placed his chin on it. He blinked beautifully before smiling. “Tell me~~” He sang. That scene made Yongguk shiver in horror. He took a pillow without looking at it then bashed Himchan’s face with it. He walked casually away from the couch and the red tinted Himchan.


“BANG YONGGUK!!” He heard Himchan shouted his name from the living room, he is now sitting in front of the kitchen table with a glass of water in his grasp. He raised it and took a sip before turning to the marching sounds that Himchan created.


“I was there being a good friend, wanting to know something about what happened then you suddenly have to do that?” He placed his hands again on his hips and flipped his hair. Yongguk sighed as he unconsciously pushed Himchan’s diva button.


He started nagging and nagging all over the place, inside the kitchen, the living room, Yongguk’s room and even inside the bathroom, all day long. He placed his fingers on his temple and rubbed it, his patience finally ran away as they stay inside Yongguk’s room. “For pete’s sake, shut the up!!” He growled, frustrated at the voice of Himchan.


Himchan finally shut up after knowing that Yongguk’s patience has already disappeared, and he knows how bad Yongguk is whenever he gets mad. He sat on Yongguk’s bed, just in front of Yongguk’s fuming head. “Fine .. then tell me what happened earlier.” He insisted again.


Yongguk shot a glare at Himchan before sighing in defeat. He covered his eyes with his hands and exhaled all the frustration that built up. “I met someone inside the house –“ “Well of course you’ll meet someone, unless you stole the broom right?” Yongguk turned to him and glared, from the start he was bugging him to tell a story then when he started it, he cut him in the middle. “Will you ing let me finish first??!” Himchan blinked innocently before he zipped his lips and threw an imaginary key at his back.


“So … I met her, then .. I was surprised because she already knew my name … that’s creepy right?” Yongguk flopped his back on the swivel chair and pushed himself using his legs making his whole chair turn around. “and?” Himchan tilted his head, still waiting for the REAL reason why he is so bothered and pissed right now.


“and … I don’t know why … but I should be mad at it right, BECAUSE it’s freaky!!” He sighed once again before turning to Himchan with a serious expression on his face. “But … I felt nothing … I’m not mad at her … I’m not mad at all…” His voice slowly softened as those words escaped from his lips.


His confession made Himchan smile. “I have to meet her!” 


Author's Note:

Hello my readers ... -------- How are you?? OTL

for some reason i got really attached with the plot that i made for this fanfic .. so yep this the fanfic that i always update~ and well serious sad drama fanfics are my cup of tea so yeah~ i still don't know how to make fluff >_> it makes me cringe OTL  kekeke ^^;

please comment everything in your mind that is RELATED  with this chapter ^^ thanks!!!

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Chapter 6: This is so amazing. A beautiful story.
hippo_guk #2
Chapter 6: I love you story :D
kgrl123 #3
Chapter 6: Keep writing please! make more comedy using fluff!!! keke. I love that word.. yeaaaa. oh! and if you add more banghim moments, please don't make it seem as if it is really a banghim story cuz sometimes those just creep me out.
Chapter 6: I want to slap your arse -u-
Keep writing.
You have too much that needs to escape from that brain of yours.
And gosh, he finally realizes.
I want more more more.
Chapter 6: Don't stop writing! I love your story. I love it that she voiced out her yhought about Yongguk staring at her legs.
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaa~ He just admitted he likes her! :D
Chapter 4: Hohohoho. Himchan has something brewing in that naughty head of his. And it makes me excited. :D
Chapter 3: It's okay if there is less fluff. I thought Yongguk knew about her already. :D So... he hates 'love' huh.
Chapter 2: I love the poster. :D And the story too of course. :)
Waiting for more!! ♥