First Kiss

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Dara POV

Dara stared at the women in front of her and then returned her gaze to the dress she was holding.  She saw Kiko smirk, “oh did you want this? Sorry Hun but I do not really think it is your style.  You don’t exactly have the goods to fill it out, if you know what I mean.” Dara just rolled her eyes.  “My goods are just fine thank you; I actually leave some mystery I don’t show off everything like somebody I know…”  Kiko’s lip twitched “Well Jiyong doesn’t seem to be too pleased with your goods.  Seeing as he’s in my bed every night.”  Dara felt as if she had been slapped but she tried to remain her composure as best as she could. “Yes, well we both know that Jiyong has always had horrible taste in women, now if you will excuse me I’m kind of busy and don’t have time to stand here talking to a like you.” Kiko gasped, “You little twit how dare you…  Whatever I’ll let it slide this time but in return I’m keeping this dress.”  Dara just rolled her eyes, “Keep it, like you said it’d look better on you anyway”.  Kiko huffed and walked away.

Dara gripped the clothing rack for support while she tried not to cry.  She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see CL looking at her with worried eyes. “Are you okay?  We got distracted and did not notice until Kiko left.  What did she say?” Dara just shook her head and wiped the tears from her eyes.  “It was nothing, I’m used to it.  Let’s go find me a dress!”  CL just nodded and held up the dress she had in her hand.  “How about this one?  I know it’s a little revealing but you said you didn’t want to be old Dara anymore…”  Dara just grabbed it and went to try it on.  She came out from the dressing room to look at the mirror and she felt everyone’s eyes on her. Lee Min Ho coughed and turned away blushing. Dara looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.  Jiyong would not know what hit him; this was much better than the dress Kiko had taken.  She looked like walking; she could not wait to see everyone’s reaction when she walked in.  Dara quickly got changed and paid for her dress.

She was bouncing with excitement when Minzy told her that she and CL had to leave.  Although a little confused Dara bided them goodbye and told them she would see them at the after party.  After they left Minho suggested they go to the food court since he had not eaten all day. After

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kpopavid17 #1
Chapter 10: Ok jiyong need to stop being a and tell dara yes dara might hate him but at least it came from his mouth and not someone else..... and please don't even try to get them married that's just dumb to the core
luilu88 #2
Chapter 9: I dnt understand why guys have some biches controls them....dont they have backbones ir something? Pathetic!
Chapter 9: i was so happy to see you update this Tay, I need more.
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 9: updates please
MayFrances #5
Chapter 9: Please finish this story....
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee update soon :(
Chapter 8: Taylor, you need to update please. I need to know what happens next.
Chapter 3: Taylor, I'm loving your story so far. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 8: Newbie here!!please update soon
mrschoi09 #10
Chapter 8: New subscriber here..more updates