It Hurts

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Jiyong POV

Jiyong’s was struck dumb when he turned around and saw Dara was standing there holding back tears.  How long had Dara been standing there?  She was not supposed to be there as he already told her to wait inside...“How long have you been standing there?”  Jiyong watched her swallow before answering.  “Long enough. Nothing you say?  So our entire friendship was fake to you and the words you said that day were all lies?”  Jiyong just shook his head stumbling on his words, “Dara, I just I…”  He watched Dara’s eyes turn cold and empty.  “Save it Jiyong, thank you for finally telling me the truth.”  He called after her as she ran away from him.  He wanted to run after her but his feet stayed planted on the ground.  After saying all those things, he did not deserve to go after her.  He did not mean any of the things he said.  Lately Kiko had been blackmailing him with information that could ruin Dara’s life. He was forced to stay with her and keep her happy.  He hated lying about his feelings for Dara. The truth was that he loved her he just was not ready to admit it to anyone let alone Dara. He loved almost everything about her.  He loved how no amount of food could sustain her.  He loved how kissable she looked when she pouted, or how beautiful she looked when smiled. He loved how she was never selfish and always listened to what he had to say.  He loved how sweet her kiss was.  He could still remember the day when he first tasted her lips. 

**It had been the day Seunghyun had asked his permission to take Dara out on a date, and even though it killed him, he had said yes.  He could still remember the entire conversation. He had been lounging in his favorite chair going over the lyrics he had just written for Big Bang’s new song when Seunghyun had come in the room. “Hey Jiyong, I’ve been looking for you.  We need to talk.”  Jiyong was confused he did not think anything had happened lately.  “About what?”  Seunghyun took a deep breath before replying, “Dara, We need to talk about Dara.” Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.  Why did Seunghyun want to talk about Dara?  “What's with her that you want to talk about?”  Seunghyun looked him straight in the eyes.  “I want to take her out on a date.” Of course being his stupid self-Jiyong had replied.  “Hyung, why are you asking me permission?  Dara’s love life has nothing to do with me.  If you want to ask her out then do so, I don’t care.”  Seunghyun smiled, “I already did, and I was just making sure it was okay with you”.  Jiyong’s eyes widen in surprise. Seunghyun already asked...  What did Dara say?  She would not really go out with his friend would she?  Before he could stop himself Jiyong found himself asking, “What did she say?”  Seunghyun smiled grew bigger and he fist pumped his excitement “SHE SAID YES! Boomshakalaka!”  Jiyong grinned at his use of their lyrics.  However, inside he was going through emotional turmoil.  She was really going out with someone else… it is not as if she had not been on other dates before, so why did this one seem to affect him so much?  Maybe it is because he knew that given time Dara could really fall for Seunghyun.  “So when’s the big day?”  Seunghyun looked at his phone calendar with wide eyes.  “It’s today, Oh my god Jiyong!  It’s today, what am I going to wear!”  Jiyong rolled his eyes, always the dramatics with Seunghyun.  He sometimes wondered who was worse Seunghyun or Seungri.  “Just wear whatever you want, it’s just Dara.”  Seunghyun gasped, “How can you say that!  It’s not just everyday Dara, it’s dating Dara, she’s going to more beautiful than usual, and I’m going to feel so unworthy next to her…”  Jiyong could not stand listening to anymore of Seunghyun’s nonsense so he got up and walked away leaving Seunghyun pacing the floor.  He went to his room and collapsed on his bed staring at the ceiling.  What was this sick feeling in his stomach?  Maybe if he went to sleep it would go away, but that was impossible. He could not sleep knowing that Seunghyun would be the one holding her hand, the one with his arm around her shoulder… what if he was the one to take her first kiss…  God all of these thoughts were pissing Jiyong off, he could just sit here and ponder things.  Therefore, Jiyong decided he was not going to think at all and went to a nearby bar. Hour after hour Jiyong nursed his pride with beer.  He wondered what Dara and Seunghyun were doing.  Was he holding her hand?  Did she smile at him with stars in her eyes?  Did she blush at something he said?  Did he make her pout her kissable mouth? God he was still having those thoughts.  He came here so not to think those things. He needed air so he grabbed his coat and left the bar.  Before he knew it he found himself outside of Dara’s apartment building, he rang her buzzer but nobody answered, she must not be home yet.  He decided he would wait for her.  He was too tired to walk anymore.  He sat on her doorstep for what felt like hours. He looked at his watch every five minutes to see the time.  He checked his phone in 5 second intervals to see if she texted. Finally, he heard the click, click, click of her shoes.  There she was coming up the sidewalk and she looked beautiful, she really went all out for her date with Seunghyun. “Jiyong?  Why are you here, did something happen?”  Jiyong stood up and started walking over to her but in mid-step he stumbled and ended up hugging her. “DARA, YOU’RE BACK!  I was so sad, don’t ever leave me arasso!”  Dara laughed and wrapped her arm around his waist holding him up. “Arasso Jiyong, let’s get you inside.” Dara lead him up to her apartment and left him in the living room, she then went to her bedroom to change out of her date clothes.  The voice inside his head told her to follow her and without his permission, his feet walked him toward the bedroom just as Dara was taking off her shirt.  He drew in a deep breath at the sight of her bare skin.  It looked so soft he just had to touch it.  His hands reached out and touched her waist, her skin as soft as he imagined it to be. He heard her gasp as she turned around. He saw her flush as his eyes roamed her body, her s rising and falling with each breath.  Jiyong resisted the urge to remove her bra so he could get a better look. He pulled her closer and felt her shiver.  He could not help but notice how beautiful she looked, her skin flushed and her chocolate eyes staring at him in confusion.  “Dara do you know how beautiful you are?”  Dara’s eyes widened and she shook her head, “I think you’re drunk Jiyong.” Jiyong couldn’t help but laugh, he was slightly drunk but he had wanted to do t

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kpopavid17 #1
Chapter 10: Ok jiyong need to stop being a and tell dara yes dara might hate him but at least it came from his mouth and not someone else..... and please don't even try to get them married that's just dumb to the core
luilu88 #2
Chapter 9: I dnt understand why guys have some biches controls them....dont they have backbones ir something? Pathetic!
Chapter 9: i was so happy to see you update this Tay, I need more.
wenkie0414 #4
Chapter 9: updates please
MayFrances #5
Chapter 9: Please finish this story....
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee update soon :(
Chapter 8: Taylor, you need to update please. I need to know what happens next.
Chapter 3: Taylor, I'm loving your story so far. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 8: Newbie here!!please update soon
mrschoi09 #10
Chapter 8: New subscriber here..more updates