Chapter 2

Back for revenge

*Victoria POV*

The flight was killing me.My hurts,my feet are all numb and it was so stuffy.We are in an airplane but the place was way too crowded.Those passengers in the first class area must be so delighted in where they are now.

The trip lasted for more then 6 hours and I desperately wanted to go down already.Man!I can't feel my legs anymore and to add it all up my stomach was complaining that it hadn't eaten a decent breakfast and it wants me to feed it.

I reached for my ipod and plugged it into my ears.The blasting sound slowly blocking my view of the world.I love my ipod it was the thing that helped me get over Nichkhun.It has been my only friend and I will love it forever,no one in the world can change our love.

I think this is the reason why people find me wierd.Like I even care what they think!I'm Victoria Song and I don't care about what they say!

After what seemed to be years,our plane has finally landed.Thank god!

I stood up stretching bringing life back into my legs.Man,that feels do good.

My ipod was still plugges into my ears as scurry along with the other passengers.

Their airport was huge.I didn't really expect that.The sun illuminated the whole airport it almost made my eyes burn.Whoever desingned and built their airport was a genius.Hats off to you,my friend!Whoever you are.

As I made my way into the crowd of people I try to scan them as I look Seohyun.I'm not really sure what she looks like though,I mean I haven't seen her for a year she could've changed.I was growing really impatient that I had the urge to just take a cab and leave.

I waited for what seemed to be like hours momentarilly trying to scan the crowd as I look for her.Why am I even wasting my time waiting for nothing.I'm getting out here.Adios amigo!I'll just let them know that I already left.No problem,right?

I called for a cab and showed him the address.I've only been gone for a year and a lot of things has changed.Kpop.It has been ruling the world lately.I practically hear it everywhere even in the States.My friends are crazy about it especially about this boyband called Shinee.I haven't listened to them though,I'm not really interested but I do have to admit the other songs are catchy.

For some reason I'm glad I came back.Have you ever felt the feeling that you knew something was going to happen but you don't whether it was good or bad?

We arrived at what looked like a high class hotel.She lives here!Man,they must be billionaires.I entered the building slowly trying to catch every glimpse and detail.It looked like one of those hotels that we used to go and party to.I haven't really talked to Seohyun so expected she had change but I hope not.I still want her to be that girl who swore she'd kill Nichkhun if she ever saw him.It'd be a shame if she changed.

I was still admiring the lobby when I suddenly bumped into someone."Mianhe!"I turned to look seeing a boy with shaggy brown hair bowing to me.I bowed back.I let out a low chuckle as I see that he hasn't lifted his head."Gwenchana."I say trying to hide my english accent.

"You don't live here?"he slowly asks in english.He was good.Might be one of those rich kids,I thought.

"How did you know?"I asked quite impressed.

"Your accent.It's different."

"'re good."I say a smile creeping on my lips.

"Want me to show you around?"he asks me politely.

I smile as I follow him from behind.

*Nichkhun POV*

Where is that kid?One moment he's here the next he's gone.

I scan the crowd of people looking for a pretty boy with shaggy brown hair.I spotted him with a girl.He was bowing down to her.Another victim of his clumsiness,I thought.

For a minute there I thought I've seen her before.I don't really remember who,though.Probably one of those girls who used to chase after me.

"Hyung!"he called after me waving his hands in the air like and idiot.Man,this kid is embarrassing .I wanted to pretend like I didn't know him but I can't.Call me a ert or a e or gay but sometimes I wish he was a girl and that he wasn't my brother.He's one of those so called pretty boys no wonder girls dig him.

"What took you so long?"Iask him pretending to be irritated.

"I bumped into a girl."he smiles like he found a treasure."She was pretty cute.I asked her number."

"You bumped into a girl and you asked her number?"I looked at him amazed.I swear I think this boy really comes after me.We can ger any girl we like.If only he knows that."She gave it to you?"

"Yeah!I told her I'd show her around."he smiles again.

"This is the first time you've been to Korea,you don't even know anything."

"That's why I need your help."

"Do you liked her?"I ask.

"No,I want her to be ,my friend since we both came from America."he simple says.

"What's her name?"

"Victoria.Victoria Song."he replies.

Victoria Song!She's back!The girl who broke up with me,my first girlfriend.

Kyuhyun turns to leave leaving me there on the same spot with my mouth hanging open.

I'm sorry if it's a bit short.The other chapters will be longer,I promise XD

And thank thank you for all my new subscriber.






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vicqian #1
Chapter 6: Why the Saturday seems so long. I want to know what will happen. Update soon •⌣•
Chapter 6: Where's Vic's pov??
Chapter 6: Its not finish? Is it?
vicqian #4
Chapter 5: Very very short chapter ... Update soon •⌣•
Chapter 5: Looking forward to ur next chapter!
vicqian #6
Chapter 4: Khun & Kyu is sibling? I just feel weird because Khun with Kyu not with Woo or Taec. But it's oke, I'll just follow ur story line authornim •⌣• Update soon ...
Chapter 4: I just reread the last chapter and who is the girl that kyu bumped into?? Pls don't let it be seohyun cus I'm not a big fan of seokyu..
Chapter 3: I think you mistyped some names, Kyuhyun to Nichkhun. ;) Hmmm, this is actually giving me some shots of Chansung than Kyuhyun. LOL I can't see Kyuhyun in here. LOL Also, the POV's. Don't mix the thoughts, have each of them. I kinda like the idea, ganbatte kudasai ne!
Reading the forewords. . .oh my, I am not really a fan of SeoKyu. Then I saw Amber with. . . MYUNGSOO? Wow. That is something. . .new.
Chapter 3: I thought kyu always called Vic qian?
Love both kyutoria and Khuntoria!!!!❤