Chapter 1

Back for revenge

*Victoria POV*

"Victoria!Open up!You're going to be late and you haven't even packed your things."I was awakened by the loud banging of the door that shaked the whole room.

"I'm coming!"I shouted hoping she would leave.Don't get me wrong I loved my mom but sometimes she can really be a pain in the .These were some of the times when I'd really wish oppa was here,he's the only one who can control that woman.

I quickly got my robe and headed downstairs.The kitchen was filled with the smell of bacon and eggs-again.This is the only breakfast I had ever since I've been here.I'm not really a fan of the food they have,I do love the burgers and pizza though.

This is my first time coming back to Korea again and it's one of biggest desicions I ever had to make aside from coming here to America.My mom whined on and on about going now she  finally gets her wish.Don't get me started how many blackmails and begging she had to do to get me to agree.Plus,I had pretty good reason why I didn't want to go back.

Korea only reminded me of the pain and sacrifice I had to suffer because of demon boy I fell in love with a year ago-Nichkhun.

Oh god!How I hate that name.

After eating my bacon and eggs I proceeded to fixing and packing my things.I sighed as I took one last look at my room.I'm hoping aunt we'll take care of this place and nothing would change.I closed the door leaving only one thing,the pictures I used to have of him.

No matter how much I tried to forget,how much I wanted to forget,the pain and the memory still clung to me.It hasn't really been the same after we broke up even when I moved here.I still remember the times when I thought he was the one and up till now I can't believe I fell for those innocent eyes and that smile.He didn't love me,he never did.

It was summer that day when I met him.My dog ran from his leash I found him with Nichkhun.We started hanging out after that until we fell inlove-if that's even true.I was naive and young I didn't care about what people would say even when they told me that I was getting hurt and needed to stop.I wasn't fooling anyone but I still clung onto him because I loved him way to much to let him go.

We continued with our relationship but he was still the same.It seemed like I didn't even mattered to him like I was only a barbie doll  made for display.He only showed me up so he can have something to brag about.I was sick and tired and was disgusted with myself.

That day was my birthday.I wanted to celebrate it with him so I waited and waited but he didn't come.I went to his house and asked his sister where he was she told me he went somewhere with his friend and she offered me to wait if I wanted to.I didn't want to but I still waited for him like an idiot that I was.He never came.

The next day he acted like nothing ever happened.I ended it,I just couldn't take it anymore.I found myself crying afterwards and I wanted to take it all back but I knew it was too late.

A couple of days after we broke up I found him holding hands with another girl.He walked passed me like he didn't even know who I was.I felt stupid for even crying about him,for even wanting him back.From that day on I swore I'd leave everything behind,it was reason why I agreed to come to America.I wanted to forget about him I wanted to forget everything that happened between us.

I've killed the old Victoria and she's never coming back.

*Nichkhun's POV*

I think it's been a year now since I broke up with that girl,Victoria.It's kind of wierd that I heven't forgotten about her.She had been my longest girlfriend and believe me or not I never regretted it.She was the most patient girl the had ever put up with me.I salute her hats off.I'm happy she broke up with me.I'm not that type to just stick with one girl.

"Oppa."I turned to my side finding the girl who followed me to my apartment last night.I can't believe this girl haven't left yet.What part of we are over doesn't she understand.We met two weeks ago.Back then I thought she was hot but know she just looks way to easy.We may have slept together but don't worry I haven't knocked her up.

I don't look at her that way.

I rub the back of my neck running my hands through my hair.I was about to leave when she grabs me by my arm pulling me back down.Why can't this girl just leave me alone!

I pull my arm from her grasp as I bent to reach for her jacket throwing it to her face.I really didn't mean to do that though but Jessica is really irritating.This is the third time she followed me to my apartment and don't even  get me started on how many times she has broken in.I told her to leave me alone,I mean we broke up, shouldn't she hate me for it?

Damn you Jessica.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket knowing who it was I didn't bother looking at it.

Can't these girls understand what  a one stand is?I was just playing with them and know they're taking it all seriously.

Girls are so easy to manipulate.All of them are just the same.

Chapter one is done!!!

Thank you to all my subscribers!!Please continue supporting this fic xoxo









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vicqian #1
Chapter 6: Why the Saturday seems so long. I want to know what will happen. Update soon •⌣•
Chapter 6: Where's Vic's pov??
Chapter 6: Its not finish? Is it?
vicqian #4
Chapter 5: Very very short chapter ... Update soon •⌣•
Chapter 5: Looking forward to ur next chapter!
vicqian #6
Chapter 4: Khun & Kyu is sibling? I just feel weird because Khun with Kyu not with Woo or Taec. But it's oke, I'll just follow ur story line authornim •⌣• Update soon ...
Chapter 4: I just reread the last chapter and who is the girl that kyu bumped into?? Pls don't let it be seohyun cus I'm not a big fan of seokyu..
Chapter 3: I think you mistyped some names, Kyuhyun to Nichkhun. ;) Hmmm, this is actually giving me some shots of Chansung than Kyuhyun. LOL I can't see Kyuhyun in here. LOL Also, the POV's. Don't mix the thoughts, have each of them. I kinda like the idea, ganbatte kudasai ne!
Reading the forewords. . .oh my, I am not really a fan of SeoKyu. Then I saw Amber with. . . MYUNGSOO? Wow. That is something. . .new.
Chapter 3: I thought kyu always called Vic qian?
Love both kyutoria and Khuntoria!!!!❤