3 Years Later

The Need For Each Other

That night at Rosy Dawn was one of the most precious memories for Hyun. She cherished the memory like nothing else ever existed. But she knew that she had to get away from Youngsaeng. She can't fall in love with him. She's a model. She has a contract. 

So, that day, at 1.30am, when Youngsaeng took Hyun home after she managed to contact her manager, Hyun had turned to Youngsaeng and had said,

"Thanks for today. I had a lot of fun." Youngsaeng's eyebrows furrowed.

"You're making it sound like I'm not going to ever see you again!" He laughed and Hyun just smiled along. She didn't have the heart to tell him that she was really going to leave.

"It's late. You should get some rest so you can finish the rest of the photoshoot. You're taking two weeks off after right? Want me to show you around Seoul?" Youngsaeng suggested. Hyun smiled and said,

"It's okay. I'm my own tour guide." They both laughed and Hyun just savoured the last feeling of being with Youngsaeng.

"I'm going to bed now. I'll see you." Hyun was lying. She knew it. But she couldn't bring herself to not say goodbye to the puppy dog Youngsaeng.

"Bye!" He said as she walked away. She willed herself to not turned around. She wasn't going to be able to leave him if she did.


Hyun woke up with a yawn and opened her eyes slowly. She smiled at the sun that was streaming in through her closed curtains. It was just that bright. She got out of bed slowly and walked leisurely towards the curtains. She pulled them aside in one go and felt the sunlight course through her body.

She smiled and closed her eyes as she felt the sunlight warm her up. After a few minutes, she turned around and walked to her wardrobe. She opened the door to the wardrobe but the first thing she saw was the silk shirt of Youngsaeng's handing on the wall.

Hyun stopped moved, breathing; everything and just concentrated on the shirt. Finally, she regained herself and walked slowly towards the shirt. Her hand had a mind of its own and reached for the shirt. The soft cold fabric touched her hand and a tear dropped. She wiped it away hurriedly and turned away from the shirt, desperate to forget about Youngsaeng and what happened to the two 3 years ago.

"Okay Hyun, today is an important day! You have to do this job well and then you'll get the money you need to go travelling for 3 months! World! Here I come!" She said to herself and chose a pair of short shorts and a tank top. 

20 minutes later, she was changed and ready to go. Her mobile rang.

"Hello?" Hyun said into the phone as she put on her gladiators while sitting on the ground. No one spoke. Hyun frowned and looked at the screen on her phone. The number was unlisted.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Hyun asked and all she got was an empty reply. Hyun shook her head and hung up. She had finished putting on her shoes and then walked out of her house, keys in hand as she locked the door. 

An hour later, she arrived at the place where she was to have a photoshoot and ad shoot for Channel. She greeted everyone that was there and was walking to her manager when suddenly, she saw who her manager was talking to: Heo Youngsaeng.

Hyun's eyes widened and she instantly turned around but not before Katie had turned around and spotted her.

"HYUN!" Hyun cringed at the sound of her name and she turned around and plastered a smile on her face as she walked slowly towards her manager and...him.

"You remember Youngsaeng right? You met him 3 years ago when he asked you to shoot an ad for his shopping complex remember?" Hyun pretended to not remember.

"Sorry. 3 years is a long time to remember something like that." She said with an apologetic smile. His face was a mask. His eyes even, betrayed no hint of an emotion.


"That photoshoot was long!" Hyun smiled and flexed her back.

"You okay?" Katie asked her and she nodded.

"Well, I'm going to go back to the company now. There seems to be some problem with one of the new models. I have to go check them out. I'll call you tomorrow if you have a schedule okay?" Hyun nodded and watched her leave. She was about to leave to when a voice stopped her.

"Want to get a drink?" She sighed and turned to face her worst nightmare.

"I don't drink." 

"Coffee?" He asked.

"I don't drink coffee either." He cocked an eyebrow and was about to make another suggestion when she cut him short.

"I know a really good bubble tea shop. Want to go get one?"


As they were on our bubble tea standing on a bridge, Youngsaeng asked Hyun,

"Why did you leave without saying anything?" Hyun didn't say anything.

"I looked for you for 2 whole weeks around Korea before Joon got the news that you came back to America." She swallowed my sobs.

"Are you going to tell me why you left without saying anything?" Youngsaeng said again. He was still facing the sea.

She knew she had to answer sooner or later so Hyun decided to just answer.

"Where I am has nothing to do with you. I don't have to tell you where I am or where I'm going. My schedule doesn't revolve around you." She sounded harsh. She knew it. But that was the point. So that he can finally LEAVE and forget about her.

"Don't lie Hyun. I know you felt the connection that day at my house." She turned to him and put on her best sneer.

"What connection?! Stop dreaming Heo Youngsaeng! You and I aren't meant to be." She said. He finally turned to her. 

"Are you telling me that you don't like me back as much as I like you?" Hyun had been waiting to hear that for 3 years. 

"That's right. I don't feel anything for you!" Hyun wanted to take back what she just said. But she couldn't. She had already said everything she could to get him to leave. There was no way she could take it back now. 

Hyun looked up at Youngsaeng and said,

"I'm going home." She turned around and was about to leave when Youngsaeng grabbed her arm, they both facing opposite ways.

"Don't lie Hyun." Hyun flicked her arm away from Youngsaeng and was about to speak when Youngsaeng's lips crashed down to hers.

"I love you Hyun." 


y ending i knowwwww~!!! i would protest if one of my subscriptions ended like this = = but i really cant rite anymore for this story >< i have too much up my sleeve so im so sorry for u guys having to settle with this kind of an ending ><



the rest of the story, you guys can just imagine it ^^ its up to you now~ will hyun say that she loves him too or will she reject him?! ^^

bye you guys~ and thanks for supporting me!!!




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Please updateeeee I love ur stories :)
vickyvicky321 #2
good job!
Awweh! <3 such a cute story!! <br />
&& I know right?! SS501 NEEDS to have a 5-together-as-1 comeback T_T <br />
Triple S here too ^^
English101 #4
In my head, she responds to his kiss, not being able to hold her crippling emotions back any longer. It was three long, hard years of remembering that one man that finally made her feel alive again...and he had finally found her. Just like in Pretty Woman, she wanted the fairy tale...and YoungSaeng is the perfect businessman to give it to her. <br />
<br />
He can taste her tears falling into their kiss and he slowly stops, holding her at arms length to look into her eyes. Gently he grazes her face with his thumbs, removing her salty tears. <br />
<br />
Though she tries to only look at the floor, YoungSaeng gently lifts her chin until she meets his gaze. "You don't have to be alone anymore," he whispered, pleading with his eyes. The way her breath caught when she heard his words, and the way her eyes glazed over with fresh emotion, was all the sign he needed. "Saranghae, arachi?"<br />
<br />
Bringing her hands up to unceremoniously wipe her tears away, she nodded slightly while looking at the ground again. Slowly, she gathered her strength and looked up at him again. "Araso. Na do, saranghae."<br />
<br />
With that, YoungSaeng's heart soared and he pulled her into a tight embrace. <br />
<br />
And they lived happily ever after. <br />
<br />
The end. <br />
<br />
*Nods in satisfaction.* Yeah, in my head and heart.....that's what happens. :)
youngsaeng_lover #5
wow..definitely want to young saeng being affectionate like that...so spontaneous and sweet...update soon..=D
Ah cute moment! (:
English101 #7
Awww! That's so freakin' adorable. YoungSaeng is such a complex person. I can't, but at the same time, can totally see him being affectionate like that. <br />
<br />
Too bad I'm not there to witness it first hand, eh? Lol.
Aww so Kyute >.< They would make such a sweet couple if they would try. There's still more to come I hope ^-^<br />
Update soon ;P AMD<3KPOP
English101 #9
Lol. That's so funny. I wish that would happen to me. ;)
O.o I would die if that happened to me <br />
Update when you can ;P AMD<3KPOP