She Sees His Angelic Side ; He Sees her Side

The Need For Each Other

I never thought that I would see this side of him...Hyun thought to herself as she peered side ways and saw Youngsaeng bobbing to some soft music that was coming out of the high-tech stereo in the car. She couldn't help but smile at herself and before she got caught, she turned out and looked out the window.

20 minutes later, they were at an uptown apartment building.

Hyun stared but when Youngsaeng gestured to her to come in, she instantly neutralized her expression and followed him into the red/expensive looking lobby that could fit at least 100 people and would still have room for more.

Youngsaeng got into the elevator and Hyun followed. He pressed the highest number there (7) and up they went, neither of them talking. Even the elevators were dripping with dollar signs. This reminded Hyun of her own apartment building except obviously, it wasn't THIS high class.

"Come on." Youngsaeng said, getting off the elevator and Hyun realised that she had been day dreaming a tad too long. She followed obediantly, every step making her foot throb. Finally, she could walked anymore and dropped onto the group, wincing at the pain. She tried to get up again but was to no avail.

Her whole foot felt weak.

A figure loomed over her and Hyun said without looking up,

"It's good. Let me just catch my-WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Youngsaeng had picked her up bridal style before she even got a chance to finish her sentence! Youngsaeng looked at her sternly and said,

"You really think I believe that your only going to catch your breath and then you can get up and walk again? Don't look at me like that. I'm not some stupid guy okay?" Youngsaeng said and then turned around and started walking again, Hyun in his arms.

Some how, being so close to Youngsaeng, Hyun felt close to him. He felt secure and maybe, he could be the guy that Hyun can finally depend on...who knows.

Youngsaeng finally stopped in front of a door and was trying to get his keys would when Hyun said,

"You can put me down first you know..." He gave her a small smile and then he did put her down. She brushed down her jeans and waited for him to open the door for her. He finally did and Hyun limped in first. She collapsed on the couch.

"I'll get the bath ready for you. Bubbles are fine right?" Hyun looked up and smiled at Youngsaeng with a nod.

"That would be great thanks." He smiled back and then left.

Hyun looked up at the clock that was directly in front of her and saw that it was 17 minutes passed 7. She checked her phone and saw that she had no new texts and no missed calls.

"She's so dead." Hyun said under her breath and then stuffed her phone back in her bag. She finally looked around at her surroundings and saw that his place was pretty clean itself. He had a large plasma screen TV that was on the wall with a long shelf horizontal on the ground filled with DVD's and CD's (mostly CD's). He had one of the biggest stereo's that Hyun had ever seen sitting on top of the shelf. 

His kitchen was high class also. Almost everything was stainless steel. He had only a rectangular dining table that looked like it had never been used before. There was hardly no decorations on the wall except about 4 large paintings/photos. One painting was of a cluster of musical instruments. One photo was of a group that was called...SS501? Another painting was of a scenery and the last photo was of a stage.

"He must really love music..." Hyun whispered to herself and at that time, Youngsaeng came out wiping his hands on a piece of tissue.

"You're bath is done. If you need anything, just shout out for me okay?" Hyun smiled to him, nodded and then walked into the bathroom.


Youngsaeng sat down on the same seat that Hyun had taken was saw that she left her bag on the ground. He didn't do anything but just left it there. He heard a small splash in the bath and heard a sigh of relief. He just smiled.

"She's not that bad..." Youngsaeng said and then he the stereo. He played the song that was already on the stereo. It was SS501's A Song Calling For You. He always found that song really adorable. 

He closed his eyes and drifted off into dream land...........


Hyun played with the bubbles and at the soothing feel of the warm water surrounding her body. She smiled and rubbed her arms in an up and down motion.

"This is so awesome~~~" She didn't want to get out. But, when she peered in the clock and saw that it was 7.46, she knew that she HAD to get out. She had been in the bath for almost 20 minutes! She got out, wrapped the towel around her and then unplugged the water, letting it drain down. She looked down at the pile of her clothes and pouted. 

The only thing she could wear was her jeans, her under garmets and that was it. Her other clothes stank. She didn't even need to check! Now would be a good time to ask Youngsaeng...except she was embarrassed!

"Whatever, he said I could call him for anything!"

Hyun went to the door and said,

"Youngsaeng-ssi? Could you come here for a second?"

-No response-

"Youngsaeng-ssi?!" Hyun tried again, this time raising her voice a little higher. No response again. 

"YOUNGSAENG-SSI!" Still no response. Hyun finally heard the sounds of music and rolled her eyes.

"No wonder." She said to herself and then, unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom, her towel still wrapped around her tightly. She walked into living room and saw that Youngsaeng had fallen asleep.

"I don't want to wake him up..." Hyun whispered to herself. She looked at Youngsaeng's face and loved the way his face looked...there was even a smile there.

Without meaning to, Hyun raised her hand to gently Youngsaeng's face. She didn't mean to disturb him!


Youngsaeng felt a hand on his face so he grabbed it and pulled it towards him, his eyes closed the whole time. He felt another body crush against him that was slightly wet. He frowned (his eyes still closed). He inhaled the persons smell without making a scene and thought she smelled like a bath.

That was when he chose to open his eyes.

And he saw Hyun blushing madly.

He looked down and not only saw his hand on hers but also her partly body and got up hurriedly.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you! I didn't! I swear!" He said. He had no idea what was coming out of his mouth though! In the end, he stopped talking when he heard giggling.

"It's okay~That was my fault too so it's okay. Anyways, do you mind if I borrow a shirt? My clothes smell disgusting." She said, her face apologetic. Youngsaeng immediately snapped to attention and nodded furiously.

"Of course!" He ran into his room and instantly chose his white silk shirt and then ran out and handed it to Hyun.

"Thanks." She said and then walked back into the bathroom.


She closed the door behind her and breathed a heavy sigh. 

"OH.MY.GOD." She whispered to herself and buried her face in her hands and the shirt that Youngsaeng had just lent her. 

"Okay. Calm down Hyun! Just go get changed, go outside and pretend that that did NOT just happen." She said to herself, trying to calm her rushing heartbeat.

"Okay! I can do this!" She said to herself and then got up and started to change but then...

"I can't do this..." 

She sat back down on the floor and covered herself up.

"What am I going to do~~~~"

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Please updateeeee I love ur stories :)
vickyvicky321 #2
good job!
Awweh! <3 such a cute story!! <br />
&& I know right?! SS501 NEEDS to have a 5-together-as-1 comeback T_T <br />
Triple S here too ^^
English101 #4
In my head, she responds to his kiss, not being able to hold her crippling emotions back any longer. It was three long, hard years of remembering that one man that finally made her feel alive again...and he had finally found her. Just like in Pretty Woman, she wanted the fairy tale...and YoungSaeng is the perfect businessman to give it to her. <br />
<br />
He can taste her tears falling into their kiss and he slowly stops, holding her at arms length to look into her eyes. Gently he grazes her face with his thumbs, removing her salty tears. <br />
<br />
Though she tries to only look at the floor, YoungSaeng gently lifts her chin until she meets his gaze. "You don't have to be alone anymore," he whispered, pleading with his eyes. The way her breath caught when she heard his words, and the way her eyes glazed over with fresh emotion, was all the sign he needed. "Saranghae, arachi?"<br />
<br />
Bringing her hands up to unceremoniously wipe her tears away, she nodded slightly while looking at the ground again. Slowly, she gathered her strength and looked up at him again. "Araso. Na do, saranghae."<br />
<br />
With that, YoungSaeng's heart soared and he pulled her into a tight embrace. <br />
<br />
And they lived happily ever after. <br />
<br />
The end. <br />
<br />
*Nods in satisfaction.* Yeah, in my head and heart.....that's what happens. :)
youngsaeng_lover #5
wow..definitely want to young saeng being affectionate like spontaneous and sweet...update soon..=D
Ah cute moment! (:
English101 #7
Awww! That's so freakin' adorable. YoungSaeng is such a complex person. I can't, but at the same time, can totally see him being affectionate like that. <br />
<br />
Too bad I'm not there to witness it first hand, eh? Lol.
Aww so Kyute >.< They would make such a sweet couple if they would try. There's still more to come I hope ^-^<br />
Update soon ;P AMD<3KPOP
English101 #9
Lol. That's so funny. I wish that would happen to me. ;)
O.o I would die if that happened to me <br />
Update when you can ;P AMD<3KPOP