She speaks Korean, He looks like a Puppy Dog

The Need For Each Other

Hyun saw the CEO of Byul Complex.

She thought she was dreaming.

“Welcome to Seoul.” He said befor she burst out laughing and he looked taken aback.

She took off her sunglasses and said,

“I’m sorry.” She was trying to control of laughter but whenever she saw the confused look the CEO gave her, she just burst out laughing again.

“Hyun!” Her manager warned her and she controlled herself again.

Taking out her hand, she said (in English),

“Nice to meet you. I’m Hyun.”

“Heo Youngsaeng.” Hyun gave him a small smile and then, began to speak in Korean.

“So, is the weather always this nice here?” She looked out the window but when she didn’t get an answer, she turned back and saw a look of surprise just the same when she was back in Japan.

Back in Japan, she pretended to not know any Japanese but when she was leaving, she began to speak fluent Japanese.

It was funny!

“You…speak Korean?” He said in English.

Hyun laughed.

“I can speak fluent Korean, Japanese and Chinese. I am Asian you know.” Hyun said, once again in perfect Korean.

“So, are you going to answer my question?”

Hyun was going to have a fun time with this CEO.

“Yeah, the weather is like this all the time when it’s summer...”

Hyun smiled and opened the window, letting the cool breeze come into the car.

“Then I’m glad I came at the right time.”


Youngsaeng was taken aback when he realized that she could speak fluent Korean.

When she opened the window, Youngsaeng couldn’t help but smile.

For some reason, this girl wasn’t as stuck up as the previous models he had hired from America.

Throughout the whole drive, his eyes were glued onto the back of her head for some reason that he didn’t know.

When they finally got to Byul Shopping Complex, they both got out.

Hyun put her sunnies back on and Youngsaeng began to guide her into his shopping centre.

As they were looking around, Youngsaeng caught a few girls pointing at her excitedly. Youngsaeng also caught a few boys staring at her and following her and for some reason, on impulse, he grabbed her hand and made a quick run away.

When he had finally stopped, Hyun had yanked her hand out of Youngsaeng’s and demanded,

“What the hell?!” Youngsaeng didn’t have an explanation.

That was the first time he was so impulsive.

He decided to just apologize.

He bowed down and said,

“Choesonghamnida! I don’t know what came to me!”

“You’d better be sorry. And I thought you weren’t like the other guys! I guess I was wrong.”

She turned around and then walked away.

Youngsaeng sighed and then ran to catch up to her.

“Let me make it up to you.”

“How?” She said and was looking around, as if trying to find something.

“I can get you anything.” She stopped and turned her him with a raised eyebrow.

“You’re trying to buy me.” Youngsaeng’s eyes widened and he quickly denied it.

“That isn’t what I meant!” Hyun turned away and continued to search for the thing she seemed to be missing.

“Well, for you information, I don’t need anything but a “boyfriend” at this point in time.” Hyun said it because she knew there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

Youngsaeng stopped walking and what his dad said flitted into his mind.

“Youngsaeng, you’re 28, you should get yourself a girlfriend now otherwise I’m going to pick someone out for you. You have another two months to find someone.”

Youngsaeng’s dad said that to him two days ago.

He snapped out of it and then ran to Hyun, grabbed her arm and turned her around roughly than he was supposed to.

“Let’s go out.”

All he saw was her eyes widen for a second because after that, he felt a sting on his left cheek and his head snapping to the right.

“I didn’t mean you!” She shouted and then walked off but Youngsaeng regained his posture and ran after her again.

“Look, I need to find myself a “girlfriend” too or my dad will find me one. It’ll be a girl I don’t like and will never like! Can’t we just pretend?”

Hyun turned to looked at Youngsaeng, her eyes deadly serious.

“I don’t date for fun. I date for real.”

And she walked away.


Who the hell does he think he is?! Asking me to go out with him like that?! Hyun thought to herself as she walked away from the CEO, her employer to find her manager.

Hyun wasn’t normally this angry but what he had just said to her made her so pissed.

And when a top model is pissed, she stays pissed. For a long time.

“Hyun!” Hyun turned around and was relieved to see her manager running towards her. They hugged each other as if they hadn’t seen each other in 10 years.

“Gosh! Thank god you’re okay!” Her manager said and Hyun explained.

“Oh, my Gosh! That CEO is a creep! He just asked me out because he says that he needs a girlfriend too! What the hell is wrong with that guy?!”

Hyun didn’t see the CEO’s secretary, Joon, standing there.

Otherwise, she would’ve shut up because, she got slapped by him.

“You don’t know Youngsaeng hyung! He’s the nicest guy ever! His father is strict! He wanted to become an entertainer but his father never let him! He sings at a club called Rosy Dawn for an hour everyday starting at 12-“

He never got to finish before Youngsaeng gagged him to shut him up.

Youngsaeng whispered something in Joon ear and after nodding, he let go. Youngsaeng looked up at Hyun,

“Look. You can hate me all you want, I honestly don’t care. What others think about me is their own problem. I just hope that you do a good job to advertise our company. If you don’t, I’ll make sure you never get another job again.”

Youngsaeng turned around, his fist clenched.

Hyun stared at him and turned to Katie.

“I’m leaving.”

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Please updateeeee I love ur stories :)
vickyvicky321 #2
good job!
Awweh! <3 such a cute story!! <br />
&& I know right?! SS501 NEEDS to have a 5-together-as-1 comeback T_T <br />
Triple S here too ^^
English101 #4
In my head, she responds to his kiss, not being able to hold her crippling emotions back any longer. It was three long, hard years of remembering that one man that finally made her feel alive again...and he had finally found her. Just like in Pretty Woman, she wanted the fairy tale...and YoungSaeng is the perfect businessman to give it to her. <br />
<br />
He can taste her tears falling into their kiss and he slowly stops, holding her at arms length to look into her eyes. Gently he grazes her face with his thumbs, removing her salty tears. <br />
<br />
Though she tries to only look at the floor, YoungSaeng gently lifts her chin until she meets his gaze. "You don't have to be alone anymore," he whispered, pleading with his eyes. The way her breath caught when she heard his words, and the way her eyes glazed over with fresh emotion, was all the sign he needed. "Saranghae, arachi?"<br />
<br />
Bringing her hands up to unceremoniously wipe her tears away, she nodded slightly while looking at the ground again. Slowly, she gathered her strength and looked up at him again. "Araso. Na do, saranghae."<br />
<br />
With that, YoungSaeng's heart soared and he pulled her into a tight embrace. <br />
<br />
And they lived happily ever after. <br />
<br />
The end. <br />
<br />
*Nods in satisfaction.* Yeah, in my head and heart.....that's what happens. :)
youngsaeng_lover #5
wow..definitely want to young saeng being affectionate like spontaneous and sweet...update soon..=D
Ah cute moment! (:
English101 #7
Awww! That's so freakin' adorable. YoungSaeng is such a complex person. I can't, but at the same time, can totally see him being affectionate like that. <br />
<br />
Too bad I'm not there to witness it first hand, eh? Lol.
Aww so Kyute >.< They would make such a sweet couple if they would try. There's still more to come I hope ^-^<br />
Update soon ;P AMD<3KPOP
English101 #9
Lol. That's so funny. I wish that would happen to me. ;)
O.o I would die if that happened to me <br />
Update when you can ;P AMD<3KPOP