She needs a Boyfriend ; He needs a Model

The Need For Each Other

Heo Youngsaeng sat down in the center of the small rounded stage, pulled up his 6 year old guitar and began to sing in his sweet and quiet voice.

He closed his eyes as he felt the music flow through his blood, his veins and into his mouth where he let it go.

Vaguely, he could hear girls screaming his name and calling for his attention but he put that at the back of his mind.

He loved coming into this exclusive club and playing a whole hour full of his favorite music. No one knew his real identity.

Everyone here knew him as H but in reality, he was the head of the largest shopping complex in Seoul. When he was young, he had wanted to be a singer but his father never let him do it.

He told Youngsaeng that his future was to become a strong business man like him but when Youngsaeng was 15, he left the house without telling his dad.

He had went to audition for DSP Media, a management group.

His voice gave him the opportunity of a life time yet he made the mistake of telling his dad.

Not just ripping his contract, Youngsaeng’s dad also gave him a personal bodyguard that would follow him anywhere and his moves would be watched every second of every day.

Even now, with Youngsaeng at the age of 28, his dad still hadn’t loosened on him yet.

Two years ago, he ha found this club and saw that they were hiring for musicians.

He instantly asked for a place and from then on, he had been playing at this club every night for an hour. This had become his routine.

Youngsaeng finally finished his one hour musical scene and was about to leave the stage when the girls (and even the boys) began to shout.

“ENCORE! ENCORE!” Youngsaeng smiled and picked up the microphone.

“I’m sorry ladies and gentleman, my contract only says an hour.” And like this, he left the club.


Hyun got onto the plane with her manager and went to find her first class sit. When she did, she plopped down and opened up her unique Coach bag in which the company had made it for her especially with the qualities she had asked for.

She pulled out her iPod Touch and her headphones and began to listen to music.

Hyun was a world known model.

She had been modeling since she was 15, at first for a teen magazine but soon, she became models for famous magazines like Vogue.

She’s 25 now. She owns her own uptown apartment that overlooks all of New York.

She bought her parents a small cottage in Sydney so that they would look at the Bondi Beach view every day with a smile.

She was rich, and famous and she was content.

She felt her phone vibrate and saw that the caller ID was her mum.

Hyun picked up.

“Ma.” Hyun’s Chinese.

“Honey! How are you? Are you busy?”

“Not particularly. I’m actually on the plane right now, going to South Korea to do a short photo shoot and then I’ll be there for another two weeks for a short holiday. Is something wrong?”

“No. I just want to know if you have a boyfriend yet. Honey, I remember asking-“ Hyun rolled her eyes.

“Mum. You asked yes, but I also remember telling you that I don’t have time for a boyfriend!”

“Honey, please. You’re 25 now. You need a boyfriend. You’re going on holidays for two weeks in Korea, why don’t you find one there?”

“But dad doesn’t want me to marry a Korean remember? I asked him when I was young.” Hyun knew she was being stubborn.

“Yes but at this point in time, neither of us care as long as he appreciates you, loves you and you love him back. Please try!”

“Okay. Okay mum, I’ll try.”

“Okay, well, I hope you have a good flight then!”

“Yes mummy, I’ll visit you soon!”


“Bye mum.”

Hyun hung up and sighed, putting her head phones back on. She wasn’t going to try. She could have gotten a boyfriend ages ago.

She was a model! Boys flocked to her like flies! She was sick of them.

If she was to find herself a boyfriend, it would be after she retired. She wanted a boy to love her not because of her fame, her body or even the fact that she’s Hyun, the top model of America.

She wanted to be loved for being Kat Jin. Not Hyun, her counterpart.

“So, you’re mum again?” Hyun looked up and saw her manager smiling down at her before sitting next to her.

“Yeah, she’s pestering me about getting a boyfriend again.” Her manager laughed.

“Then why not? You have a lot of guys to choose from.” Hyun leveled out her eyes and looked at her manager who was the same age as her thankfully, so, instead of treating her as a manager, Hyun treated her more as a friend.

“You know why. They all like me because I’m-“

“Hyun.” She finished for me and she smiled, nodding.

“Hey, by the way, the CEO of Byul Complex is going to be at the airport picking you up.”

Hyun shrugged, not caring.


“Hey, be nice to him okay? You and I both know you can speak fluent Korean so don’t act as if you don’t know like what you did in Japan okay?” Hyun sighed.

“Fine. I’ll be nice to him. But if he’s another creep like that other CEO in Japan, he’s going to get his manhood chopped off.”


Youngsaeng and his few bodyguards stood behind the hoard of fans that held up name plates that all read “Hyun!”.

She was the model he had asked to represent his company since she was a professional and Asian which was definitely a bonus.

The fans started screaming and Youngsaeng guessed that she had arrived.

He craned his neck and saw a girl wearing a long creamy coat, a backpack, a pair of flats and black skinny jeans.

She was wearing a pair of expensive Gucci sunglasses. The model waved back and the fans erupted into more screaming.

Youngsaeng guessed that the girl behind her was her manager since she was pushing along two hard cased suitcases.

Youngsaeng gestured the bodyguards towards the model. They took his gesture with a nod and began to push through the crowd.

Youngsaeng turned and walked out of the airport. His secretary greeted him with a smile and a bow, opened the door for him and waited for him to step inside.

Youngsaeng looked out the opposite window of his and finally saw his body guards the girl and her manager towards the car.

One of the bodyguards opened the door and the girl stepped into the car and her manager stepped into the front.

Both doors closed and Youngsaeng said to his secretary,


His secretary began to drive away from the airport.

Youngsaeng turned to face the model who was looking at him. He gave her a small smile and said, his English perfect yet heavily accented.

“Welcome to Seoul.”

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Please updateeeee I love ur stories :)
vickyvicky321 #2
good job!
Awweh! <3 such a cute story!! <br />
&& I know right?! SS501 NEEDS to have a 5-together-as-1 comeback T_T <br />
Triple S here too ^^
English101 #4
In my head, she responds to his kiss, not being able to hold her crippling emotions back any longer. It was three long, hard years of remembering that one man that finally made her feel alive again...and he had finally found her. Just like in Pretty Woman, she wanted the fairy tale...and YoungSaeng is the perfect businessman to give it to her. <br />
<br />
He can taste her tears falling into their kiss and he slowly stops, holding her at arms length to look into her eyes. Gently he grazes her face with his thumbs, removing her salty tears. <br />
<br />
Though she tries to only look at the floor, YoungSaeng gently lifts her chin until she meets his gaze. "You don't have to be alone anymore," he whispered, pleading with his eyes. The way her breath caught when she heard his words, and the way her eyes glazed over with fresh emotion, was all the sign he needed. "Saranghae, arachi?"<br />
<br />
Bringing her hands up to unceremoniously wipe her tears away, she nodded slightly while looking at the ground again. Slowly, she gathered her strength and looked up at him again. "Araso. Na do, saranghae."<br />
<br />
With that, YoungSaeng's heart soared and he pulled her into a tight embrace. <br />
<br />
And they lived happily ever after. <br />
<br />
The end. <br />
<br />
*Nods in satisfaction.* Yeah, in my head and heart.....that's what happens. :)
youngsaeng_lover #5
wow..definitely want to young saeng being affectionate like spontaneous and sweet...update soon..=D
Ah cute moment! (:
English101 #7
Awww! That's so freakin' adorable. YoungSaeng is such a complex person. I can't, but at the same time, can totally see him being affectionate like that. <br />
<br />
Too bad I'm not there to witness it first hand, eh? Lol.
Aww so Kyute >.< They would make such a sweet couple if they would try. There's still more to come I hope ^-^<br />
Update soon ;P AMD<3KPOP
English101 #9
Lol. That's so funny. I wish that would happen to me. ;)
O.o I would die if that happened to me <br />
Update when you can ;P AMD<3KPOP