She Needs Help ; He's Worried About Her

The Need For Each Other

Youngsaeng heard her voice and couldn't help but feel saddened that she had, indeed, felt emotions like described in the song before and that made him feel left out.

He had never felt those emotions before.

The emotions of falling in love, trusting another person.

He had also been restricted into any dating from his parents, especially his dad and now, suddenly, he was to find himself a girlfriend?! Well, sorry to break it to you dad, it isn't as easy as it sounds! He thought to himself.

He dropped onto the couch in his office and rubbed his temples together. He looked at the clock on the wall to his right and it read 12pm. 

"Great, another 12 hours to go."

He sighed and closed his eyes and then moved his body so his whole body was lying across the couch. He put his lower arm onto his closed eyes and soon, his breathing became slower. He was tired with all the fighting that he did with Hyun.


Hyun walked out of Byul Complex, finally free.

"Gosh, that guy is a creep. I hope I don't see him ever again!" Hyun said to herself. She looked around at the front of Byul Complex, waiting for her manager, Katie to pick her up. But, as she stood there for 5 minutes, she didn't see any sign of her manager and a rented car.

Hyun frowned and then took out her Motorola Driod that would call in any where and called her manager.

"Hyun! I'm so sorry but you're going to have to catch the bus back to the hotel! You're bags are already in your room! This is the address to the hotel-"

"Wait. Katie, what the HELL are you talking about?! How am I supposed to be taking a BUS back to the hotel?! I don't even know the schedule and I don't know WHICH bus to take!"

"Hyun...please, just be cooperative-"

"I'm waiting for you. No matter how long it takes. Pick me up when you're done with whatever your doing."

She hung up.


Two hours later, Hyun regretted saying that she was going to wait for her manager. 

She got up from the front of Byul Complex and walked into the actual complex and began to roam around, looking at things.Though Hyun was a model, she didn't quite like shopping but going around a shopping complex that had like 5 levels, that would at least kill 2 hours, if not more.

When she reached the 5th level finally, it was 6.30. 

"Wow, 4 and a half hours and I'm finally on the 5th level? This place is huge!" Just as she said that, she felt her feet finally thobbing at all the walking that she had done for 4 and a half hours. 

She sat down at a display platform and rubbed her heels. She flinched when she touched the throbbing part of her foot.

"Need some help?"  She head a voice ask and when she looked up she saw a not familiar face. She smiled and slipped her shoe back on quickly and then stood up.

"I'm fine. Thanks for the offer though." She said and then walked away. 

"No way am I going to be seen with a guy in a shopping complex."


"YAH! HEO YOUNGSAENG!" Youngsaeng woke up with a start and looked around, startled and sleep written all over his face, expecially his messed up hair.

"Wha-what's happening?" He said, his voice dripping with tiredness.

That was when he saw a face super close up and screamed.


Youngsaeng got up, cramps on every part of his body. He began to stretch as he looked at his friend who was milling around his office as if he hadn't seen the place about a million times.

"What are you doing here Jong? I don't remember you telling me that you were coming here today. Why are you here?" Youngsaeng asked again and got a small smile back from Kyujong.

"I heard that Hyun is here."

Youngsaeng rolled his eyes. He forgot that his best friend was obsessed with the American model.

"She is." Youngsaeng said. He finished stretching and was walking towards Kyujong.

"I saw her." That took Youngsaeng by surprise.

"She's still here?!" He said, curious and slightly worried at the same time. Youngsaeng looked at the time. It was 6.38pm.

"You didn't know? She looked kind of lost and tired..." Kyujong replied and Youngsaeng immediately left his office, out to look/hunt for her.


Hyun dropped down onto the couch. She felt like crying. She was stuck in a shopping complex that was about to close in less than 15 minutes and her manager still wasn't here to pick her up yet! On top of that, she has major jet lag and was super tired from all the work that she did today. She wasn't in any mood to be angry.

"So he was right." Hyun sighed. She didn't want to turn around and face the voice...or more like the face.

But that couldn't stop her from answering the voice.

"I am."

"Why?" The voice answered.

"Because Katie can't come and pick me up right now. Got a problem with it? I'm still a customer here. Don't think about kicking me out."

"Well, that's true except when it turns 7, you're going to be kicked out by my employers anyway."

Hyun cringed at the truth.

She didn't say anything though. She was tired and she wasn't in any mood to argue.

"You want me to take you back?" The voice said, this time softer. Hyun finally turned around and came face to face with a worried looking Youngsaeng. Hyun softened.

"That would be nice...but I don't even know what hotel I'm staying in!" She blushed after she said that. And all he did was smile.

"I could take you back to my place. I'll get you something to eat and you can have a hot shower there to. Okay with you?" He suggested. Hyun could only smile and nod.

"Yes please." 



A/N:sorry for the late update><

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Please updateeeee I love ur stories :)
vickyvicky321 #2
good job!
Awweh! <3 such a cute story!! <br />
&& I know right?! SS501 NEEDS to have a 5-together-as-1 comeback T_T <br />
Triple S here too ^^
English101 #4
In my head, she responds to his kiss, not being able to hold her crippling emotions back any longer. It was three long, hard years of remembering that one man that finally made her feel alive again...and he had finally found her. Just like in Pretty Woman, she wanted the fairy tale...and YoungSaeng is the perfect businessman to give it to her. <br />
<br />
He can taste her tears falling into their kiss and he slowly stops, holding her at arms length to look into her eyes. Gently he grazes her face with his thumbs, removing her salty tears. <br />
<br />
Though she tries to only look at the floor, YoungSaeng gently lifts her chin until she meets his gaze. "You don't have to be alone anymore," he whispered, pleading with his eyes. The way her breath caught when she heard his words, and the way her eyes glazed over with fresh emotion, was all the sign he needed. "Saranghae, arachi?"<br />
<br />
Bringing her hands up to unceremoniously wipe her tears away, she nodded slightly while looking at the ground again. Slowly, she gathered her strength and looked up at him again. "Araso. Na do, saranghae."<br />
<br />
With that, YoungSaeng's heart soared and he pulled her into a tight embrace. <br />
<br />
And they lived happily ever after. <br />
<br />
The end. <br />
<br />
*Nods in satisfaction.* Yeah, in my head and heart.....that's what happens. :)
youngsaeng_lover #5
wow..definitely want to young saeng being affectionate like spontaneous and sweet...update soon..=D
Ah cute moment! (:
English101 #7
Awww! That's so freakin' adorable. YoungSaeng is such a complex person. I can't, but at the same time, can totally see him being affectionate like that. <br />
<br />
Too bad I'm not there to witness it first hand, eh? Lol.
Aww so Kyute >.< They would make such a sweet couple if they would try. There's still more to come I hope ^-^<br />
Update soon ;P AMD<3KPOP
English101 #9
Lol. That's so funny. I wish that would happen to me. ;)
O.o I would die if that happened to me <br />
Update when you can ;P AMD<3KPOP