A New Friendship Begins To Blossom

The Reason


A while went by with the two guys still at the rooftop, the day slowly finishing up with the sun going down overtime, but not quite dark outside yet. During that time, Kibum is letting Jinki rest his head on his shoulder while he gently his hair. Jinki did calm down for the most part to the point that he's no longer crying, but Kibum can feel that he's still a bit shaken up. Kibum wrist was getting tired and stopped the olders hair for a moment.


“Don't stop...”


Kibum was surprised to hear the words that Jinki spoke. But he didn't have to think twice while he cracked his wrist before Jinki's hair again gently.


“Why? Does this comfort you?”




Kibum doesn't know if he was responding to the question, or if the action itself was nice. Either way, he took it as a good response. All of Jinki's weight was still supported by Kibum's body, which he doesn't mind one bit. But it's painful to see Jinki so lifeless and possibly feel very weak and tired. Just the thought of it made Kibum hug him a little bit closer.


“Are you okay now?”


Jinki barely shook his head. Kibum should have known better, of course nothing is okay. Nothing is ever okay when someone hates their life. Kibum wants to know what made Jink feel this way, but from what he learned when he first met him, he won't be forceful. At least not right now when they just met this week. He will wait until they have been friends for a while, or at least what Kibum hopes that a friendship will come out of this somewhere.


“Kibum...I want to thank you...”


“Hm? For what?”


Jinki, with some time, gained enough to strength to sit up on his own. “If you hadn't came up here...I would have most likely made a terrible action.”


Kibum was confused and wanted Jinki to explain more. But with the concern look that Kibum gave, Jinki began to feel very uncomfortable and wanted to get out of it, beginning to get up off the ground.


“It's getting pretty late...I think I should go back to my-”




Kibum stood up as well. “I don't want to let you go just yet.”




“Well it's just that I don't want to end it here like this. I want to see you again. Everyday. Not just here and there. You know, like friends?”


“Go on.” Jink said.


Kibum decides to try his luck again. “Do you want to do something after school tomorrow? How about some coffee?”


Jinki showed the expression of surprise after Kibum asked. He honestly doesn't know how to think about what he asked, or even how to respond. Kibum noticed that he doesn't seem right and started to feel a little down, thinking he might have been rejected.


“Is...is it bad to ask? Is it a no?”


“It's not that...” Jinki folded his arms, thinking for a bit more. “It's just it's been so long since someone asked me to do something with them...so I'm surprised.”


Kibum nodded slightly. It was silent for a moment, with Jinki thinking about what he thought Monday night. Honestly, the decision wasn't hard at all. But Jinki had to make sure it's something he really wants before going with it. “Okay.”


Kibum looked at Jinki with a surprised looked.


“Let's go for coffee tomorrow. We'll meet at the entrance, alright?”


Afterward, Jinki said his goodnight and left the rooftop to call it a day. Kibum, who is still standing where he was, was happy that he is finally going somewhere if Jinki, hopefully it will develop a closer friendship. It may take time in the condition he's in, but Kibum is okay with that. Just knowing his chance to make one of his first friends at a university may finally come true.


Jinki has been by the entrance of the school, waiting for Kibum since he finished his last class and put everything away in his dorm room. He knew that it will be a little while until Kibum gets out of school because of dance practice, but he didn't mind waiting for a while. While waiting, Jinki leaned back against the wall and took out his cellphone to play a game or two to keep himself busy.


Candy...candy...woo~...ca-candy....woo~...tiiime up!


Everything was at peace this time. Jinki only concentrating on hanging out with Kibum, and of course at the moment Candypang, trying to beat his score of 1,200,000+. Not one negative thing came across his mind. Not saying that he's feeling any better, but today is one of the 'better days.' Nothing has ruined this day so far.


“What is a twenty-one year old doing playing children games on his phone?”


Until he heard that.


Jinki nervously looked up from his phone, knowing exactly who it was. The last person he wanted to see. The person was a guy, taller than Jinki but definitely at least a year younger, long brown hair with some of it tied up in a ponytail. This guy is named no other than Minho. Choi Minho. Just having him in his presence is already making Jinki's day more than terrible.


“This is the first time I've seen you this year, J. How interesting that we meet like this.”


“Go away, please.” Jinki said, almost inaudible.


Minho chuckled then shook his head in disbelief. “What are you doing here anyway?”


“I'm waiting for someone...”


“Oh my gosh, you...you're...? You actually have friends?” Minho started to . “Ya! Jinki actually has friends! I thought I would have never see the day.”


“Grow up.” Jinki said coldly.


“Grow up? I think you're the one needs growing up. I'm not scare of you.” Minho moved closer to Jinki. “It's you that is scared of me.”


Jinki did everything he could to hold back a whine of fear.


“And I can tell that you're still scared of me after all of these years.” Minho slammed his hands against the wall, trapping Jinki so he won't escape. “I heard something might happen this week,” Minho looked around, then faced back at the elder one and whispered. “Is it still going to happen?”


“W-what are you talking about?”


Minho sighed in disbelief. He backed away from Jinki, taking a few steps away to think before facing him again. “You know exactly what I'm talking about. You think I wouldn't know? It's not hard to add up. Knowing you for a few years, I know exactly how you think. So tell me, is it going to happen?”


Jinki looked away, trying to avoid to answer the question at all because at this point, he doesn't know what will happen. The thought about it and thought about it, but it's leading no where. Minho grew frustrated and trapped Jinki again, slamming the wall violently.


“Just say it! Are you going to die or not?!”


Jinki felt even more scared by how quickly Minho became harsh. For a moment, he tried to avoid contact with the guy in front of him and look somewhere else. Almost right away, he saw Kibum watching them from afar, standing by one of the university's statues. He had to do a double take, but it's definitely Kibum. Suddenly, the answer to Minho's question came to Jinki.


“You can answer any day now.” Minho grew more impatient.


Suddenly, a wave of bravery came over Jinki. He removed Minho's arms from the wall, smirking.




“What?” Minho wasn't sure if he heard right.


“No, I won't do anything to myself this week. I'm almost sure that after tonight, I will still be here next week.”


After what he just heard, Minho gave up for the day. “You're impossible.”


Minho left the elder alone and walked away. Jinki took a sigh of relief, but still a little shaken up. Yes, today definitely now. But maybe the night with Kibum will make it better again. Just maybe. Speaking of Kibum, he walked up to Jinki after Minho was completely out of sight.


“Um...what was that about?” Kibum asked.


Jinki sighed. “I'll tell you in a bit...let's just go and get to the café, okay?”


Kibum nodded. He thought of many questions about what he just saw. Even though he only saw about the last half of it, he wanted to what was going on. But until they get to their destination, the two talked about other things, and by that they got to know each other a little bit more. 





Well, it's good news that Jinki won't kill himself at the end of school week! Yay!

But I wouldn't be too excited right now. We still have a load of Jinki's depression to get through. T__T

Also, Minho said "It's you who is scared of me." and "You're still scared of me after all of these years." to Jinki. Hmmm. I wonder what could that be about.


Anyway, until next update! Enjoy! ^^

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[The Reason] Will work on chapter six soon since I already have an idea for it for a while now~


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ninabulett #1
Chapter 7: Hey, how have you been? Still busy with your clasess? I miss this story, you know..^/////^..I suddenly remembered about this fic just now and thought I'm gonna drop by to bug you.. XD
Chapter 7: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. i miss melody's writing. and this is superb
Chapter 7: I HATE YOU!
ninabulett #4
Chapter 7: An update, thanx! ^O^
Hmm..jinki's problem with minho still a mystery then.. How about jonghyun and taemin, they're on the same university right, are they too busy so jinki's left alone or did something else has happened with their friendship? And what about jinki's family, aren't they aware of their son's condition these recent years?
Omg i asked too much didn't i..sorry! XD I'm just curious and it's quite rare to find a good fic with friendship basis like this (though I'd love to see some lovelove sparkles between them later, really! XD) moreover it's onkeeey..<33333

Good luck with your classes and don't forget to update here okay..kekeke..^o^..be waiting for future chaptersss~ ^3^
I didn't read it yet but will do as soon as I can.
Chapter 6: Its more easy for me to read here, and to know when you update but if you feel more comfortable in lj I will follow you there ;) I thinks this is a good story, I really like it, so I would like if you continue this ^^, maybe you could just put the story on hiatus will your inspiration comes back :D
ninabulett #7
Chapter 6: I'm not really familiar with lj, it's easier to follow your story here..but if you feel more comfortable on lj, I'm gonna follow you there..^^v
Chapter 2: Okay melody, this is wonderful ;A;