It All Started With A "Hello"

The Reason


The two students continued to stare at one another for a minute. Kibum started to really concentrate on the guy, studying him. Is it possible for a guy to be beautiful? it even right to call a guy beautiful? Kibum was surprised at his thoughts and dismissed them immediately, shaking his head.


“Hello.” Kibum broke the silence.


“Hi.” the other guy said, flashing a smile.


“Uh...” Kibum felt awkward all of a sudden. “I don't want to go back to my dorm room yet and I need a place to study and I see that this spot is the only place available at the moment. So I was wondering if I can sit here?” Nice Kibum...a simple “May I sit here? All the other spots are taken.” would have been good enough...


“Of course you may.”


Kibum took a seat at the opposite side of the other boy. When he got his books and paper out, he decided to try to make a conversation, hopefully to make a new friend.


“I'm Kibum by the way. First year.”


“Jinki. Third year.” Jinki replied.


Kibum was shocked. Third year?! But...but...“Third year? But...”


“I look too young to be a third year, right?” Jinki laughed. “I get that a lot, it's okay. It doesn't help that I don't act like my age either.”


“Which is...?”


“Twenty-one. People say I act like I'm five...if they ever see that side of me that is...” Jinki's speaking began to trail off.


“What do you mean?” Kibum was a little concerned.


“Due to some...things...I'm scared to get close to people. I say I have more acquaintances than friends. It's not that I hate anyone...I don't honestly. I'm just scared.” Jinki said in a quieter, weaker voice than he has been speaking for the last couple minutes.


“Oh...” Kibum said a little disappointed. I basically have no chance being friends with you? Or should I just keep trying and hope that it goes somewhere? Kibum looked at Jinki, studying him again while Jinki went back to writing something down that's most likely homework. Jinki is truly beautiful, Kibum is not even going to deny that. With his beautiful long brown locks, and the way he looks when he's concentrating. And when they were talking a bit ago, Kibum took a moment to look Jinki's eyes, which are very pretty. Yes, very pretty. Kibum than looked at what Jinki was studying and was slightly interested.


“So...what are you studying?”


“Hmm?” Jinki looked up at Kibum. “Oh...I'm doubling majoring in psychology and economics.”


“What? A double major? Isn't that a lot of work?” Kibum is surprised.


“Yes, but it's alright. I've done all this work since freshmen year, I'm kind of used to it now. But that doesn't mean I enjoy it.” Jinki laughed at himself. “I'm working on this now so I can get it over with. I wish I didn't have to do it...but neh, it's alright.”


“Wow, I wish I have the brains and patience to do what you do. But I'm not that smart...I'm just an art student.”


“You're just doing something you enjoy. It doesn't make you stupid. It only makes you better at something you love. There's nothing wrong with that.”


Kibum eyes widen slightly at the sudden encouragement from Jinki. He nodded then tried to concentrate on studying that he hasn't even started yet since he sat down. When Kibum got started, Jinki then looked up at Kibum, watching him work. He is actually surprised that Kibum's personality doesn't match the way he looks when he first saw him this morning. Jinki would thought that Kibum would think he's 'all that' and would be all diva-like. But actually, he's quite nice. Then again, they only known each other for a few minutes, so anything can change. Even though Jinki is scared of getting close to people because of how he's truly feeling deep down, he should give Kibum a chance. Maybe, just maybe, he can make it through the week. Then maybe the rest of the month, maybe the rest of the school year, and maybe next year as well.


“Jinki?” Kibum questioned when he noticed Jinki looking at him.


“Hmm?” Jinki was confused, but then realized he was practically staring at Kibum. He looked down and felt his cheeks heat up. “I'm sorry...”


“It's okay.” Kibum smiled. “Anyway, what's going on? You looked like you were in deep thought.”


Jinki took this question two ways. Either Kibum noticed that he was staring at him or Kibum thought he was upset about something. Both are true, but instead of saying so, he just shook his head and smiled. Kibum smiled back. Even though Jinki seems happy, he's thinking the opposite. I'm pretty sure this is the third time I smiled and you didn't notice they were fake.


“Jinki?” Kibum said. “Are you okay?”


“Hmm? I'm fine, Kibum.”


“Are you sure? All this time, at least to me, your eyes and your words and expressions say different things...”


So you did notice...Jinki thought to himself. “I'm fine, Kibum. Really.” I don't want you to know what I'm truly thinking...Jinki's heart began to sting a little.


“...If you say so. But if you got something on your mind that's bothering you, you can talk about it...I mean I know you're scared of getting close to people...but I don't want you to bottle up and then explode.”


Jinki only nodded as a response. Kibum began to feel a bit worried for Jinki, but since they just met, he won't force him to say anything personal. Kibum then ripped a corner of his paper, wrote on it and gave it to Jinki.


“I know we just met...but if you need anyone, call or text me.” Kibum said. “I don't know if you'll approve or not...but I want to try to be your friend. I know you're scared...but I want you to have someone, alright? If things don't go well...then I'll back away, okay?”


“You're too kind...” Jinki said, not knowing how to feel about this.


“You're a cool person, Jinki. I hope we become close friends.” Kibum smiled.


Jinki couldn't help but to smile back, but it was a genuine smile unlike the other times he smiled today. He honestly wants to close Kibum too, since he first saw him, so he hopes it happens and that his fears or depression doesn't get in the way. There's no hurt in actually to make a friend for once. Who knows, maybe Kibum will be the one who will make him reconsider his decision by the end of the week.




Hmmm, so there is a chance that Jinki and Kibum will become friends? Maybe even best friends?

We'll just have to see! Thanks for taking the time to read.  ^^

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[The Reason] Will work on chapter six soon since I already have an idea for it for a while now~


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ninabulett #1
Chapter 7: Hey, how have you been? Still busy with your clasess? I miss this story, you know..^/////^..I suddenly remembered about this fic just now and thought I'm gonna drop by to bug you.. XD
Chapter 7: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. i miss melody's writing. and this is superb
Chapter 7: I HATE YOU!
ninabulett #4
Chapter 7: An update, thanx! ^O^
Hmm..jinki's problem with minho still a mystery then.. How about jonghyun and taemin, they're on the same university right, are they too busy so jinki's left alone or did something else has happened with their friendship? And what about jinki's family, aren't they aware of their son's condition these recent years?
Omg i asked too much didn't i..sorry! XD I'm just curious and it's quite rare to find a good fic with friendship basis like this (though I'd love to see some lovelove sparkles between them later, really! XD) moreover it's onkeeey..<33333

Good luck with your classes and don't forget to update here okay..kekeke..^o^ waiting for future chaptersss~ ^3^
I didn't read it yet but will do as soon as I can.
Chapter 6: Its more easy for me to read here, and to know when you update but if you feel more comfortable in lj I will follow you there ;) I thinks this is a good story, I really like it, so I would like if you continue this ^^, maybe you could just put the story on hiatus will your inspiration comes back :D
ninabulett #7
Chapter 6: I'm not really familiar with lj, it's easier to follow your story here..but if you feel more comfortable on lj, I'm gonna follow you there..^^v
Chapter 2: Okay melody, this is wonderful ;A;