Let Me Help You

The Reason


 The next day was not any better than any other day. School was the same with all the classes, breaks between classes, lunch, wondering around, just about the same as any other day for the past two years. The day after, Wednesday, wasn't different either. While wondering around, unaware of where he was going, Jinki was on the school's rooftop. It took him a second to figure out where he was, but when he realized that he was on the roof, it didn't surprise him at all. He ended up here the day before as well.


Jinki walked closer to one side of the roof and looked over the edge to see the ground. So high up off the ground, but he only sighed. It doesn't scare him at all. But he has to use all of his might to not do what he's thinking. Not today...


Jinki turned around then sat on the ground, holding his knees to his chest. He started to tremble a little bit. He started to think more than he was when he wondered around campus. Jinki is now scared. For what reason, he doesn't know. But he knows that if the things he's thinking goes into action, maybe the day came much earlier than he thought.



There was no dance practice today for some reason, but Kibum doesn't mind it. Dance is becomes stressful and tiring when it has been everyday so far, plus ending later than the usual release time. So right away, he went to the library, also expecting to see Jinki there. But surprisingly as soon as he got there, the table was empty. Kibum noticed this yesterday as well, but thought that Jinki was busy with homework, projects or maybe even tired.


Instead of doing his work in the library, he decided to make his way to the school's rooftop and enjoy the outdoors while doing some work. He sort of took his time walking there, thinking about what Jinki could be doing. There's even a thought that he might be tired of him...but already? But then Kibum remembers that Jinki is a bit scared to get close to people, which could be another reason why he hasn't seen him. He couldn't blame him for that and decided to go with the idea for his absence.


Kibum reached the top of the stairs and opened the door to walk to the roof of the school, but when he walked out, he saw Jinki and went back inside. He opened the door only slightly to see what was going on. Jinki is standing, looking over the ledge at the ground. What's he doing here? Kibum thought. He carefully looked at the guy, trying to put together what's going on. The next thing he saw was Jinki climb the ledge and standing on it. But he's just standing there. Kibum gasped. Dangerous much?! Kibum quickly opened the door and walked towards the boy.


“Ya, Jinki!”


Jinki became startled by the voice, and looked behind him. He didn't expect Kibum to be here, or to even find him. Jinki turned all the way around to face Kibum probably.




“What are you doing standing on the ledge?”


Jinki's heart began to pound and became nervous. “Oh...I'm just standing here...” he lied.


“You should get down! We're so high up off the ground and you might fall off the wrong side and hurt yourself!”


Or worse...Jinki thought.


Kibum came closer and held his hand up towards Jinki. “Come on, get down. I don't want anything to happen to you.”


Jinki actually had to think about it. He thought of what Kibum's reaction would be if he chose to step behind and fell off the roof himself. But that would be terrible would it? If he were to end his life, he wouldn't want anyone to witness it. Plus, Kibum has been showing him care, at least on the first day of school, so the idea would most likely devastate him. In the end, Jinki took Kibum's hand and got off the ledge. Right away, Jinki sat on the ground the same way he did earlier. Kibum sat next to him.


“So...where have you been?”




The answer was too basic for Kibum. “Why though?”


“Just needed time to think.”


Jinki doesn't dare to say what he's really thinking. Kibum sighed, wishing that Jinki would go in more detail, but he won't force him. Kibum took out a sketchbook and started to draw. Jinki decided to look over and watch. Kibum has high concentration, not trying to make a single mistake. After watching for a while, Jinki became interested in what Kibum was trying to draw.


“Are you working on a project?”


“Hmm? Oh no, this is my personal sketchbook. I like to draw in my spare time.”


Kibum look down at his work, thinking for a moment, then sighed. “Drawing is also my escape when I'm stressed out. The first week of school, at least as a freshmen, has been a bit stressful for me. But usually after drawing for a bit, I'll be okay.”


The two has been silent as Kibum goes back to drawing. Sometime during the random things Kibum is thinking about, he wanted to know something about Jinki.


“Jinki, I've been wondering, do you have any friends? Not saying that you don't...but you once said you have more acquaintances than friends.”


“Well...” Jinki actually had to think about it, which really says something. “I wouldn't say we're close...but I have two people who I do consider as my 'friends.' One is Taemin, the other is Jonghyun. You may or may not have heard of them...they both go here as well. Jonghyun is in the same year as me and Taemin is in the same year as you I believe. I knew both of them for a couple years.”



Kibum nodded. “I see...but also, how have you been feeling lately?”




“I don't know...” Kibum said, playing with his pencil. “Like last time, I just have this feeling that you're not really...I don't know...okay?”


Jinki sighed and nodded slowly. “I can't say that I am...”


Kibum thought he heard Jinki say something else, but couldn't understand him. He looked up at him, his eyes widen when he saw tears falling from Jinki's eyes.


“What's wrong?!”


“I admit it, I'm tired. I'm sick of everything. These last two years have been a disaster and I don't know if I can handle it anymore. I'm tired, my mind is tired from thinking too much, my heart is tired. It hurts too much, everything is too much. I hate my life, Kibum. I hate it so much!”


Kibum was surprised to hear the words that came out of Jinki's mouth. But as soon as he started yelling, his crying became worse, and Kibum's instant reaction was to get on his knees and hug him. As soon contact was made, Jinki's body stiffen.


“Relax.” Kibum understands why Jinki seemed uncomfortable. “I know you're scared, but I'm not letting you go until you at least calm down for the most part. So relax, or you'll be more stressed out.”


Jinki didn't listen, which made Kibum a bit upset. He sighed before speaking. “Will you let me help you, Jinki? Will you please trust me? I promise that you will have no reason to be scared of me.”


Eventually, a few moments after hearing that, Jinki relaxed to the point that Kibum is his support to keep him up and holding all of his weight. Kibum doesn't mind though. He knows Jinki is tired, he knows he's feeling weak and hurting badly. It breaks his heart that Jinki is feeling this way though. He may not know the reason why yet, but he doesn't need to right now. He's willing to be his support for now because he needs it.



A/N: Hello readers! I'm sorry that has been so long since I updated this story, but finally, here's the fourth chapter!

You can start expecting an OnKey friendship starting in the next chapter or so, so I hope that's something good to look forward to~

Enjoy! ^^

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[The Reason] Will work on chapter six soon since I already have an idea for it for a while now~


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ninabulett #1
Chapter 7: Hey, how have you been? Still busy with your clasess? I miss this story, you know..^/////^..I suddenly remembered about this fic just now and thought I'm gonna drop by to bug you.. XD
Chapter 7: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. i miss melody's writing. and this is superb
Chapter 7: I HATE YOU!
ninabulett #4
Chapter 7: An update, thanx! ^O^
Hmm..jinki's problem with minho still a mystery then.. How about jonghyun and taemin, they're on the same university right, are they too busy so jinki's left alone or did something else has happened with their friendship? And what about jinki's family, aren't they aware of their son's condition these recent years?
Omg i asked too much didn't i..sorry! XD I'm just curious and it's quite rare to find a good fic with friendship basis like this (though I'd love to see some lovelove sparkles between them later, really! XD) moreover it's onkeeey..<33333

Good luck with your classes and don't forget to update here okay..kekeke..^o^..be waiting for future chaptersss~ ^3^
I didn't read it yet but will do as soon as I can.
Chapter 6: Its more easy for me to read here, and to know when you update but if you feel more comfortable in lj I will follow you there ;) I thinks this is a good story, I really like it, so I would like if you continue this ^^, maybe you could just put the story on hiatus will your inspiration comes back :D
ninabulett #7
Chapter 6: I'm not really familiar with lj, it's easier to follow your story here..but if you feel more comfortable on lj, I'm gonna follow you there..^^v
Chapter 2: Okay melody, this is wonderful ;A;