The Weekend

Pieces of My Heart

Krystal’s POV

                I spent hours getting ready for Junhyung and my date tonight. The moment that Hyuna dropped me off I went to shower. Then while my hair was drying I did my makeup and picked the perfect outfit. I then curled my hair, got dressed and brushed my teeth. I finished by putting on Junhyung’s favorite perfume. He bought it for me for Christmas last year. I love Junhyung so much. It scares me to think that I may have messed up with him by getting so angry. I don’t want things to go bad with him. I know that if he were to stay with me I could easily be happy with him for the rest of my life. I heard a knock on my door so I quickly put on my shoes and ran down the stairs. Junhyung was at the door with a large bouquet of roses. I couldn’t believe how perfect he looked. He was never this sweet unless it was a special occasion.

“Wow! These are beautiful. Did I forget something special?” I asked, confused.

“No.” He said smiling “I can’t just buy you something because I love you?”

“No!” I said laughing. “It worries me. I thought I missed something.”

“No baby.  You didn’t miss anything. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He led me out to his car. Unsure of where we were going or what we were doing I hopped into the passenger seat excited.

“Are you ready for your surprise date?” He asked smiling.

“You bet!” I said excitedly. He pulled the car out of the driveway and started down the street. As he was driving he took my hand in his and held it tightly.

“What is all of this for?” I asked smiling.

“I already told you. It’s because I love you.”

“I love you too. It just seems like there must be something. You never do anything like this unless it is a special occasion.”

“It is a special occasion to have you as my girlfriend.” He continued driving down the road. It was a few minutes before I realized that it was the very familiar road that led to his house. A tiny bit of disappointment settled into my stomach as I realized we were only going to his house. I didn’t want the special feeling I had to end. It was just so amazing. He pulled into his driveway.

“Now before you get too disappointed please give the surprise I have for you a chance. I think you’ll love it.” He said, worry written on his face.

“If you think I’ll like it, I’m sure I will. I trust you.”

“Okay then, lets go in.” I followed him to his door and into his house. All the lights were off. I followed his lead as he navigated his dark house. Finally he led me into the kitchen. It had been decorated with icicle lights and candles. In the middle there was a table with champagne and what looked like some sort of appetizer.  Out of nowhere stepped Kikwang.

“Your table is right this way.” We followed him to the table where he set to plates of delicious looking food and two deserts.

“I’m gonna leave you two alone.” Kikwang said, winking.

After Kikwang left the room I looked at Junhyung. Tears were running down his face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “It’s beautiful in here. I love it. I was right to trust you. I love this so so much.”

“It’s not that.” He said. “I just… I just want you to know I love you so much. I will always love you. No matter what happens. I will always have a special place in my heart for you. No one can ever replace you there. No matter what you may think. No one will ever replace you in that spot in my heart. Forever. I love you Krystal.”

“I love you too Junhyung.” I said as a feeling a warmth spreading across my face. I took several bites of my food to avoid laughing from nerves. “The food is delicious”

“Kikwang made it. He’s a great cook.”

“Yes he is.” We ate the rest of our meal in silence, just enjoying each other’s company. It has been so long since we have been like this. I didn’t want this to end ever.

“Come here” Junhyung commanded as he stood up. I nodded and stood up. He led me to the couch in his living room. And pulled me down onto his lap.

“Even though it doesn’t always seem like it, you are very special to me” Before I could reply he kissed me and pulled me as close as he could. “You’re so beautiful Krystal.” He said and kissed me again, more passionately this time.

“I love you…..” He whispered.



Hyuna’s POV

                It was Saturday morning. Time to pass out some surveys. I jumped out of bed ready to start the day. I got as ready as I could in the short amount of time I had. Then I climbed into my car and punched Jay’s address into my GPS. The closer I got to his house, the more nervous I became. I could feel the lump in my stomach growing larger. Finally I pulled up next to his house. I felt like I was gonna be sick I was so nervous. I wasn’t sure if I should go knock on his door or wait for him to come out of his house on his own. Luckily at that moment he came out the door. I could see his parents smiling though the large window on the front of his house.  He walked quickly.

“Drive.” He said as he buckled in. “I can’t stand the way they stare at me. Those stupid smiles on their faces.”

“Calm down.” I said laughing.

“Cause I don’t care if they’re being strange. I’m not gonna judge you because your parents smile a little too much.”

“Whatever. Where are we passing these things out at?” He said ending the previous conversation.

“The market, I figured that we would come across a wide variety of people there. I mean, everyone needs to get groceries right?”

“Correct. Unless they are alien.”

“My thoughts exactly. I’m thinking it will only take an hour tops cause there are so many people there. So, the surveying should be quick.”

“Doesn’t matter to me. It’s not like I have any social events.” He said laughing nervously.

“Me neither, don’t worry.” I said trying to make him feel better. I flashed a warm smile in his direction. We pulled into the market and headed to the entrance to set up a table so people could fill out the surveys before they had all their groceries.

“Let the surveying begin” Jay announced as he sat in his seat after setting up the table for me. The people at the market were very willing to take our surveys. We were done with 100 surveys in a mere forty five minutes. I couldn’t believe it. We got everything picked up and put in its respective place before heading back to my car.

“Jay would you like to get some lunch since we finished earlier and we both have nowhere to be?” I blurted out. I had been toying with the idea of asking him to lunch but decided not to. But, my mouth never acts as planned. It is always saying things I wanted to keep hidden.

“Sure.” Jay smiled.

“I know this place with really good burgers.”

“Sounds good.” Jay smiled again. He seemed to be in a good mood today. He was smiling a lot. I drove to the restaurant and got table for Jay and I while he finished tallying our results for the survey.

“Seems the surveys were successful. They fit our hypothesis well.”

“Oh thank goodness.” I said relieved “I really didn’t want to go into the error margin and all that good stuff.”

“Looks like luck is on our side today” Jay smiled. The waitress came and we both ordered the daily special.

“So…….Why DO you get picked on?” I asked nervously.

Jay laughed at my nervousness. “The look on your face is great.” He laughed even more. “But honestly, I’m not one hundred percent sure. I used to be a little socially awkward. I was homeschooled til high school so I was awkward last year. People started spreading rumors because I didn’t know so many words could be taken the wrong way. I was naïve and gullible. I was tricked into doing some awful things and believing some stupid things. There is always one target for the jerks. I guess that target is me.” He said more seriously.

“I’m sorry” I said, feeling sad for all the things he went though all because of the stupidity of teenagers.

“It’s ok. It made me less naïve, less gullible, stronger, tougher. I’m better with dealing with loneliness and ignorance.” He said, a bitter smile on his face. “I can see people for what they are now.”

“What am I?” As soon as the question came out I started blushing. I am so stupid. I don’t know why I blow everything. I make everything awkward.

“You are a kind, smart, independent, admirable person.”

I blushed even more. “No, I’m really not…”

“Yes you are. You are open and don’t judge as quickly as others. If you do, you at least give them the chance to change your mind.”

“That’s only because everyone deserves a chance.”

“Not everyone thinks that way Hyuna. I used to believe everyone thought that way just because I did and I couldn’t imagine anyone believing anything different. I learned the hard way that this isn’t true. Not everyone thinks like you. You are as naïve as I was. It isn’t a bad thing. Just be careful. People will take advantage of your vulnerability. I’m surprised nobody has yet.”

“Well, I have people who watch out for me. I’m very lucky.”

“Ah. I see. That you are. “

“We should hang out again sometime. We get along well. And, I think you would be a good person to be friends with.”

“Thanks. I don’t hear that too much. So, it sounds like a great idea to me.” Jay smiled.

“When are you free?”

“I’m always free during non school hours.”

“Okay. Next weekend okay?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Okay” I smiled at him. “We better get going so I can talk to Krystal and see how they did on their surveys.”



Ok. Part 2 for today. I decided to do about 1/2 Hyuna/Jay because I know that is why many are reading. I am however wanting to develop Krystal and Hyuna's friendship because Krystal will have a larger role than she currently does later. After all, she is Hyuna's best friend in this story. So, Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to add some sweet moments. :) Any criticism is welcome. I do take it into consideration.

-xoxo Britt


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Great story!
sooboo #2
Chapter 6: hyokwang??????
Chapter 6: I really like the friendship between Hyuna Krystal and Hyosung.
There are alot of fics that don't update often and I lose interest after a while but for some reason I'm still hooked and I just really lile this fic haha.
Chapter 5: I knew it! No one is ever that nice just because they love someone. Poor Krystal, and now Hyuna is running around like a crazy person just to find her!
Chapter 4: I have a bad feeling about the junhyung/krystal thing! No guy I have ever met is sweet like that just beause they 'love someone' and how he acted after the dinner...idk. Finally we know a little about jay :) cant wait for the next chap!
Chapter 3: Im here for the hyuna/jay side...i dont really know krystal...but im interested in seeing the hyuna and jay thing develop! :) update again soon!
cheap_imitation #8
Chapter 2: OMG. A Jay/Hyuna centred piece??! YES PLEASE. I AM HERE FOR THAT lol. They're my two ultimate biases so to have them potentially paired off (even if its fanfic) is making me all kinds of happy haha.
Ok, so overall I think your story and your writing style has heaps of potential. I love that I could feel the immediate "connection" between Hyuna and Jay. I do think it's a bit soon of her to go around saying that she has feelings for him because my impression is that she is simply very attracted and INTRIGUED by him. I would have liked you to play that up a bit more and really flesh out her confused feelings which you did make a great start with. Perhaps have a moment where she observes him and really takes a moment to sort her thoughts and feelings out.
I'm curious about Jay's "story" - surely there must be some reason behind him being bullied and ostracised and I can't wait to see where you take that. It's such a huge change from the overly confident and popular Jay Park in real life lol.
Hyosung is also a nice touch - I find that she was a bit over the top at times but I loved that she KNEW it and she owned up to it. That she pretty much admits she lashes out and takes control and is mean because she feels inferior and insecure. I want to see what her "plan" is because I thought she'd have control issues and not want Hyuna and Jay together.
Kikwang is adorable and I'm really liking his friendship with Hyuna - I'm such a huge shipper of Jay/Hyuna that I don't really want to see any love triangles introduced hahaha. But yeh - I'd love to see more of him and Hyosung. It seems he's not afraid to call her out and I can see a bit of a hate/love relationship there.
I'll be sure to keep an eye on this story~ Please continue updating :) You're doing a great job so far!
Chapter 2: Awww kikwang under your awkwardness you are really sweet. Ew hyosung lol a little humility wouldnt harm you. Update again soon!
Chapter 1: Omg so far I love it. Hyuna shouldnt try so hard to find out the bad things in him. Instead she should get to know him...from him. I really dont want her to pick on him like the others. All fics make hyuna the bad girl and I love reading the ones that actually make her nice and kind! Im really looking forward to reading the conversation with kikwang was hilarious though! Please update again soon!