Their First Song

Of His Firsts and His Lasts




Sungmin consciously straightens his pink shirt as he sees the approaching figure of his boyfriend Kyuhyun. He looks at his feet to hide the blush that slowly creeps on his cheeks. Cho Kyuhyun’s to die for and for goodness he died a thousand times.

“Hey baby” Kyuhyun leans in to peck Sungmin’s cheek and to brush the hair covering his bunny’s pretty face.

“Kyu” Sungmin looks up meeting Kyuhyun’s eyes and smiles before returning his eyes on his feet. “Do I look okay?”

Kyuhyun chuckles grabbing Sungmin’s hand and squeezing it gently. “You look perfect baby” he pressed his lips on Sungmin’s hair before taking a step. “Let’s go in now and I have something special for you”

Sungmin followed Kyuhyun inside the bar and he obediently takes in every instruction he was making. He was asked to stay on his place on the center of the bar as he would just get his surprise. He waited patiently and was stunned to see Kyuhyun on the stage.

Kyuhyun breathes deeply before doing a heart sigh and smiling at Sungmin. He then signals the pianist to start before he get hold of the mic and start singing.

It's his hair and his eyes today 
That just simply take me away 
And the feeling that I'm falling further in love 
Makes me shiver but in a good way 

Kyuhyun closed his eyes as he let the music of the piano take over him. He was slowly melting and knowing that Sungmin’s watching him made him more nervous.

All the times I have sat and stared 
As he thoughtfully thumbs through his hair 
And he purses his lips, bats his eyes and he plays, 
With me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say

Sungmin was already as he watches Kyuhyun sang on stage. He was simply beautiful in Sungmin’s eyes and he couldn’t help himself but dives deep into their sea of love.

'Cause I love him with all that I am 
And my voice shakes along with my hands 
Cause he's all that I see and he's all that I need 
And I'm out of my league once again 

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