Start of his first and his lasts

Of His Firsts and His Lasts


It’s 7 in the evening and the darkness has engulfed the once blue sky. They were silently sitting close to each other, elbows brushing and eyes focused on the twinkling wonders they called stars. It’s dark and the eerie sounds coming from behind the trees put an extra weight on his already battered heart. He sighed to himself. He shouldn’t be like this for the reason that he knows it all along.


He remembers the first time he heard about it crushing him into tiny pieces. Accepting it was far worst and pretending its not true push him to his death bed.


No. Sungmin’s not dying.





Kyuhyun pulled the older man closer to his body. Wrapping his lanky arms around the slender yet fluffy body. He held Sungmin tight hoping that it will somehow lessen the burden he’s carrying.


“Starting tomorrow it’ll only be 5 weeks Kyu” the pink guy tilted his head on Kyu’s chest. He could hear the weakening beat of his lover’s heart.


Kyu closed his eyes to hinder the familiar pain of reality. “No its not Sungmin, the doctor wasn’t sure when he gave that---”


Sungmin giggled stopping him with his long speech of undying hope. Sungmin knew better and the doctor was right. He’ll die soon.


“Kyu I wanna be happy while I’m here and I wanna meet you again like the first time”


/Week One


Sungmin grasped the door lightly, letting the pain of his illness take over his body. Stopping it won’t do him any good and it'll only make it worst so he just let it be. It’ll be short and once it's gone he'll be on his way. The pain was so strong, every living cell in his body aching tremendously. He’s dying and he could feel it everyday. He’s getting weak and putting up a happy face was taking his strength away. But he’ll do just to keep Kyu from hurting too much. He has to make Kyuhyun believe that there’s still hope. Kyuhyun won’t take it, he maybe strong in the outside even evil at times but Kyu’s vulnerable inside.

He could feel his eyes wetting, blinking back the tears he smiled. The pain finally ceasing, he opened the door and the raw light coming from the morning sun grazes his pale cheeks. He took a step out and breathed. He just have to be strong for the coming days.






Kyuhyun’s sleepy voice calls out for his lover. He yawns and buries his face more in the pillow. He grins smelling that familiar scent of strawberry. “Sungmin?” he calls again. Waiting for about half a second he jumped of the bed. Panic creased his handsome face.


Heart thumping fast, his feet moves on its own will. He was about to run outside when his eyes catches a pink box lying on the floor. Picking it up he went back to their room thinking how silly Sungmin is.


Opening the box his eyes widened in surprise and affection. It was their old college uniform. He picked it up, the exact cloth and before he can act, tears are already forming on his eyes. A lot of memories, Sungmin made every memories beautiful.

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