Be On Top: Juliet (T.O.P Media's New Girl Group)

Author's POV

After the affair with the other members, Jaeyeon got into the bathroom to wash herself up and have a short shower. She changed into a white tank top, topped with a  brown and pale white striped button-up blouse - tucked in at the front - jeans shorts, a white bracelet, and a light brown purse she got a week ago. 

She walked out of the bathroom to meet with the other members, who were putting on some light make ups. They all dressed nicely as they knew that the filming of the reality show would be on that day.

Eun transformed herself more into the innocent image of herself. She wore a bluish-grey loose shirt, a red balloon shorts with a thin light brown belt tied into a bow, a pair of long, balck leggings under and was topped with a white, furry, loose coat and a beanie. She braided her hair on each sides and had her brown purse hanging from her shoulder.

Haeyeong had her black tanktop on with a grey ripped sweatshirt to top it. She wore her long, black skinny jeans, a black purse and some bangles hanging on both her arms. 

Charin had herself looking like the innocent girl she is. She wore a blue and pale pink dress - flowing down just about half way her thighs. She had a black, transparent stockings and a pair of white high heels to top it off.

Yun had herself dressed in a grey and pink polo shirt tucked in between her striped, mid-thigh length skirt. She had her black purse hanging down and her sunglasses, on with her hair tied up.

And finally, maknae Junmi had herself fitted in a patterned floral dress, her hair curled and waved, which flowed down perfectly down her shoulder. She had a pair of matching coloured high heels with some white bangles on each arms. 

They all piled out of the dorm after doing their finishing touches on their make ups and their out fits. They got into their van, while the cameramen and the other crews went into some other vans.


While the girls were in their vans, some camerawere recording what they were doing inside there. The eldest, Jang Eun, who was sitting at the front seat, turned the radio on. The van blasted with 4Minute's "What's Your Name?". 

Five minutes after the members' and the crews' arrival to the mall, Teen Top came looking as hot with their faces unmasked. 

The girls waved at the Teen Top boys and in return, they waved back. 

L.Joe walked up to Jaeyeon and said, "You really did told them, huh?" He finished with a chuckle.

Jaeyeon nodded and replied, "Of course! I did! Duh~"


Hope you like this chapter. And I know I used so much photos in this, so it seemed like it was a long chapter. But I really had writersblock or whatever the word is. And I'm having a really hard time regarding my semester exams. This would probably be my last chapter for now. Which I will be returning, on either July or the week after the next week.

Oh and you guys might've noticed, but if you haven't, Ii have to tell you this.

The owner of the character, Jackie, has deactivated, so I will be taking her off the group and deducting the amout of members into six members. 

To those who their characters are friends or close with hers or anything like that, I'm very sorry but.. yeah. I have to. D:

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Chapter 7: I was hoping for a continuation but nothing happened.... :(

I'll be waiting
--geeniee #2
Chapter 7: haeyoung's creator ish here owo
Chapter 7: Nice dress ~ Really ? What happen ?
Chapter 6: Update !!! It is quite funny. Poor Jaeyeon.. LOL Ryu, are you excited by that ?
Chapter 6: Ah. Good luck on your exams. And this chapter made me smile. The girls are playful. :D
Chapter 6: Yay update! Ah poor Jaeyeon got trolled. Can't wait for more updates!
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating~!!! :)
Glad you took care of your exams.
Chapter 5: Why the long pause? I am always hoping for an update from you.
I'm back for a while to check this story and I found that you're disappointed with us for not commenting your story. I'm very very sorry. As you know everyone is busy but that doesn't mean we're forgetting your story. For your information, everytime I online in AFF, I'll waiting for your update and feels extremely happy when there's an update. I'm sorry if we make you feels sad or mad. I'll try my best to comment if I've chance to online. Love chu ! <3
Chapter 5: Sorry for not commenting lately. I have been focusing on school.
I'll try to comment when I can sorry again.