Be On Top: Juliet (T.O.P Media's New Girl Group)

"Oppa, I think we should go back now, It's getting really late." Jae said, wanting to go home.

"Arraseo! I'll just drop you by your dorm." L.Joe said, "Oh! And tomorrow, tell all of your members to get ready to go christmas shopping with us, arraseo? We'll pick you up at 10!"

"Nae! I won't forget about it!" She saluted and smiles widely.

They were walking towards KINKEE's dorm, when they saw a box and heard something was moving and scratching inside it. The box was on the edge of the path. It was lit up under the shining light of the street light.

"Oppa, shall we see what's inside the box? It keeps on moving and scratching the box, and I have a feeling the thing inside it wants to get out but it can't.." Jae said, walking towards the box.

"Are you sure?" He asked, "Maybe it's a rat or something.."

"I don't care! I just want to help it get out!" She chorused.

"As you wish Jaeyeon! But if it's something that scares you, I'm not going to help you with it" He said with a shrug. "You chose to do it! And don't say I didn't warn you if it was something unexpcted!"

"Aish! What ever oppa!" She said, a little bit angry. "Scaredy-cat!" She mumbled.

"I heard that! And I'm not a scardy-cat!" He defended himself.

She walked towards the box and nervously lifted the flaps (A/N: wth?! LOL) of the box.

The thing inside got scared, and hid underneath the shades. Jae opened both of the flaps and reached inside to feel what was inside. Then she felt something her hand and giggled.

"Yah! Why are you giggling?" L.Joe asked.

"It's me, and it tickles!" She said and continues to giggle.

"Take out what is inside!" He said again walking behind Jae, peeking through her shoulder.

She took out what was inside and revealed a little black and white Angora kitten.

"Aww~!! This is sooooooooo cute!!!!" She squeled. "Don't you think so, oppa?!"

"Yeah~! It totally is!" He said, backing away when you went closer to him with the kitten in your hand.

"Why are you backing away from me?" She asked. "Oh! I remember! You don't like kittens!"


Jaeyeon and L.Joe were in front of KINKEE's dorm, with a little bit of distance in between them, Since L.Joe is trying to get away from the kitten. Jaeyeon unlocked the door with her key and opened the door, wide enough to reveal the other members either on the couch, or on the ground lying down while watching TV.

"Unnies! Saengies! I'm home!!" I announced to everyone, which made them turn to look at me.

"Okay, since we've arrived in your dorm, I should get going now!" L.Joe said, running towards his dorm, which is about two blocks away. "AND DON'T FORGET TO TELL THEM!" He added.


There you go guys! I updated! I hope you liked the update!

Late Merry Christmas to you all that celebrates it!

NEW YEARS IN 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See ya'll in the next update! Ppyong~!

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Chapter 7: I was hoping for a continuation but nothing happened.... :(

I'll be waiting
--geeniee #2
Chapter 7: haeyoung's creator ish here owo
Chapter 7: Nice dress ~ Really ? What happen ?
Chapter 6: Update !!! It is quite funny. Poor Jaeyeon.. LOL Ryu, are you excited by that ?
Chapter 6: Ah. Good luck on your exams. And this chapter made me smile. The girls are playful. :D
Chapter 6: Yay update! Ah poor Jaeyeon got trolled. Can't wait for more updates!
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating~!!! :)
Glad you took care of your exams.
Chapter 5: Why the long pause? I am always hoping for an update from you.
I'm back for a while to check this story and I found that you're disappointed with us for not commenting your story. I'm very very sorry. As you know everyone is busy but that doesn't mean we're forgetting your story. For your information, everytime I online in AFF, I'll waiting for your update and feels extremely happy when there's an update. I'm sorry if we make you feels sad or mad. I'll try my best to comment if I've chance to online. Love chu ! <3
Chapter 5: Sorry for not commenting lately. I have been focusing on school.
I'll try to comment when I can sorry again.