Be On Top: Juliet (T.O.P Media's New Girl Group)

Author's POV

Ryu came up to me and said, "Don't forget to tell us what?"

Jae was about to answer when Ryu gasped, "No way! Did L.Joe oppa asked you out?"

Jae looked at her with a horrored expression and said, "No! Why would he ask me out?"

Ryu then gasped again. "Then did he perhaps... PROPOSED TO YOU?!!" She said, wide eyed.

"No Ryu! He didn't! He just told me we're going shopping tomorrow! Nothing else other than that!" Jae answered.

"Oh! You should've told me earlier then.." The younger grinned while nudging me.

"Well, I was going to, before someone interrupted me from doing so!" She said, emphasizing the word 'someone'. "Anyways.. why aren't you all asleep? Shouldn't you be sleeping by now? I mean.. It's like 12 am right now.."

The leader replied, "We were waiting for you.. but since you're here now, we should all go back to sleep!"

They all went to their prespective rooms. Ryu and Jackie in one room, Cherry, Luna and Tokki in another room while Queen and Melodia in the other.

-The next day-


The sound of an alarm went off throughout the whole house, the sound was pretty big to be a single alarm - well then, we're all wrong to think only one alarm went off. In fact, seven alarms went off for the day. - Yup! That's how they start the day.

One by one, the member woke up by the sound of the alarm ringing. They woke up and walked into the living room where everyone is to be gathered every morning. Their leader was the first to sit down on the couch. By the look of it, all of their faces are sleepy faces, except for... one. That one member seems to be the most happiest one. It was Jaeyeon.

Their leader and some other members noticed it. No, it's more like everyone noticed.

Haeyeong, or more known as, Queen, was the first to spoke. "Unnie.. Why the happy face?" She asked, "You're usually the grumpy one in the morning.." She then continued. Each and everyone of the members nodded slightly, agree with Haeyeong.

"Well, one, it's  the shopping day I was talking about." Jaeyeon answered with a wicked grin, "And two..." She paused for quite some time, annoying the members about what to come.

Now it was Ryu to be the first one to spoke up. "Oh come on! Tell us!" She whined, not quite impressed with the long pause.

Jaeyeon chuckled and continued with a wide grin pasted on her face, "Two... IT'S OUR FIRST DAY FOR THE REALITY SHOW!!!"

The member showed no signs of emotion after hearing the news. Jaeyeon frowned after noticing no one responded. "So no one is excited about it?" She asked rather sadly. She looked at each and everyone of their faces and no one replied. She ended up walking towards the bathroom with a now sad face.

As soon as the Jaeyeon walked into the bathroom, the members bursted out into laughter. "Oh my god! Her face was hilarious!" The second eldest member croaked out through her laughs. 


A/N: Hey guys! an update from me after a long, long time! Sorry I was on hiatus. I've been so busy preparing for mid exams for this year. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to update tomorrow ^^

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Chapter 7: I was hoping for a continuation but nothing happened.... :(

I'll be waiting
--geeniee #2
Chapter 7: haeyoung's creator ish here owo
Chapter 7: Nice dress ~ Really ? What happen ?
Chapter 6: Update !!! It is quite funny. Poor Jaeyeon.. LOL Ryu, are you excited by that ?
Chapter 6: Ah. Good luck on your exams. And this chapter made me smile. The girls are playful. :D
Chapter 6: Yay update! Ah poor Jaeyeon got trolled. Can't wait for more updates!
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating~!!! :)
Glad you took care of your exams.
Chapter 5: Why the long pause? I am always hoping for an update from you.
I'm back for a while to check this story and I found that you're disappointed with us for not commenting your story. I'm very very sorry. As you know everyone is busy but that doesn't mean we're forgetting your story. For your information, everytime I online in AFF, I'll waiting for your update and feels extremely happy when there's an update. I'm sorry if we make you feels sad or mad. I'll try my best to comment if I've chance to online. Love chu ! <3
Chapter 5: Sorry for not commenting lately. I have been focusing on school.
I'll try to comment when I can sorry again.