Just another day or not...

My Mysterious Hero

The next day, you got ready and walked to school again. Your mind was always thinking about your mysterious hero.

"I wonder who he is." You mumbled to yourself.

"Me too."

You jumped at the voice. When you saw it was just Rihye, you sighed of relief.

"Unnie, how many times do I have to tell you?" You pouted.

"Come on. It's not my fault you were thinking about someone. Say, talking about someone, who's that person you're thinking about? Woo Changbum?" Rihye giggled.

"Unnie~!" You whined.

"Aish! Stop that! Your voice is too cute!" Rihye laughed.

"Say, what happened to you and your mysterious hero last night?" You asked.

"Well, he caught up to me alright and dragged me into my house before leaving." Rihye replied.

"That's exactly what happened to me except for the dragging in the house part. He left me on the porch before leaving." You said.

"Wow. I wonder who they are." Rihye said as she got into a thinking posture.

"Me too." You nodded in agreement.

"Oh, well. Let's go to class. We don't want to be late." Rihye said.

You nodded with a smile. The two of you walked towards your class. Your eyes landed on Changbum automatically. Changbum was just wondering off in space while listening to music in his iPod. His eyes met yours and they stayed there. You were snapped back to reality when Rihye nudged you.

"Yah! Go sit down in your desk before the teacher gets here." She said.

You nodded before walking to your desk and sit down. You set your books on the desk before opening your notebook and took your pen out of your pencil case. You sat there for about a minute or two before wandering off into space.

"What's wrong?"

You jumped at the voice and whipped your head towards the owner of the voice. You discovered it was just Changbum. You exhaled your breath.

"Do you always jump like that?" Changbum asked as he was smiling like he was amused by it.

"Sometimes, why?" You asked.

"You look funny." Changbum replied before he started to giggle.

You just pouted at him before looking away.

"...and cute." Changbum mumbled as he smiled secretly to himself.

You didn't catch that because you were busy staring out of the window. The teacher entered and started the lessons.

After the bell rang, it was lunch time. You packed your stuff before walking over to Rihye's desk. You rose an eyebrow when you saw Rihye and Hyukjin talking or maybe not. It looks like they were fighting.

"What do you want from me?" Rihye asked.

"Nothing." Hyukjin replied.

"Then why did you come and bother me?" Rihye asked.

"I don't know. Just felt like it." Hyukjin shrugged.

Rihye rolled her eyes. When her eyes landed on you, she smile automatically. She ran up to you and held your arm. You stared at her in confusion.

"Come on, Jiyoung. Let's go. Kaja!" Rihye shouted before dragging you out of the room.

Changbum stood up and walked towards Hyukjin.

"What happened? Another fight?" He grinned as he put both hands on Hyukjin's desk.

"What does it look like?" Hyukjin asked as he stood up.

"It looked like two lovers making out." Changbum replied.

Hyukjin stopped his tracks and glared at him.

"Yah! Don't give me that look. I was just replying to your question." Changbum said.

"Gee, if only Jiyoung knew who you are." Hyukjin mumbled.

"Shut up. If you tell her, then I'll Rihye about you too." Changbum said.

Hyukjin just shrug before leaving. Changbum just sighed before grabbing his bag and follow him.


Sorry for the short update and sorry for being on hiatus for idk how long. Hope you guys enjoy this lame chapter. Okay, until next time. Bye~!!! :D

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SuJuShinee #1
Chapter 7: New reader here ^^

Pls update soon ~
cutieabby #2
Chapter 7: ...update sooon
Chapter 7: I wonder when the girls will find out who their mysterious heros are...
update soon saengie ♡
Chapter 7: OMgeee!, soo cute!! xD author-nim!! I'm glad you updated.. xDD
SweetTarts #5
Chapter 6: This is sooo good so far keep updating ^…^
Chapter 6: Uhhh i want to know soo bad who the heros are
update soon
Chapter 6: I'm guessing Rihye's mysterious hero is Hyukjin? I could be wrong though >.<
the two girls are really lucky to always be saved!
Chapter 5: Kyyaaaaahhhhhh... It is soooo dannnggg cuuuttteeee... Changbum u go man~ LoL.. xD
YAY finally some 'official' Jiyoung-Changbum moments!!! :DD *throws confetti* ♥
Chapter 5: they're so cute~!!!
update !!!