Chapter 3~

The midnight bridge


My heart beat in my chest painfully as I helped customers with a large fake smile on my face. Every beat was painful, every step, even every breath I took. I kept reminding myself that you were a busy person or that it was hard for you to meet me since what we had is forbidden. But I knew it was a lie. One month. One month I've been going to the bridge and found nothing. 
I smiled at the customer in front of me as I handed him his change. He had short slender fingers. I felt him clench onto my hand as he too the cold change from my hand. I looked up to see a short man with brown hair and eyes that were outlined with thick black eyeliner. He was wearing a black leather jacket with some black leather Pants to go along with them. He had a wide smirk on his face as he looked at me. "What's your name gorgeous?" His deep voice cooed. I was taken back and my eyes grew big and my smile faded. "W-what?" I responded. "Am I that hot I've made you speechless? What's your name gorgeous?" 'This cocky bastard' I thought to myself but all I was able to respond was my name. "P-p-park c-c-chanyeol. " With this he smirked. I looked behind hi and noticed the line that was being held up. "S-sir. You're holding up the line. Will you please leave?" I asked him as nicely as I could. He stepped aside and I smiled at the next customer to come closer. Ignoring him I attended the new customer but as I was about to open the cash resister he threw me a crumbled piece of paper with numbers scribbled on it. "Call me gorgeous. " He mouthed and took his loaf of bread and exited smoothly. 
"Oooh. Seems like someone was flirting with you~" My face began to heat up and I turned around to see Suho standing there. "He was not f-flirting!" I shouted. "He was too! But what was on that paper he gave you hmm?" He interferingly asked while trying to take the paper from my hands. "Yah! It doesn't say anything. Go back to work!" I shouted trying to get away. Suho poked my sides and I couldn't help but giggle and let go of the paper. He swiftly picked it up and saved the number into his phone. "This will come in handy really soon~" he said handing me back the paper and shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Why did you save it?" I playfully hit his shoulder as he laughed. "Why are you jealous boss?" I walked away and went to the back to help kyungsoo bake some bread. "Why would anyone flirt with me?"
The day went by slowly. The clock seemed to mock me every time it ticked. I took a bag of sweet bread with me and drove to the bridge. 'I hope he comes by today.' 
double update today~ 
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give me two weeks guys...


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mink_amiel23 #1
Chapter 6: poor yeolie...
please update soon~~ (i'll love it more if you double update it) :D
ukiss143 #2
Chapter 5: Nice story sofi! hwaiting!! everyone read and subscribe to Sofi's stories cause there awesome!! <3
Kironstree #3
Chapter 4: Plot twist!
Chapter 2: erm...what is kris actually? he's pretty mysterious to me...
haha kyungsoo always around food/kitchen
oh, the poster is awesome!
Seoyeon #5
Chapter 1: OwO where is Krissus!!!! *sobs* poor Chanchan....
love the gif btw..
Update soon >:)