A Coincidence

The Mermaidian Princess

" Chorong , don't sleep too late. You still have school tomorrow and it's time you take a break from studying my dear. " Mrs Park chided.

" All right umma, but just let me study this one last bit for tomorrow's History test. You know how I hate failing, Sulli doesn't even need to study to pass while I on the otherhand need to work extra harder. " Chorong murmured the last past softly.

Mrs park chuckled and went forwarrd to Chorong.

" Do not compare yourself to Sulli. No matter what, you are the best in umma's eyes." Mrs Park hugged Chorong tightly.

" Thank you umma. You must be tired from your duties as a queen. You should sleep, goodnight." Chorong smiled.

Mrs Park kissed Chorong's forehead before her daughter gently pushed her out of the bedroom.

Chorong sat back down at her desk and continued studying. Before she knew it,  she had already fallen asleep with her head on the desk.



" Chorong, wake up. It's time for school." Mdm Lee shook her gently, brushing Chorong's soft brown curls. Mdm Lee trailed from Chorong's face to the books and pieces of paper beside her. She shook her head and smiled " This silly girl. "  

" Just a minute ahjumma, I'm so tired ... " Chorong covered her eyes while Mdm Lee pulled open the curtains. 

" Now, you wouldn't want me to get a scolding by the headmistress would you? Do me a favour and get ready for school all right? " 

Chorong's eyes fluttered open and had no choice but to lift her head up from the desk . She whined as her back was hurting.

" Aigoo, why didn't you sleep on the bed last night? Quickly wash up and head down for breakfast. After that, I will apply some ointment on your back for you. " Mdm Lee gestured Chorong to go to the bathroom.

After washing up, Chorong headed down to the dining hall. 

" How are you Chorong? Why do you look so tired? " Mr Park asked with a look of concern in his eyes. It was at times like this that Mr Park had wished that he could spend more time with his precious daughter. Because of his duties as the King, he had to attend to many matters concerning the kingdom be it good or bad.

"I'm fine appa. Just didn't choose the right sleeping position." Chorong smiled as brightly as she could to assure him.

Mr Park raised his brows in curiousity but didn't probe further seeing that Chorong was already wolfing down a whole lot of food.

All of a sudden, Chorong shot up from her seat. " Oh no! There's a test today and I need to go to school to prepare for a last minute revision. Mr Kim! Could you get the car ready? I need to rush to school now! " Chorong exclaimed while panicking to put on her socks and shoes.

Mdm Lee came rushing down with a bottle of ointment in her hand, " Wait Princess! But what about your back? You need to put some ointment. " 

" It's all right ahjumma! It's not that serious. " With that, Chorong dashed out of the door together with Mr Kim right behind her.

" Why is this scene so familiar? " Mrs Park laughed.



" Did you study for the History test? " Sooyoung asked.

" Of course, and now my back hurts from too much of studying last night. " Chorong groaned as she rubbed her back. Soon afterwards, the History teacher, Mr Won walked in with a stack of paper which obviously was the test papers.

Before handing out the papers, Mr Won made sure that the CCTV was working in the classroom. Yes, a CCTV. In case anyone wanted to cheat by turning invisible or by any other methods which required magic, the CCTV would capture it. This CCTV is no ordinary CCTV. It is guarded by magic to prevent students from secretly making it faulty during the test. 

After everything was checked, Mr Won handed out the papers and the test started.

After 1 and a half hour, the papers were collected back. Chorong sighed in relief as the test was not very difficult afterall.

" Hey, do you guys want to eat ice cream after school? I heard that there is a new ice cream cafe opened up just a street away from our school! " Sulli's eyes beamed.

" Sure why not? Let's meet at the gate." Sooyoung glee in delight.


Chorong tapped her feet on the ground impatiently and folded her arms. She had been standing for a good fifteen minutes and there still wasn't a sight of Sooyoung or Sulli even though she had sent god knows how many messages to those two girls. After another five minutes, Chorong decided to just walk to the ice cream cafe herself. As she turned to walk, she heard someone calling out her name.

Chorong turned to see Baekhyun waving to her and smiling as he jogged quickly to her side. " Where're you going? " 

" I'm heading to the newly opened ice cream cafe nearby. You? " Chorong asked.

" Great! I'm going there too to meet my friends who went first since they couldn't wait. You want to go together? " 

Chorong stared deeply into Baekhyun's eyes and was mesmerised by the different shades of brown when the sunlight shone on his eyes. His eyes were so beautiful that Chorong forgot to reply him.

" Eh ... Chorong?" Baekhyun waved at her face.

" Yes? Oh! Sorry, I zoned out a little. Let's go together then! " Chorong smiled widely till her pink gums were almost seen.

They left the school together and Chorong silently thanked Sooyoung and Sulli for being late.





I'm so sorry for not updating for a very very long time !! I kind of lost the inspiration for this story and I had to study for my exams too .  I will try to update as often ! And as to those who have subscribed to this story , yes I have changed the main female character from Eunji to Chorong. Well , I'm sorry if you're not that satisfied with the choice I made but I hope you guys can learn to accept Chorong as the main female character :)


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LuRong_ship #1
Chapter 6: please update soon... I like BaekRong...
amazingmyza #2
Chapter 6: No eunji here? Why you change the lead? Maybe you should noticed us first so that we won't get confused. Anyway, no baekji anymore T.T
Chapter 6: Why did you change the lead anyway? Just curious ^^
Waffle_Berry #4
Chapter 4: This story is so interesting!!!!! Please update soon!!
amazingmyza #5
Chapter 4: yeahhhh! they join the same club ! can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 4: wahhh so interesting!! update soon author nim! ^^
amazingmyza #7
Chapter 2: update soon :) both baekji is really happy right ? ^^
JoeyyLau #8
Chapter 1: Its originally like that :)
Chapter 2: the storyline were originally like that or i havent read chapter 1 yet ? .__.