Newsletter Committee

The Mermaidian Princess


Classes have ended and it was time for the students to report to their own co-curricular activity or subject venue . 

" Where's Sulli ? " Chorong asked as she and Sooyoung walked down the halls to their lockers .

" Apparently that girl has already ran off to change before joining her dance class , if she continues like this , I think she can get first in place for the cross country run in July . " Sooyoung blew a raspberry .

" But there's still a few more months to go ! " Chorong shook her head and laughed . 

" All right all right , I've got to head to the club now , see you at the gate later , ta-ta ! " Sooyoung blew a kiss before bading Chorong goodbye .

Chorong quickly put her books into the locker and prepared some writing materials and a turquoise-blue notebook together with her portfolio before heading to the Newsletter Committee room . When she opened the door , there was already a teacher sitting inside and some few other students . 

" Am I late ? " Chorong bit her lip as she entered the room . 

" We're just about to start . " The teacher who is a middle-aged lady gave a warm small and gestured for Chorong to sit .

" Thank you for being punctual although one or two is late , first and foremost , let me introduce myself . I am the teacher in-charge of the Newsletter Committee club , Mdm Lee . I hope you all will put in your best effort into this club and at the same time , create wonderful memories . Now , let's start by dividing everyone into groups for a little discussion and pair work since it's the first day in the club today . Jin Su J- " 

Chorong raised her brows in curiousity . One or two people are late ? Chorong didn't think that these one or two people who are late are responsible enough to actually make the effort to be punctual , and to think it was the first day in the club . 

Chorong sighed and shook her head . She was actually going to have to work with these people .

" Chorong , you will work with Taemin over here and write up a small report by today by choosing any recent news that you are interested in . " Mdm Lee pointed to a tall blonde guy with geek glasses grinning widely at Chorong. She gave a nod to Mdm Lee and gave him a smile . 

" So , you're Chorong right ? Nice to meet you , I'm Taemin from class E4 . " Taemin held out his hands to shake Chorong's and vice versa .

Both of them started working diligently for the mini report . " Damn . " Taemin muttered . Chorong turned to him and saw that he had a paper cut on his index finger . She immediately wrapped his finger in her hands and when she removed her hands from his finger , the cut was gone . Taemin widened his eyes in surprise . " You have the power of healing ? What rank are you from ? " Taemin questioned .

Chorong cautiously told him that she was from the second rank although she was not . Taemin nodded in acknowledgement and forgot the matter . Soon , both of them were done with the report and handed it up to Mdm Lee who was impressed by the powerful vocabulary and skills used . As a reward , Mdm Lee dismissed both Taemin and Chorong off early while others continued slogging hard to come up with a good report . 

" It was great working with you Taemin . " Chorong smiled .

" Thanks , you too . " Taemin shyly grabbed the back of his neck .

Chorong and Taemin both waved goodbye to each other and headed off in their own directions . 

Chorong texted Sooyoung and Sulli that she would head home first since she was released early . 

Her chaffafeur soon arrived after she had given a call to inform him of her early dismissial . She got into the car and before she closed the door , she caught a glimpse of a guy running off in the direction of the Newsletter Committee room . What puzzled her was that the guy had entered the room . 

" Princess , is there a problem ? " the chaffafeur , Mr Kim asked with a concerned look . Mr Kim and Chorong had a relationship just like between an uncle and his niece . Before Chorong was born , Mr Kim had been working for the Park royals and everytime she needed help , he would willingly help her . 

" No , its nothing Mr Kim . Let's go ! " Chorong snapped out of her thoughts and gave him an assuring smile . 



" Sorry Mdm Lee ! I had extra classes to attend before I can come . " Baekhyun had ran out of his class to the Newsletter Committee club as soon as his extra lessons ended . 

" My , young man . To think I thought that you were going to skip this . Well , its almost time to pack up and leave but if you want , you can go back and write a small report of the recent news and pass it to me tomorrow at the office . Next time , try not to be late . You do not have anymore extra lessons do you ? " 

" No , its just for today Mdm Lee. " Baekhyun replied . 

" Good . By the way , two members have already left as I have dismissed them early because of their good effort in the report that they have come up with . You will see them in the next session .  "

Mdm Lee showed him the report that Chorong and Taemin had done but did not know that it was their work since no names were written down on the paper . 

As Baekhyun read on , he was flabbergasted .

He was impressed and really hope to work with them in the next session as soon as possible . 

He quickly gathered materials and did some research in the remaining time given so that he could do his report when he reaches home .

He smiled brightly and returned the report back to Mdm Lee before leaving . Baekhyun is definitely in for a surprise . 

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LuRong_ship #1
Chapter 6: please update soon... I like BaekRong...
amazingmyza #2
Chapter 6: No eunji here? Why you change the lead? Maybe you should noticed us first so that we won't get confused. Anyway, no baekji anymore T.T
Chapter 6: Why did you change the lead anyway? Just curious ^^
Waffle_Berry #4
Chapter 4: This story is so interesting!!!!! Please update soon!!
amazingmyza #5
Chapter 4: yeahhhh! they join the same club ! can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 4: wahhh so interesting!! update soon author nim! ^^
amazingmyza #7
Chapter 2: update soon :) both baekji is really happy right ? ^^
JoeyyLau #8
Chapter 1: Its originally like that :)
Chapter 2: the storyline were originally like that or i havent read chapter 1 yet ? .__.