Chapter 9

When the world ends, can a new start begin?

Min/your POV

I can't believe I actually gave him a kiss... it was just a peck though... but still it was a kiss... I'm just going to pretend it never happened. I can't even think about that right now.

I was walking back to the barn only to find Yong Guk at the door,

"hey, why aren't you inside?" I asked him

He suddenely looked down, then back up at me. " I thought I could keep watch while the boys play around. Just to be safe." he said

"Oh, thats smart Oppa." I replied "Do you like it here?" I asked

"Actually, I do. Its not Seoul but it will be a nice new home." He smiled at me. 

"So is Himchan alright?" he asked, I nodded in response, I didn't really want to bring it up...

"Oh he's always been kind of clumbsy." he joked

"Yeah It seems that way huh?" I laughed

"Noona?" I heard a shy voice call

I turned to see Jong Up calling me. We have yet to talk...

"Nae?" I walked up to him.

"Is it ok if I call you Noona?" he asked shyly though it was getting dark I could see the tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Of course you can call me Noona, and you can talk comfortably around me, ok?" I said to him while patting his head

"Ok.. noona." He then smiled at me.

"Is that all you wanted?" I asked seeing that his eyes kept darting back and forth it seemed that something else was on his mind

"Can I talk to you in private?" I looked around to see Yong Guk watching,

"You guys can take over watch, I'll see what the kids are doing." Yong Guk said while excusing himself back in the barn.

"Whats up, Jong Up?" i then giggled at myself.. what? it ryhmed....

"Umm, I don't really know much about the... zombie things.." I nodded for encouragement for him to continue.

"How are you suppose to kill them, I want to be able to protect everyone.."

"How about tomorrow I'll train all of you in some sort of zombie knowledge? But in reality, Don't get bit. And always aim for their head, anywhere else will do nothing whatsoever." He looked at me with frightened eyes

"Don't be scared ok? They rarely ever come to the farmhouse, and if they do, we are ready for them." I smiled trying to ease his fear, he nodded

"hey... Jong Uppie.." I tried a nickname and he looked up at me "Noona's got your back!" I then smiled again this time more energetic. he smiled in return,

Should we head in the barn now?" I asked him, he nodded and led the way.

We walked in to see the boys all in their own world. Yong Guk was petting the sheep, Young Jae was with Daehyun petting Monty our horse and Zelo was mooing at the cow, he seemed very intreguied by her and it was honestly quite cute.

I squeezed Jong Up's arm, then went to Daehyun and Young Jae. They are the only ones I haven't really talked to yet...

"hey," I shyly started "Ah! Chingu-ah!" Young Jae wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "lets be comfortable, yeah?" he asked. I happily nodded glad that there wouldn't be awkwardness between the two of us.

"Are you just going to ignore your Oppa?" I turned to see Daehyun looking at me.. Oh.. my.. God... he is so incredibly handsome... It shouldn't be legal to look this good!

"N-n-no Oppa.. I wasn't ignoring you." Daehyun smiled and ruffled my hair. What is with these guys and ruffling my hair?? I'm not a puppy...

"I know, I just didn't know how else to start the conversation" Daehyun smiled at me. I laughed concidering I had no clue how to start a conversation either. Damn.... he looks good.. The computer screen doesn't do justice..

I snapped myself out of it, he wasn't even my bias... maybe I don't even have a bias anymore... concidering they are all living with me now..

Oh my God... B.a.p is living with me... OH MY GOD! Why is this just now clicking?? No... I have to remain calm and not fangirl out... just stay relaxed Min..

After my internal struggle to freak out I looked at the two boys beside me, Young Jae's arm was still around my shoulder but I didn't mind.

"How are you guys doing?" I asked they both nodded and gave me a simple "good" I nodded

"Im glad you guys are here.. and that you are close to my age" I smiled at them

"Hey! I'm still your Oppa!" Daehyun whined, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, chingu-ah?" "hmm?" "When is your birthday anyway?" YoungJae asked

"Its in May wh-"

"Ah-ha! I'm still older then you.. You shall call me Oppa now too"

"Seriously?" I asked in a monitone.

"Yes." was all he said

"Ok, Oppa." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Aw! Who's our cutie?" He then proceeded to pinch my cheeks.

"yah!" I yelled playfully.. while rubbing my cheeks.

"sorry about him.. he's not normal." Daehyun whispered in my ear.

I suddenly got flustered and forgot how to think.... After about twenty seconds I giggled a bit and spoke so they coulld all hear me.

"Are you guys tired at all? Hungry?" I asked

"I'm hungry Noona..." Zelo came to me bouncing bringing an agreeing Jong Up with him

"Na do.." Daehyun replied,

"Your always hungry you fatty" Young Jae teased

Daehyun only pouted

I laughed and looked at Yong Guk since he is the only one who hasn't replied

"To the kitchen?" Yong Guk asked

I smiled, "To the Kitchen!"

We all walked to the kitchen together, suddenly I felt something warm ontop of my hand

"Is this ok Noona?" Zelo asked me while holding my hand

"Yeah, its ok." I smiled, he beamed at me and then intertwined our fingers. I haven't held someones hand in.... well...

"Junhong-ah! You can't just hold her hand!" Young Jae shouted

"I asked! She said it was ok!" he smiled triumphantly

"Well, fine! Then I can too!"

then I felt my other hand surrounded in warmth. I turned to Yong Guk with wide eyes. How am I suppose to react in this situation???

He just shook his head and giggled, we continued our walk.

"Young Jae Oppa?" "Nae?" He replied "I think my sister... um... she may... she might hit on you.."

"Oh... really?" he asked "yeah she seemed to like you." I told him

"Isn't she married?" He asked, "Yep... she's not very... you know.. classy in that way..."

He just shook his head and did an overegsaduated tremble with his body and voice. Dork... I smiled to myself

As we were walking in the boys let go of me so that we could fit in the door, concidering its only for one person at a time.. not three...

Himchan came down the stairs as if on cue

"Baby!" He then ran to me and gave me a hug while lifting me up. Like those hugs you see in romantic movies, I wouldn't have minded if it was just the two of us, but everyone was now watching...

He placed me down and patted my head.

"Aigoo! Your kiss is healing my cheek so well! See look!?" He said,

Dear God... I wasn't gonna say anything to them.... good lord Himchan!

"But my lips are a little sore still, they might need a kiss too." He winked at me before being smacked in the back of the head by Yong Guk

"Byuntae!" (ert) he said while in the misdt of the hit.

"I was just kidding! God..." Himchan replied while rubbing his head "Now you need to kiss my head too!" He replied with a smirk, that earned him another smack.

"Noona! I want a kiss too!!" Zelo ran to me

this is not what I wanted...

"It is only fair chingu-ah... we all deserve a kiss on the cheek now."

I looked around frantically... who do they think I am??

"Yah... we just met... this isn't right Oppa!" I said to YoungJae.

"Whats fair is fair!" He replied

what do I do.... I guess I'll just get it over with.. but if i don't put up a fight wont they think I'm easy? I'm not easy!

"No..." I whispered.

"Well why does Himchan get one!?" he asked

"Because he got hurt..." I mumbled.

"Ok! everyone go push your face against something." Daehyun added.

"Guys!" I said they all turned to me

"Whats fair is fair Noona..." Zelo said..

Even Zelo now?? Well I guess it is only fair.. I knew they would get mad in the first place...

"ok..." I whispered with my head down as soon as I said it a line was formed all except Yong Guk was in the line he just stood there shaking his head at his donsaengs..

Zelo was first.

"Don't be mad Noona..." He said with puppy eyes.. I just smiled shyly and turned my head to give him a peck on his cheek

he then blushed then went behind Yong Guk and whispered something causing him to blush and laugh

Jong Up was next

he just shyly leaned his face towards me waiting for his kiss. his eyes were closed and his cheeks were a bright pink

I kissed his cheek and he quickly walked away and sat on a stair

"Ah! Chingu-ah!" Young Jae said while leaning his face toward me

I kissed his as fast as possible "Aigo!" He yelled and held his heart.. What a drama queen.. or King...

Last in line was Daehyun he smirked at me and leaned his face down. I was hesitant to kiss his soft skin, his jawline was so manly and his eyes were so soft yet intense..

"yah.. are you gonna just stare at me or give me my kiss?" He asked i felt my eyes widen and my cheeks heat up. How embarrassing....

I slowly reached for his cheek and gave it a small shy kiss. then looked down immediatly

"Now, I better get one before I go to bed and in the morning. Arraso?" He asked, my eyes continued to widen, if that is even possible...

"Let's find something to eat!" Daehyun ran to the kitchen followed by the rest of the boys.

I on the other hand was frozen, even the smell of my mom's fried chicken wasn't waking me up.. and believe me..I love me some chicken....

"Min-ah?" I turned to see Yong Guk looking at me with concerned eyes "are you ok?" he kindly asked..

"U-um y-yeah, I'm ok... just... wasn't expecting that reaction.. I mean.. we all just met..."

He gave a small laugh, "Well, the boys and I haven't really had any female companionship for a while... I think they just wanted some in a more intimate way."

"Don't say intimate, Oppa! That makes it sound was worse then it already was..." I said shyly...

He laughed again, then I thought, "Oppa? why weren't you in line?" I asked out of curiousity... its not that my feelings were hurt... well.. maybe a little...

He looked at me and replied " I could tell you were uncomfortable. But the boys were determined so... I knew I couldn't stop them, but I could take one less awkward moment away from you." he said

I smiled "Thanks Oppa..." He just nodded his head. I then went in for a hug.. I have no idea what came over me... It just happened... he froze then wrapped his arms around me.. while rubbing my back, even though I didn't want to... I pulled away

"You hungry Oppa?" I asked him

"Starving" he replied


Two updates in a day! whoohoo!! I tried to make this one longer... I hope it is ok... :)

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Chapter 15: kyaaaa , yongguk so cute ! anyway please update soon author nim , I really want to read more . I love your story too !
Chapter 13: New Reader here! ^_^ Hi! XD This story is absolutely amazing! I can't help but smile and get all giddy >.< I also love how you portray the characters <3 and honestly, I have been looking for a zombie apocalypse fic for a REALLY long time! And praise the lord I've found yours! The plot is good and I see some features that resemble the walkng dead which is cool xD Please keep up the good work and update soon! HWAITING~
christymusic #3
Chapter 13: Good luck for ur job interview!!!!!! Wat job are u plannin to do ?
Chapter 12: omg. i feel loved. haha.
not a big deal. i love it though.
hmmm. Yongguk? idk.
i will looking forward to your choice. cx
and i feel happy to be as cameo of that starlight. xDD
wow. i'm a new reader and this is so.... jjang!
daebak author-nim.
please updating more soon! :DD
and I want to see the action scene soon. *^*
I can understand how you wrote the action scene and it's still turned out good! hehe. c: