Chapter 5

When the world ends, can a new start begin?

Zelo's POV

I've never been so scared in my life... losing everyone.. when Manager Kang gave himself away to save us...  I can't explain the pain I felt, and the admiration to him. How selfless to die for others. I pray he is in a better place and happily looking down on us and looking out for us.

The moment the SUV drove by us I didn't think but ran into the car. When she turned the light on and I saw her face it was like magic. I felt a little of my pain leave me. The way the light shone on her brown hair and how her blue eyes twinkled. She looked like an angel.. From that moment on. Min was my angel.

She saved us and I felt immediatly close with her. In my head I never call her Min, but Angel or My angel. I think God sent her...

Honestly I was kinda sad when we arrived at the farm, since I was upfront with Angel by myself. She was really pretty close up... like... really pretty close up... When we arrived I was nervous but excited..

Omma is sweet and beautiful, for an older lady of course.

Angel showed us our rooms, the guys were still a bit awkward with her but I wasn't. I already know she is a Godsend, so I'm going to be comfortable with her!

"Zelo..." Angel whispered to me while giving me a sign to follow her, she led me to her room.

"This is my room.. but I'm pretty sure you already guessed that..." she said timidly.. She's cute when she's nervous... wait.. why is she nervous?

"I know that back home for you, you always had to shower last... So you can use my shower before the boys get to it..I know how its like to be the baby.." She smiled

"Thanks Noona!!" I beamed at her, I wanted to hug her but... we just met and I don't want to scare her.

I looked around her room, It was clean for the most part just her bed wasn't all the way made. It looked like she jumped across it to get the sheet down and got frustrated and stopped... Next to her bed was a nightstand.. with a picture of her... and a boy... they were hugging and he was holding a rose for her..

"Noona?" I asked "Hmm?" She replyed

"Who is this with Noona?" I asked

Her eyes fell and she looked sad. I don't want to make my angel sad.... I was about to say 'its ok you don't have to tell me' when she looked at me and smiled and began talking.

"Thats Jason. My boyfriend. He died about a month ago." she looked at the picture longingly and i felt my heart drop as I looked at the tears in her eyes start to fall. She quickly wiped it and pretended like nothing happened. "Don't worry about it.. sorry I cried Zelo-ah...." Why would she be sorry she cried.. He died and she obviously loved him...

"Its ok to cry Noona... You can cry on me! I have great shoulders!" I said trying to make her smile and it worked. She smiled and giggled a bit

 "Ok next time I need a good cry I'll come find you alright?" she smiled, I nodded seriously. She then explained the shower and how it goes since each shower is different, after giving me a towel she said,  "Go and take a shower before the boys notice." She smiled and closed the door to her room.

I smiled and looked at the picture again.. We'll make you smile again Noona... I'll make you smile again.


Min's/ Your POV

I cant believe I started crying.. I hate crying in front of people.. esspecially boys.. poor guys they have no idea what to do in that kind of situation. I feel so week and defeated when I cry... He's a sweet kid though, I promise to take good care of him, like a good Noona.

I walked downstairs and heard the shower upstairs turn on, I smiled and walked into the kitchen, the boys were around the table and my mom was just smiling and talking and they looked so lost.. they just nodded here and there and giggled occasionally, When they saw me the look in thier faces was relief. I laughed and went to my moms side.

"They have no idea what you are talking about.." She looked at me then the boys then me agian with a confused face "But they are nodding and grunting as if they understand..."

I laughed "Thats cause they are polite boys, Mom." She turned to them and said sorry and the boys laughed and bowed to show it was no big deal...

While the boys were busy with my Mom, I noticed only four of them there, since Zelo is in the shower i knew someone was missing, confused, I look around and see Daehyun playing with my niece. she was playing with his necklace and cuddling to his neck. He smiled down at her and lightly bopped her nose and she giggled and bopped his nose back. It was a heartwarming scene I smiled unknowingly.

"Where is Zelo-ah?" Yong Guk grabbed my attention

"Oh he's in the shower, I let him go first..  I hope you don't mind..." I looked down, he always showered first in Korea since he is the oldest member.

"Oh thats ok..." he smiled.

"How are you doing?" I asked him cautiously

He seemed stunned that i asked.  "I'm doing better, thanks to you." He smiled

I blushed and smiled shyly..

"If you need to talk or anything.. I'm here Yong Guk- shi." I smiled

"Call me Oppa. I am older than you." He smiled

"Ok Oppa" I smiled shyly and giggled.


Yong Guk POV

Min's mom was just talking and talking. We just nodded and awkwardly laughed when she lauged. Min and Zelo were no where to be found. I wish she was here to make since to make sence of what her mom was saying... As I was thinking that, she came down the stairs and realized the situation and laughed. She told her mom something and her mom turned to us and said sorry and looked really embarressed. We just bowed and laughed hopeing she would understand that it was no big deal. Min looked at us and smiled then looked around seeming confused. She then found Daehyun playing with her niece..

She smiled... like a heartwarming sweet smile.. it was beautiful.. But because of Daehyun... I walked over to her without even thinking and started a conversation.

"Where is Zelo-ah?" I asked, I was honestly curious about that..

she said he was in the shower first... I wasn't mad just curious why she let him go first. She then said "I hope you don't mind.." She cared about what I thought...

She looked at me with kind eyes, and asked how I was doing.. She looked so pretty.. I was surprised that she asked but I'm glad she did. 

I answered honestly. "Im doing better.. thanks to you." I smiled it was the truth. If she didn't find us and give us a place we would be wandering around aimlessly and probably being eaten... She saved us.. I'll always be grateful her.

She blushed and smiled shyly at me.  she then looked at me with her kind blue green eyes. and said

"If you need to talk or anythiong.. I'm here Yong Guk-shi." she then smiled

"Call me Oppa." I said without thinking it just bugged me that she didn't call me oppa for some reason. "I am older than you." I smiled

She blushed again "Ok Oppa." She smiled shyly and giggled.

Only a few days and this girl already has a little peice of my heart.



I've been pretty busy.. Thank you so much for reading my story.. 

I hope this chapter is ok.. I'll try and update more often!!

Annyeong!! :)

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Chapter 15: kyaaaa , yongguk so cute ! anyway please update soon author nim , I really want to read more . I love your story too !
Chapter 13: New Reader here! ^_^ Hi! XD This story is absolutely amazing! I can't help but smile and get all giddy >.< I also love how you portray the characters <3 and honestly, I have been looking for a zombie apocalypse fic for a REALLY long time! And praise the lord I've found yours! The plot is good and I see some features that resemble the walkng dead which is cool xD Please keep up the good work and update soon! HWAITING~
christymusic #3
Chapter 13: Good luck for ur job interview!!!!!! Wat job are u plannin to do ?
Chapter 12: omg. i feel loved. haha.
not a big deal. i love it though.
hmmm. Yongguk? idk.
i will looking forward to your choice. cx
and i feel happy to be as cameo of that starlight. xDD
wow. i'm a new reader and this is so.... jjang!
daebak author-nim.
please updating more soon! :DD
and I want to see the action scene soon. *^*
I can understand how you wrote the action scene and it's still turned out good! hehe. c: