Chapter 13

When the world ends, can a new start begin?

Your POV

After finishing getting ready I walked down the stairs to see my mom at the stove.

"Morning mom" I said cheerfully

She just hummed in reply, I noticed that she was starting to make some pancakes so I went to help her.

Honestly, My eyes were very sore from crying.. I hope no one notices it.... I did all I could in the bathroom to try and make them look less puffy.... but alas... here I am looking like I had an awful allergic reaction... Maybe I'm over doing it... just a little...

I don't expect the boys to get up anytime soon... The time zone is completely different... about 14 hours or so... but math is not my best point...

"I don't think the boys are going to wake up till later..." I said to my mom "time difference, So if you just leave the batter covered for them, I'll just cook some for them when they wake up." I added

"Oh, alright then!" she said while wrapping plastic wrap over the bowl

"Good Morning!" My sister came down the stairs saying in a happy voice and a big smile,

She then looked around then her smile dropped and a dissapointed pout replaced it... "Where are they??" She asked in a rude manner

I decided to annoy her, I'm the baby sister... Its my job.... :"Who??" I asked with an innocent face

She gave me an annoyed glance "You know who! The hot boys! I never thought asians could really be hot..." she mumbled the last part....

"Oh them? They are sleeping, we made breakfast though"

She huffed then just sat at the table waiting for us to put her plate in front of her... My sister has something called "princess syndrome" and for the love of God it is the most annoying thing ever

"You have feet, princess. Get it yourself." I said obviously annoyed

"Fine! I don't even like pancakes.... but at least I eat like a lady, unlike my baby sissy here!" She said while pinching my cheeks..

Oh god... I did eat like a pig... *facepalm*

"It was fried chicken!!! I can't help it!"

"and this Min, is why they wont like you" she said smugly..

You know when you watch movies and there is always that one girl who everyone hates, but is usually nice to because she is either very pretty, or rich??? That girl that you just want to yell at??

Well... that is my sister....

"Oh Kimmy... How I love you, your so charming!" I muttered sarcastically

She just smiled then got her pancakes and sat down, Jim then came down with Sophie in hand.

Sophie ran to me and I made her a little plate of pancakes and helped feed her, while my sister and her husband stuffed their faces...

My niece ate really well, and seemed content so after cleaning off her sticky fingers I let her down.

"Ah! Now I can eat!" I went to the stove to get my pancakes when I realised.. There were none left.... I turned to my family

"Sorry! I thought you already ate!" My brother in law said... he had at least twelve on his plate....

"Its fine... I'll just wait to eat with the boys..." I said then went to my room..

How rude! It was obvious that I didn't eat! I always feed my niece first! They are the ones that should be doing that!!!

I walked dejecetedly to my room...

"hey!" I lifted my head to see Himchan standing above me

"Oh, hey." I said

"*cough* oppa... you *cough* forgot the *cough* oppa...." He mumbled sarcastically

which actually caused me to smile

"Oppa, good morning" I replyed

"Why are you so sad??"

I then looked down...

"they ate all the pancakes...." I said softly

He stayed silent

then erupted in a laugh

I looked to him seeing his laugh which actually made me want to laugh too, so I did.

"Its not funny, Oppa! I fed their daughter before I ate, and they ate the rest before I even got one!"

He continued to laugh, the nerve of this guy!

"Your sad because they ate your pancakes???"  He said

"Maybe..." I mumbled he then laughed again at me

then enveloped me into a tight hug.

"whats going on!?" YoungJae opened his door annoyed, his hair was a wreck, similar to his power style... it really looked like a tsunami!

"Min didn't get her pancakes... so she is sad." Himchan muttered in a sad voice while holding me,  then laughed again.

"Really? This is why??? MIN! Just go and make some more pancakes!" He mumbled then slammed his door

"YoungJae's not a morning person..." Himchan added while rubbing my back and giggling

"Obviously..." I giggled

"You really slammed the door!? Well goodmorning world!" Daehyun said, then left his room to go to the bathroom

"Minnie, so you haven't eaten??" Daehyun asked, I slighly blushed at the Minnie then I merely shook my head as a reply

"Great! Lets eat together!" He mentioned then ran to the bathroom to clean himself up... even when he just wakes up he is handsome... very handsome....

"Yeah, MIn! We wont eat all the pancakes!" Himchan smirked letting go of me

"Good!" I said to him while laughing

"Maybe I should go see if the boys will wake up... I don't want them to miss their pancakes"

He nodded, "I'll meet you downstairs"

Who to wake up first??? YongGukie!! Then he can help me wake up the other member!


When I reached the door, I suddenly felt nervous... Does he wear clothes to bed???? Do any of them not wear clothes??? Maybe I'll just let them sleep in.... No... I'd want my pancakes... So with that I knocked quietly on the door


I knocked again

Once again nothing.. I took that as a sign to go in...

I opened the door to see YongGuk sleeping peacfully... with his mouth open... laying on his stomach... with his right leg and arm, dangling off the bed.... He was still wearing his tight black tank top and pajama bottoms. Oh thank GOD!!!

I then slowly walked up to him, and sat on the side of the bed, i tried my best not to admire his face for too long, though his mouth was open it was open in this cute adorable way, with a cute snore escaping that can only be heard close up... I wonder if I look this good when I sleep... No... I probably look like a dead fish with its mouth open....

After I had done my admiring of his wonderful body, wow... I sound like a serious ert! Well....

I lightly shook his arm


I shook it again to get the same reaction... nothing...

"Oppa~ wake up" I said softly, which cause him to smile unknowingly

"YongGukie Oppa~ wake up" I said again, trying to sound as loving as possible, it seemed to be working, he kept smiling. A childlike smile, very adorable!!!

I shook him once more "Oppa" His eyes then shot open

"Annyeong!" I said quietly

He looked very alarmed, I think he forgot where he was, concidering he kept looking around. His eyes then landed on me, they widened. Maybe he's surprised I'm in his room sitting on his bed....

"Its morning..." I mumbled, he nodded "Some of the boys woke up and I was going to make breakfast... Are you hungry??" I asked

He stayed quite... this is one of the cutest moments I have ever lived through... His eyes were wide, and he rubbed his left eye with the back of his hand like a child... Aigoo!!!!!

"Mmm" he mumbled, his voice was lower in the morning.. I had no idea that could be possible... but it had this y tone to it, very y... Oh jeeze!! Min!! Stop it

"I'm gonna shower, first... Then I'll head down.. Ok?" He mumbled with his y, i mean he mumbled back....

"Didn't you shower last night?" I asked out of curiousity

His eyes widened again "Yeah.... but I... sweat a lot at night... So... I'd like to shower again."

"Oh... I understand! I'll make sure there are enough pancakes for you Oppa!" I smiled and he nodded, he still seemed to be in a daze,

"See you in a bit!" I said while closing the door.. Well, that was an experience...


I'll wake up the maknae line now!

I knocked once then opened the door

Zelo and Jongup were both sleeping in the same bed, maybe Zelo was still sad...

I went to their bed and sat on the edge

"Boys, wake up~" I said they both stirred and woke up.

Wow.. that was easy! "I was about to make breakfast for you guys... Are you hungry??" I said in a hushed tone, I didn't want to be too loud since they just woke up.

"Nae, Noona. We'll get ready then meet you downstairs."

"Ok! Did you boys sleep ok?" I asked, mainly asking Zelo, since his eyes looked exactly like mine, puffy...

He smiled to assure me he was fine. "Ok! See you boys down there!" I said while closing the door


Youngjae's room... Daehyun was already downstairs

I knocked once, then twice. Then opened the door

Like I did to the other boys i sat on the edge of his bed and shook him slightly

"Wake up Oppa~" I muttered lovingly.

Then before I knew it


I was hit in the face with a pillow!

That jerk just hit me with a pillow!!!! I realised I was now on the floor, and holding my sore nose...

Maybe he just did that because he was suprised... I'll try again

Staying further away from him I shook his leg "Oppa~"

he then kicked my arm away...

I was honestly in shock, Himchan wasn't joking when he said that he wasn't a morning person...

I heard a knock on the door to see Daehyun

"He hates mornings.." He said quietly

"I can see that.. He's scary..." I mumbled

He laughed and patted my head

"Its the morning" He mentioned while bringing his face close to mine

Oh yeah, I forgot... a kiss....

I leaned in slightly to give him a good morning kiss on the cheek

"Its gonna be a good day!" He said loudly, causing me to laugh

He smiled at me and gave me a hug

"Good morning Minnie!" He said softly, causing me to blush

while letting go " there is really only one way to really wake him up, without being mauled..." he started

then he jumped on top of his friend...

Well.. this is quite the site to see


Youngjae then got out from under his blankets and glared at Daehyun but then slowly smiled and said "Good morning guys!"

That was a turn around!!! He was just throwing things at me!

"Good morning..." I muttered he just looked up at me smiling

"I'm going to start breakfast, so get ready" I said kindly then went to the door with Daehyun behind me

"I'm all ready, I'll walk with you" He smiled at me

Gosh.. that smile....


HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) :)

this was fun to write... I honestly didn't know what to write... so i just started writing and this came out! And NOW I have an idea of the next chapter

Who wants to know why Yongguk was acting so weird??? Hmm??


Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I have ten subbies!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!

By the way.. I have an important job interview Tuesday... Please wish me luck and keep me in your prayers!!!!

<3 Emilie


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Chapter 15: kyaaaa , yongguk so cute ! anyway please update soon author nim , I really want to read more . I love your story too !
Chapter 13: New Reader here! ^_^ Hi! XD This story is absolutely amazing! I can't help but smile and get all giddy >.< I also love how you portray the characters <3 and honestly, I have been looking for a zombie apocalypse fic for a REALLY long time! And praise the lord I've found yours! The plot is good and I see some features that resemble the walkng dead which is cool xD Please keep up the good work and update soon! HWAITING~
christymusic #3
Chapter 13: Good luck for ur job interview!!!!!! Wat job are u plannin to do ?
Chapter 12: omg. i feel loved. haha.
not a big deal. i love it though.
hmmm. Yongguk? idk.
i will looking forward to your choice. cx
and i feel happy to be as cameo of that starlight. xDD
wow. i'm a new reader and this is so.... jjang!
daebak author-nim.
please updating more soon! :DD
and I want to see the action scene soon. *^*
I can understand how you wrote the action scene and it's still turned out good! hehe. c: