Babe Magnet

The Baby Chronicles:


Wufan is Chinese for ‘Babe magnet.’
Wufan quickly hurried out of the car to get into the heat of his aunt’s home. He’d been driving for 4 hours straight and 3 hours in, his car heater gave up on life. Needless to say, Wufan was freezing and he was 98% sure that 4 toes on his right foot would have to be amputated because of frost bite. 
Wufan half stomped half dragged himself up the porch and to the front door. Luckily, his aunt was waiting right on the other side of the door with a huge mug of hot chocolate and a large fluffy blanket. She cheered out her greetings as she yanked her nephew into the house and out of the blizzard. 
Wufan hurriedly stumbled out of his shoes and into the living room, throwing himself into the chair closest to the active fireplace. His aunt shoved the mug of hot cocoa into his hands and began fluttering around, switching from talking about getting his things to rubbing at his head with a towel she seemingly pulled out of her . 
When Wufan had finally managed to get her to leave him alone, he downed the steaming beverage, not caring if he burned all his taste buds as the warm drink sent feeling down his throat, to his stomach, and spread out to his limbs. 
He set the mug on the coffee table and sunk back into the chair, sighing deeply as his eyes closed shut. 
His eyes had been shut for 3 seconds when he heard the squealing and thumping of feet. A small smile tugged at his lips as the thumping and squealing grew louder as he heard the owners of those feet running around upstairs. 
The thumping could be heard on the stairs as 3 voices continued squealing and giggling as they charged for Wufan. 
Wufan peeked an eye open to see 3 little babies charging for the living room, in search of Wufan. 
The squealing grew louder as the tiny beings flew across the room and launched themselves onto Wufan’s lap. 
The oldest, Yixing, buried his head into Wufan’s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around Wufan’s neck. 
Jongdae, the 2nd eldest, helped baby Tao climb onto the large lap and together they wrapped their arms around Wufan’s waist as best as they could. 
Wufan chuckled as he hugged the babies, “Hi guys! I missed you!”
Wufan was happy he was able to see his tiny friends. His aunt usually baby-sat the terrible trio but she was called away to some conference on the other side of the country for 2 whole weeks and she needed a replacement. Wufan was happy to volunteer to watch the little monsters. 
He pecked each baby on the head, “What’s up guys?”
Yixing finally pulled away and sat on Wufan’s right thigh as Chen and Tao shared a seat on his left. They all stared up at him with shining eyes, excited for the weeks to come.
“Have you guys eaten?”
The front door opened and Wufan’s uncle stepped through the threshold, 2 duffel bags slung over his shoulders and 2 suitcases in his hands. He was muttering angrily to himself as he set all of Wufan’s things down and removed his heavy snow gear.
Wufan set all the babies down on the floor and stood up, not expecting them to trail behind him like ducklings, “Ah, you didn’t have to do that, uncle!”
His uncle shook his head, “I wouldn’t have had a problem if that strange witch wasn’t launching snowballs from the tree!”
They both chuckled, thinking about Wufan’s aunt. That woman had always been a few fries short of a happy meal. 
Wufan shook his head, “I didn’t even know she had gone outside!”
His uncle rolled his eyes, “She snuck out through the back, thinking I didn’t notice the backdoor slamming.”
Wufan laughed. His aunt and uncle were the perfect couple in his eyes. You were never bored if they were around. 
The front door opened and there was a loud yodel before it slammed and opened again, Wufan’s aunt finally walking in and slamming the door shut behind her. 
She grinned up at her husband, “Victory is mine!”
Her husband narrowed his eyes playfully, “We’ll settle this when we get to the airport. If we get there on time, because somebody is always running late!”
She rolled her eyes and ran up the stairs, “I’m almost done getting everything in the truck, I’ll be ready in no time!”
Wufan’s uncle playfully elbowed him as he muttered under his breath, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
Wufan turned around to see 3 babies sitting cross-legged on the floor. They were all watching with him with awe.
“Why are you guys on the floor?”
Jongdae shrugged, “TaoTao wanted to sit. So we sit.”
Wufan chuckled as he helped them all up, “Well, how about we go sit in front of the fireplace?”
Jongdae and Tao took off to the living room, ignoring Wufan’ shout of “But don’t get close to the fire!”
Wufan huffed and scooped Yixing up into his arms. He poked the 4 year old’s nose, “Let’s go check on your silly friends.”
Yixing giggled as his nose was poked and rested his head against’ Wufan’s as they moved back into the living room. 
Jongdae and Tao had plopped down in front of the small coffee table a safe distance away from the fireplace. Wufan sighed, relieved that he wouldn’t have to report any burns or injuries tonight. He sat in the reserved space between Jongdae and Tao, placing Yixing in his lap. 
As they sat in front of the fireplace, the 4 males caught up, Jongdae and Tao talking of the very first family reunion they’d ever attended and Yixing quietly talking about his dance recitals. 
At 6:30, there was a knock on the door and Wufan opened it to see Jongdae and Tao’s parents bundled up and huddling together on the front porch. 
He helped the two babies wrap up and carried them to the car, making sure they were in their car seats properly before saying goodbye and walking back to the house. 
Yixing was standing at the front door waiting for Wufan to come back, bouncing around happily now that he had all of Wufan’s undivided attention. 
When Wufan took off his coats and boots, he grabbed Yixing and swung him around in the air, grinning at the 4 year old’s shrieks of laughter. 
Wufan hummed a random song as he pretended to dance around the downstairs of the house with Yixing. 
They had only been dancing for 5 minutes, when someone’s stomach rumbled. 
Yixing blushed and hid his face in Wufan’s neck. 
Wufan laughed softly, “Is my Yixingie hungry?”
He hummed when he felt Yixing nod into his neck, “Well then, let’s go fix ourselves something to eat!”
Yixing finally picked his head up and cheered as Wufan carried him into the kitchen. 
After placing the 4 year old on the counter, Wufan began digging through the fridge in search of something simple and tasty to cook. 
“How does fish sticks and fries sound?”
Yixing’s little arms flew into the air as he cheered, “Yay! Fish sticks!”
“And some yummy corn.”
Yixing’s arms dropped to his sides as he made a face, “Blech!”
Wufan laughed again, “If you want to grow big and strong like me, you have to eat your corn!”
Yixing pouted and crossed his arms as he glared at the floor. He ignored the hand on his head, ruffling his hair as Wufan said, “How about tomorrow we don’t eat corn?”
Yixing cheered again, “OK!”
As he preheated the oven and began cooking the corn, Wufan kept an eye on Yixing, knowing the 4 year old had a habit of jumping from high places with no concern of his safety.  
Luckily, Yixing stayed on his perch on the counter as he patiently waited for dinner to finish. 
When Wufan finished preparing the plates and drinks, he helped Yixing down from the counter, “Now where shall we eat?”
Yixing grabbed the two plates and began hopping to the room opposite the living room, the only room in the entire house that had a TV in the room. Wufan followed him in amusement, carrying their cups. 
In the TV room, Wufan set the drinks down on a side table and grabbed the plates from Yixing so the toddler could climb onto the over-stuffed couch and get comfortable. 
As they ate, they watched The Wizard of Oz, Wufan humming along as Yixing bounced around, munching on his dinosaur shaped fish sticks. 
Wufan looked to his right to take a sip of juice and when he turned his head back, his mouth bumped into an edible Triceratops. He looked down to see a hopeful Yixing watching him. The triceratops nudged his mouth, “Say ‘ahhh’ Fangy!”
Wufan couldn’t help but smile when he heard his nickname. He remembered when Yixing had first started talking. They’d tried to get him to say ‘Wufan Ge’ but he also spoke quickly and blurred it into ‘Fangy’ whenever he called for Wufan. 
Yixing beamed as Wufan opened his mouth and pretended to take a bite out of Yixing’s hand. 
Yixing screeched as he felt Wufan’s lips close around his fingers as he growled, “Om nom nom nom nom…”
Wufan grinned down at the cackling and howling 4 year old who couldn’t stop saying “No Fanfan! You can’t eat me! I’m not fish sticks!” 
Wufan chuckled as he wrapped an arm around the still rowdy Yixing, “Ok Xingie, I won’t eat you…..yet.”
Yixing had calmed down until he heard the last word in the statement, then he started mock-crying but he couldn’t stop his giggles. 
“Ok, ok Xing. Time to finish eating so you can take your bath.”
Yixing finally managed to calm down and happily ate the rest of his fries, eyes trained on the TV as he watched Dorothy and friends meet the wizard. 
As the ending credits rolled, Yixing chugged the rest of his juice and happily bounced after Wufan as the man stacked the dishes and walked back into the kitchen. 
When he’d started the dishwasher, Wufan spun around and scooped Yixing back into his arms, laughing at the 4 year old’s squeals. 
Yixing cheered and yelled as he “flew” up the stairs and into the bathroom. 
To Wufan’s surprise, when he’d turned around after preparing the tub, the 4 year old had disappeared. Wufan stood up and called for the baby, “Yixingie! Where are you! We don’t want your bath to get cold!”
There was giggling echoing through the hallway outside of the bathroom and Wufan quietly snuck down the hall to the small hallway closet. He wrenched the door open to reveal a crouching giggling Yixing clad in nothing but tiny batman boxers. Yixing screamed when he was found, letting himself be picked up and carried back into the bathroom. 
While Yixing played with his bath toys, Wufan soaped his little body up and rinsed him off. 
Unfortunately, some shampoo slipped into Yixing’s eye and the only way to calm the baby down was by holding him so Wufan quietly stripped and stepped into the tub, pulling the tiny kid into his lap and rocking him gently as he cooed softly into his ear. 
Yixing finally calmed down enough to rinse his eye out but he never moved from his spot in Wufan’s lap, leaning back and resting against him instead of playing with his bath toys. 
Wufan quickly washed himself up before stepping out of the tub to grab towels. He pulled the drain from the tub before wrapping a huge dark blue towel around Yixing and carrying him into one of the guest bedrooms. 
When they were both dry and clothed, Yixing wearing his favorite rocket-ship footie pajamas and Wufan wearing a plain white t-shirt and flannel pajama pants, Wufan tucked Yixing into bed and read him ‘Goodnight Moon’ the bedtime story. 
Wufan kissed Yixing on the forehead and turned the light off, not forgetting to turn on the night-light and keeping the door opened slightly. 
Wufan was on the brink of sleep when he heard soft padding of little feet in the hallway. The door pushed open to reveal tiny Yixing clutching a teddy bear tightly to his chest. 
The toddler padded over to the side of the bed Wufan was currently occupying and watched the man silently. 
Wufan pretended to be asleep, peeking through slit eyes to see what Yixing would do. Yixing’s little eyebrows were furrowed as he continued trying to check whether Wufan was asleep or not. When the baby deemed the man asleep, he shuffled forward and pecked Wufan on the lips, giggling giddily and clamping his hands over his mouth so as not to wake the slumbering man. 
Wufan pretended to snore and adjust positions. Yixing’s eyes widened and he froze as he watched Wufan move around. When Wufan didn’t ‘wake up,’ the little baby let out a deep breath, nodding to his stuffed animal. 
Yixing turned to walk out of the room before stopping and looking back at Wufan. Wufan pretended to wake up, he rubbed at his eye, “Yixingie?”
Yixing squeaked and buried his face in his teddy bear, freezing on the spot and shaking slightly as he hoped Wufan wouldn’t see him in the semi-darkness. 
Wufan got out of the bed and walked over to crouch in front of the toddler, “Xing, what’s wrong? Had a nightmare?”
Yixing continued to shake so Wufan wrapped an arm around the boy and lifted him into the bed. Yixing stayed silent as Wufan slipped back into the bed and cuddled the toddler to his chest. 
Yixing nuzzled his face into Wufan’s shirt as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Wufan held the child close as he too closed his eyes and finally fell asleep. 
A/N: this gonna have a sequel. im on my phone again tryl. 
much love muchachos <3
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seralina #1
Chapter 11: It's so sweet..
Can you write about baby minseok too please...
Chapter 11: I cried /wipes eyes/
WAAAAAA it was so sweet!
Will this have a part 3...cuz I mean..Kyungie's crush and all :/
Chapter 10: <333 it!!!!!!!
Found this in my bookmarks the other day (I was bookmark cleaning)
And how could I forget this cutie pie story??? xDD
Chapter 11: I love Single Father 2 the most <3 please update another chapter of it
Chapter 10: lmao Yixing ahahahhah xD at first you hate Sehun then you suddenly pull him xD
Chapter 11: These Stories are so well written, my Favorites are Babe Magnet & Single Father please update soon
Chapter 3: I'm close to tears .. reading this chapter right now .. at this kind of thrilling moment ~
How I wish the lawsuit thing did never happen :'(
Chapter 11: Yay a update, Thank you so much Author-nim. I really loved up I hope there will be another single Father, <3 JoonSoo
Chapter 10: OMG!!! I just hope 'Babe Magnet' have their other sequel! I love all ur story 'exoergic, how they met, and this'
Please update this!!! xD
Chapter 4: I think this one is my favorite, Baby Soo & Sehun are so cute