KhunToria on MBC's "Radio Star"


I play along with Kyuhyun, I pretend to startled with his question but the person at my right side really enjoying this. She’s laugh out loud. For a several seconds, I unconsciously turn my head to her side when I hear my favourite laugh. To my surprise, she’s also looking at me. Our eyes meet at that time. For that several second my heart skipped a beat. It just a flash second but it still gives a great effect towards my heart. That face really as mesmerizing as the last time I see her face to face. I hastily denied Kyuhyun’s question by saying that it’s the truth that we didn’t meet for such a long time.


Victoria still laughing while Kyuhyun still questioning. I feel like this two are in one team with the mission to break my heart into pieces. When Kyuhyun ask “Long time as in a day or two?” I scream for help. AGAIN, I was doing it mentally. What’s wrong with this guy? I really wish he disappear right now. Have you been in this situation? Situations that make you feel like you can’t do anything accept to play along just to make sure you’ll not causing any big scene that may damage your life? Patience is the only key, but you must take a note that, even patience had its limit.


Right now, I only remember what my mom said to me when the first time I want to leave Thailand to be recruited by JYP. It’s my greatest motivation while being in this foreign country.


“To catch a dream is not an easy job, you must sacrifice a lot even its will make you feel like dying. But you must remember the purpose for you to doing this. Remember all the people that look up to you. Don’t ever trying to let them down. For being an idol, your fans are your supporter, and they also like your guardian angel. If you know how to appreciate them, you will stay strong”


With that advice, I was working harder every day. From not knowing to speak Korean to be sounded like a pure Korean. From just being a statue, not knowing how to dance, to be able dance like a professional dancer. From not be able to singing but can singing with the voice that make the people heart melt when hear it. I was working hard to improve myself, to make me valuable for the fans. In order to entertain them more and more.


I manage to put myself in one piece in a split second. I need to wake up. I can’t let them just play me over and over again. I turn the direction of my looking towards Victoria, I can see she’s a lil’ bit surprise. She’s trying to help answering that question but I don’t want her to help me. Thanks but no thanks. I can help myself. I also surprise to my sudden change. I got an extra energize than before. She’s trying to join with my conversation several times but I keep talking, not giving her the chance to interfere. I began to speak clearly and confidently. I saying the truth, about how busy our schedule is that we don’t have a time to meet each other. She’s busy with the filming of her drama in China that requires her to be in a lot of skin ship with the lead actor while I have to filming my first movie in Thailand. That drama also make me hurt, if you know what I means. A lot of kissing and an intimate action while at that time I still waiting for her answer. Tchhh..


Kyuhyun still do not satisfy and asking me something again and I misheard what he says as I don’t care about it anymore. I just quickly stated that it’s been a longest time and gain the laughs from others. Victoria also laughs hard for what I said while clapping her hand. She did it when there’s something really funny. I don’t care about it. I satisfy for it as Kyuhyun stop attack me with the question regarding her. Thank God. I laugh along with others because I feel relieved at that time, like a great burden had been lifted up from my shoulder.


Sae Yoon then asks Victoria regarding if she’s made any effort to look good in order to see me today. I just carefully hear the question. To be honest I don’t feel l need to know that. If she had the time to look good for me, doesn’t she have the time to answer my question? I just put my act up together.

She’s stated that she dyed her hair as one of the effort to see me while looking at me before burst into laughing. I avoid the eye contact as I remember that the dying is especially for her mini album concept; electric shock. I admit that I still searching for her news, I can’t help myself. What a pity person I am. But Jong Shin question make me smile slyly. He also knew that it was for her concept in Electric Shock song. Being a wise person she is, she quickly added that only today she had ask the hair stylist to added a different style to her hair. To avoid any more questions, she let out an aegyo laugh and makes the DJ’s melt with it and stops asking her question. I don’t feel surprised to that scene as it always happened to me while I’m with her in WGM. She always used her aegyo to win over me.


While others still discuss about Victoria’s aegyo power, I glanced at Kyuhyun who’s had a wide smile. I just stay silent. My face didn’t show any feelings, just a bitter smile plastered on my face. The cameraman seems to know that the rate will get low if he shoots my expression at that time, so he doesn’t turn the camera focus to me at that time. Hurriedly wake up from it, I pretend to laugh hard. Victoria’s then being request to sing her group’s new song; Electric Shock. As I expected, she didn’t change a bit, she’s still can’t sing her own song properly at the time like this. When the other DJ’s laugh at her, Kyuhyun hurriedly come to her rescue by explaining why she’s like that and so on. Gain her confidence once again, she try to sing her own part but still fail to do it perfectly. It makes Kyuhyun pretend to be upset and question why she doesn’t have the confidence. She needs someone to do it together so that she can do it right. I know that. I might help her back then, but I don’t want to do so at this time. So, Harley and I just watch the scene silently at the side.



They continued talking to her as I just keep in acting my role, laughing when others laughing. Hearing what others said and so on. When they asking do American had aegyo I hastily denied it because I’m also American. Remember that I was born in California and live in US for a long time. Harley start to talk and I shift my body to face him more than being close to her. I feel happy to hear Harley said how American hate aegyo. When he finished talking and I can hear others laugh out loud especially Victoria. I added something more. “American doesn’t like cuteness. They like y and confident women.” I purposely press the words DOESN’T LIKE, Y and CONFIDENT in my sentence. I think she understand what I mean when her laugh died immediately. Kyuhyun’s face also becomes bitter.


Sae Yoon makes a stupid joke when he got confused between Meg Ryan and Macaulay Culkin. The set fill in with laugh again until Kook Jin asking Victoria regarding his opinion about her opinion of the change that she had seen as she had been in Radio Star for the second time. Her answer just make me nodded my head in pain while Kyuhyun take a high interest to her answer. She tell them that she feels good cause they having a new DJ’s by referring to Kyuhyun and that make Kyuhyun smile widely and cross his arm proudly. I feel like the shows turning into their love shows when they keep talking about them both. If only I can control it like I control the television, I for sure had pushed the mute button or just switch it off right away. Did they think I enjoyed this? I can’t believe that Victoria had the heart to do this. she keep praising Kyuhyun while they both making the lovey dovey eye contact.


Jong Shin might catch the dark expression behind my “smile face mask” as he mentions something that makes Kyuhyun taken aback. Being a professional emcee he is, he said it with a poker face.


“But she’s married to Nichkhun, so she must not be interested in guys like you”


“Like me? I’m Super Junior’s member!” Kyuhyun feel pissed.


I just laugh hard while clapping my hand. Thank God for making Jong Shin said that. I can’t contain my laugh when Jongshin added “You need to tell us to make us remember that”. Haha..It’s karma. You play with me and now you got played by others. Jongshin then ask my opinion as a male idol regarding Kyuhyun’s image. He looks at me, expecting that I may talk something bad about him too but quite surprised whrn I didn’t do it. I praised him purposely as I don’t want to create any speculation. I said that he looks like a prince but Jongshin once again make a joke about him when he said that he’s suffer a prince illness. I enjoyed this. I feel like Jongshin is on my side today. Sae Yoon suddenly talk that I’m the one who got called as a Prince of Thailand. The name had been synonym to me. Kyuhyun interfere it as he claim that he’s the Korean Prince. We just laugh it off.


Jongshin like I said earlier is like my supporter or should I say is my guardian angel today continues to praise me. He shared to others that he feels like he’s in Nichkhun’s world when he came to Thailand due to my face is everywhere. I’m not deny that as it’s the truth that I got a lot of commercial offer in both countries, Thailand and Korea to the extent that I’m being known as the King of Commercial. Every product or items that take me as the model or ambassador claims that it had high rating sales. Let me tell you, my income from the commercial is higher than my group’s income. But I still obeyed the rules that the profit need to be divided equally. I don’t have a problem with that because I love my members so much. They’re like siblings to me.


Kyuhyun said something and make me wake up from drowning with my thought. He claims that he also had makes a commercial for seawed cracker. I confirm it by saying it’s true. Victoria laughs cutely seeing his “close friend” trying to boast about his achievement. Maybe she’s thinks it’s funny, I don’t know. Jongshin’s response to Kyuhyun statement and make him humiliate once again. While Kyuhyun thinks that the commercial he’s made should be big success, Jongshin tell him that it’s been selling as 1+1 earning the loud laugh from others.



I can see the change on his facial expressions. He tries to suppress his anger.  He seems really pissed when getting humiliated like that. I tell you what, Karma Is A B***H!! I keep on laughing seeing him like that.





I thinks it's the longest update for this story so far, thanks for the comments and support. I love you guys. Here's the double update for today, I'm sleepy here, had to wake up early tomorow. Work and Work. Huhu.. So good night my lovely readers, take care. ^^,


p/s: i had stated that i'll make this story short, should i end it on the next chapter or did you guys think i should make it a lil bit longer?


Update on 22nd November 2012 at 9.42pm







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more upvote and i'll update this story faster..kekeke


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Chapter 4: OMG I love your fic. I mean seriously, it's almost like it's real. Haha, good work! Poor Khun, though, it must've been tough to watch Vic and the other guy so close.
heartwilldrive #2
Chapter 4: Wahh I love this story. Seriously do. XD
I never know that hidden behind their laughs is this kind of story.
And if, there's ever a thing that make me somehow disliking kyuhyun it is this eps of radio star u_u ahaha idk why but I hate the way he tried so hard to fits in the picture.
Chapter 4: you double update...i like it:)
hmm, i want more khuntoria scenes so i hope it's better a little bit longer:D
thanks for double update..i'm enjoyed it^_-
Chapter 4: thanks for the double update!!!
dont end this story in the next chapter pls make it longer!!!
Chapter 4: woah, you double update...
it's up to you..i'm fine for it..beside i want khuntoria scenes more..hehe..
thanks for the double update..:D
Chapter 3: Ohhh so I was not the only one that thought Kyu was being turning his 'Evil' mode on when he asked those questions....LOL

Khun did flinch a bit at those questions while the mischief glint in Kyu's eyes never fade...hahahaha
Chapter 3: it's quite good..
thanks for the update-_^
Chapter 3: haha i like this scenes actually..
during watch when kyuhyun attack khun with all these questions, i think he really 'evil' to playing hard with khun...
i think kyuhyun knew something that we dont know...hehe
btw thank you for the update..i really enjoyed it:)
Chapter 3: I love how u described their feelings!!! When I was watching the show,u can kind if tell kyu was attacking Nichkhun with all these questions and u can twll Nichkhun seemed kind of sad/annoyed.
Update again soon pls?