Chapter Eight: Jung Young-Soon

I Promise To Love You, Changjo! ((A Teen Top Love Story))


Everything seemed to be so perfect. My relationship with Changjo was perfect, my home was perfect, my friends were perfect, I really couldn't find anything to knock me down. Until I was introduced to Jung Young-Soon. Young-Soon was a new girl working for Sarang HL, the company that Hana and Leena had recently managed to start on their own. This company did make-up and hair for bands, but they were not hired by companies, only by the bands, and they would travel with them and things along those lines. Young-Soon was a brilliant make-up artist. She worked on movie sets, and many dramas, before deciding to join a business and settle in one place. I was unfortunate enough that Sarang HL ended up being that business. When Hana found out that Jung Young-Soon was looking for a job Leena and her where trying to contact her in a flash. I had a bad feeling about her, but they seemed really excited, and I didn't want to ruin that with some strange feeling I had created. Young-Soon was quick to except their offer, saying she enjoyed the few bands that had hired them already, so we were setting up to celebrate all the new employees and costumers.


"Hey, Sydney!" I heard Changjo's voice, making my heart skip, and I turned to smile at him.


"Ne!" I replied.


"How do I look?" I let myself look him over, and to be honest I was enjoying the moment I got to stare at him. I hadn't met her yet but Jung Young-Soon was preparing the boys inside our home, and she did a very good job.


"Y-you look um. . . w-wow. . ." He tilted his head back a little as he laughed at me, coming to hold me in his arms.


"So cute." He kissed my nose and I giggled.


"Yah! Come here you two love birds, help set the tables up." Hana said, approaching us. Changjo groaned, letting go of me but taking my hand.


"Wow, I knew hiring her was a good choice. Here Changjo." She handed him plates. "Set those out, I'm taking Sydney to get ready." He gave me a short sweet kiss on the forehead. I lips hadn't ever met yet, even though we had been dating a month to the day, but I didn't complain, I had him, and that's all I wanted. Hana and I entered the house, and began heading to their room, where a small studio was set up in the corner. A pretty girl was working on my sister's eye make-up, Ricky waiting patiently on one of the beds, when we entered.


"Yah! Go help my boyfriend, you can't rest." I said as Ricky began to lay back and close his eyes. He pouted and got up, before going to help outside. Young-Soon finished my sister and finally looked up at me. When our eyes met I could see the hatred filled in her eyes, yet her smile was sweet. I was confused, but tried to ignore it.


"Hello." Her annoying voice rang through my head. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought, but that feeling of hatred was burning strong from both of us. Me because I hate people who hate me for no reason, and I was sure she had no reason. Then I thought about it. Changjo. What if she liked Changjo? What if Changjo had always been her bias and she hated me because I'm dating him? That made since to me.


"Hi." I replied. Hana gave her my name and she patted the chair for me.


"Come on Sydney, let me do your make-up." She smiled that fake sweet smile again, but knowing it would be rude to deny, I sat down. The whole time we didn't speak, and I continuously worried about how she might be doing my make-up since she seemed not to like me. When she finished she moved so I could see myself in the mirror.


"Thanks." I said, while I really wanted to say wow and hug her. I looked prettier than I had ever managed to look, and my hair wasn't even done yet. She nodded, moving make-up around. I let my eyes lock on her once before standing and leaving without another word. How rude, when someone tells you thank you, you shouldn't just nod, that's disrespectful. I headed to my room to curl my hair and put my dress on. Jenny was just finishing pulling her hair up when I came in.


"Wah! You look so pretty!" I said, hugging her. Her hair was up in a beautiful bun that went a little to the side, and she wore a green dress that hit her knees and had a black belt around the waist, gathered on the sides to enhance the look of her waist. She smiled widely, hugging me back.


"So do you!" I thanked her and curled my hair before changing into a dark blue dress that was tight on the top and flowed around my thighs, hitting my knees, black netting over the skirt and a black belt around the waist like my sister. I smiled at myself and posed in the mirror before hurrying to the backyard where guests had already arrived and the party had already started. My eyes searched through the crowd for Changjo when a hand grabbed mine and turned me gently. My eyes locked with the ones I knew to be my boyfriend and I smiled as he looked me over.


"Wow. . . you look so pretty." He held my hand, pulling me to dance with him.


"Thank you." I blushed as we began to dance together, still not used to having my dream boy actually be the one that loves me back. I looked around through the crowd, finding all my friends to see if they were enjoying themselves. Jenny and Ricky were dancing, sharing random kisses and laughing and things that would be said. Hana was sitting with CAP laughing also with him, sitting close enough that his arm could be around her waist, her head on his shoulder. Leena was talking to some of the employees they had recently hired, and Niel was playing Ninja with Chunji, L.Joe and a couple girls that had attended the party. Once I had found all of them I searched for who I had really wanted to find, Jung Young-Soon. At first I couldn't see her anywhere, and momentarily focused my attention to Changjo. He smiled at me, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close as a slow song started. I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder as he sang the song in my ear. I knew I should have been enjoying this, and I was, I was treasuring it with my life, but I was really focused on finding Young-Soon. Finally I was able to relax when I found her sitting at a table with some other girls, eating. I didn't notice how she continuously glanced angrily over at us. I still thought that everything would be perfect. . .

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teentopfanatic #1
Chapter 9: i say she shouldn't! otherwise it will be obvious how the story goes haha XD
LilAngelOfDeath #2
Chapter 2: U shall write more Sydney.. Lol Ricky better say more stuff to me~
mblaq_lover12 #3
Chapter 2: loving the first two chapters already :) cant wait for the next update :)