Chapter Two: The meeting

I Promise To Love You, Changjo! ((A Teen Top Love Story))


"Okay~" Hana said in a sing-song voice. "So are you guys okay with pasta? Leena usually cooks because I usually end up burning everything I attempt to make."


"Pasta's fine." I agreed, as Jenny laughed, nodding. Leena smiled and got up to go make our supper while Hana helped Jenny and I search through our clothes for our cutest outfits. We were their age, so we wanted to make a great impression, and hopefully one that would stick with them. When dinner was ready we pulled out TV trays and ate in the living room together, all four of us. I was enjoying my new, small family, and everyone else was, too. Which meant the world to me. We watched Music Videos and some reality TV shows, things we never had the freedom to watch at our old house, then we had to turn in extra early that night so that we could get plenty of beauty rest before our big day that was coming up in less then 24 hours. Just to think, In under 24 hours, I would see the man I had fallen in love with on their debut, the man I could never let go of, and I knew Jenny was thinking the same towards Ricky.


"What if one of them thinks we're cute?!" Jenny said suddenly. I heard her spring up from her bed, and the curtain moved as she quickly ran to lay by me.


"Then we have the chance to date them!! I want so much for Changjo to like me!" I giggled.


"What if. . . it wasn't Ricky or Changjo that liked us?" She asked quieter.


"Well. . . to me, I don't like them for fame, I like them for personality, so I'd probably say no." She agreed quickly with my point. "I don't have this little fan girl crush on him. . . I really really like him, for his personality. . . or what I have seen of it." I sighed in bliss.



"That's why I love Ricky." Jenny admitted, blushing and shutting her eyes, I figured she was imaging him. I shut my eyes to do the same, and silently fell asleep, dreaming of the adventures I wished to have with my precious Jonghyun. The next morning a loud alarm woke me. The beeping nose from Hana and Leena's room filled the whole house, and almost sent me into shock.


"AHHHH" I rolled over Jenny and knocked us both to the floor.


"Yah! I was sleeping Sydney!!" She groaned, rubbing her head which had made contact ruffly with the floor.


"Mianhae, I was scared by the alarm." I apologized and sat up tiredly. We both set there for a while, not thinking about what was supposed to happen today. Slowly I stood and walked up the the clothes we had laid out.


". . . . . . YAH I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT TODAY~!!" I turned to Jenny with a shocked expression, surprised that such an event had slipped my mind. It was obvious it had slipped hers, too, because she looked just as shocked. Suddenly, we were running around like crazy, trying to get ready, trying to decide how to do our hair and make up, and trying to decide what to say to them. Hana and Leena listened in to our ideas as we ate breakfast.


"I have a pretty good suggestion." Leena laughed, and by the look on Hana's face, she knew what was coming up. "Wae don't you just say Annyeong, and then let them start the conversation." We stared at each other wide eyed then began to laugh. We felt pretty stupid, forgetting that we could just say hello.


"I just don't want it to get awkward!" Jenny said nervously.


"Don't worry, we've met them before, they're super sweet, they're a little shy actually, it's cute." Hana giggled and Leena gave her a weird look before laughing along. I watched them, smiling.


"You guys are good friends, huh?" I said, tilting my head.


"Ye. . . we've known each other since we were toddlers, and we've always dreamed of working together. . . guess we just got lucky." Leena replied, as Hana ate her food, happily nodding in agreement. I had always wished that Jenny and I could be like that, together forever, with nothing to separate us. Now that I knew it worked for someone else, I had a lot more confidence that it would work for us, too. They looked at the time.


"Aish!! Hurry up, we need to get going!!" Hana jumped up, Leena following her lead, and they began to clean as we ran to do a last check that we looked okay. What if this was our one and only chance, and they thought that we were ugly? I tried to rid my head of the thought. It was horrible to think about Changjo not believing that I was a least cute, even if just a little. I felt the nervousness grow in my tummy, butterflies erupting and Jenny could tell how nervous I was getting.


"Don't worry," She said as we walked out towards the car, "I'm worried, too." She admitted. I had already figured this, but having it confirmed that I was not alone made me feel a little better.


"Okay. . ." I nodded, sitting down in the car and holding my head in my hands, thinking of all the positive and negative scenarios that had the chance of happening. My eyes almost watered, what if Changjo really didn't like me for some reason?! We pulled up soon to the recording station and I felt like I was stuck in my seat, glued to the leather of the seat I sat in by the fabrics of my skirt. I felt like my feet were nailed through my flats into the floor, and I had no way of exiting the car and going to see Changjo. I knew it was just fear, but I was getting more nervous than I expected. Maybe I really did like this guy that much. I glanced over at Jenny, to see if she was okay, but she looked like she felt the same as me. Her fists were clenching her seatbelt and she kept biting nervously on her lips.


"Come on then, get out." Leena and Hana laughed at our nervous and excited actions. How could we seriously be doing this? I just kept praying that this was not a dream. We made our way into the building and I was paying attention to every single detail I could manage to gather. Jenny continued to point random things out to me the whole time until we finally came to what I figured was the room that Hana and Leena worked it. They opened the door but I knew it wasn't the room because there was just a circle couch and a big round foot rest.


"You guys get to wait here for them." Hana winked.


"Wh-what? What do we do when they come in? Will somebody be with them? I'm nervous." Jenny was wide-eyed, and so was I.


"Just say hello and introduce yourself, they already should know that you are going to be here. And no, they will be alone." They both wished us luck and hurried off.


"Yah. . . where should we sit? Do we sit on one side of the circle and they take but the other side?" I was walking around the big couch, trying to decide where to rest my bottom.


"That should work." She sat down and I hurried to sit next to her. For the next couple minutes we messed with each other to make sure we both looked good. The door began opening and we hurried to stand. Suddenly, there they were. Coming into the same room as us. My heart sped, and I'm sure hers did, too. But we managed to keep our cool on the outside and singly greeted them with hugs as they came in. We all sat down and started talking.


"Okay. . ." Chunji laughed, "I've got it this time. . . You're Sydney." He pointed at me and I nodded. "And you're Jenny?" She nodded and we all cheered.


"You got it, hyung!" Ricky clapped and I watched as Jenny's cheeks became pink.


"So. . . do you guys have bias'?" Niel asked, wiggling his eyebrows. We both nodded then looked down a little embarrassed. "Who?!" He scooted forward some, interested.


"W-we can't tell you that!" I looked up quickly.


"Wae not? We hear things like that from fans all the time. We're used to people liking us. Don't feel weird." L.Joe shrugged. I sighed, what was I thinking? They had girls pouring over them right to left. We had no chance anyway so I figured it wouldn't matter if we told them as long as Jenny wanted to. I looked at her and she nodded.


"I-I like Ricky..." She blushed and looked down at her feet. They clapped and Ricky scooted a little bit closer to her. I was glad he was trying to make her happy.


"What about you, Sydney?" Chunji asked, instinctively, I looked up and met Changjo's beautiful eyes.


"Uh. . . um..." I looked at my hands that were folded in my lap, "Changjo." I stuttered, blushing. He bumped arms with CAP, who was sitting by me, and switched him seats. My heart sped a billion times and then I thought it was going to stop. Because his arms went around me, and I felt like I was going to die. L.Joe whispered something in Chunji's ear and they passed it around.


"Hey, close your eyes, okay?" Changjo asked, smiling softly. We did as we were told and we waited like that as all the furniture moved around. CAP coughed to signal that we could open our eyes. When our eyes opened we heard a soft,


"Oh!" From Niel, and we realized that they were performing Supa Luv. We looked at each other and began silently freaking out before returning to watch our private performance. This had to be the best feeling in the world. The memories of abuse didn't seem as painful, as long as right now, I was sitting here. Changjo's eyes kept staring into mine as he sang, and my heart was ready to jump right out. This was coming out be more amazing then I would've ever imagined. They finished the song and we both clapped loudly, giggling like giddy little girls, which pretty much, we were.


"Did you like that?" Ricky asked Jenny, and they began talking to each other happily.


"It was great!!" I heard her reply.


"So," Changjo sat next to me and I turned to face him better, "did we impress you?" He asked.


"You guys always do!" I laughed. "And you are just such a good dancer!" I admitted nervously. He smiled a lot wider than he had before, as if that complement had actually meant something special to him.


"Well, thank you." He looked like he was about to say something else, but this man opened the door.


"Okay boys," he said, "the stylists are ready for you now! Hustle hustle!!" They bowed to us and began hurrying out. I saw Changjo set something on the table, but I waited until they were gone to check it. What I saw shocked me.


"J-jenny. . . Changjo left his number."


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teentopfanatic #1
Chapter 9: i say she shouldn't! otherwise it will be obvious how the story goes haha XD
LilAngelOfDeath #2
Chapter 2: U shall write more Sydney.. Lol Ricky better say more stuff to me~
mblaq_lover12 #3
Chapter 2: loving the first two chapters already :) cant wait for the next update :)