Chapter Four: Ricky did it!

I Promise To Love You, Changjo! ((A Teen Top Love Story))


We sat there, messaging the boys the whole time they were getting ready, and then, when it was time to film the show, we watched them live, in the audience. The show was kind of like a talk show, but also the type of show were they had to do funny challenges. The show was very good, but I could only focus on Changjo, most of the time he was the only one that I watched. If someone were to quiz me about everyone else, I would have definitely failed. When it finally ended, we went backstage to find Hana and Leena.


"Ricky did a very good job!" Jenny said, with dreamy eyes. I racked my brain for anything that Ricky had done during the show, but I couldn't list a single challenge.


"Mianhae, I didn't focus much." I admitted, looking at my hands. She must not have heard me 'cause she just went on talking even more about Ricky. She was even texting him. I didn't mind this though. In fact, it made me kinda happy to know that this boy cared about my sister, too. "You seem to be texting Ricky a lot." I winked.


"He is so sweet to me! He thought that I was very pretty! He told me so!" She clapped and we heard a laugh. Turning, Ricky was standing there with a very large smile. Knowing he had heard what she just told me, Jenny turned bright red. "Oh!! A-annyeong Ricky." She waved nervously.


"Annyeong Jenny! I was going for a walk. Would you like to join me?" Ricky sounded just as nervous as she was. She looked unsure so I kicked her lightly where he wouldn't notice. She found the courage to reply.


"I would love to!" She answered, excited. They left, instantly chatting away, and I found myself hurrying upstairs to watch them from the big glass window. They were walking around the garden, and the window gave me a perfect view of them, while the sun blocked me from their sight. They walked close to each other, laughing and talking, then I noticed that they must have been flirting, because Ricky's hand slowly crept it's way to hold hers. I cheered silently to myself. This was exactly what Jenny needed, and I was glad to know that she was getting what she really did deserve.


"Heh, they look like they're having fun." I heard from behind me. My eyes went wide. I would always know that voice, I had it drilled into my mind, and would never let it go. Turning, I smiled at the man who had spoken to me.


"Oh, hello Changjo." I tilted my head a tiny bit as I smiled, trying to be as cute as I could. He chuckled.


"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked. My heart almost stopped, for two reasons. One, I had almost no idea about the show, and two, Changjo was trying to make conversation with me, on his own will.


"Ye, it was very interesting." I replied confidently. That at least gave the since that I both paid attention, and enjoyed it. Both of which I actually did, but not because of the actual show.


"What was your favorite part?" He raised an eyebrow, I racked my brain for a quick, believable answer.


"When CAP fell out of his chair, I laughed pretty hard." This was also true, I had found it entertaining enough to look away from Changjo for a little while. He laughed.


"That was funny." His eyes went back out to the window, I watched as he stepped closer to see. They were holding hands now, standing a little closer, walking. He kept looking at her, but quickly, looking away nervous.


"It's cute how nervous they are." As I said this, I realized how close we were and became nervous myself. His hand was on the window seal right next to mine. I saw it twitch, like he was making up his mind, but I ruined the moment by moving mine to nervously rub my neck.


"You okay? You're kinda pale." He said. In honesty, I was dizzy, and I felt sick, but I didn't say anything.


"Ye, I'm fine." I said, leaning against the wall for support. I put my hand on my head, giving it away, and I began to cough. I tried to keep myself focused on Ricky and my sister, how he had began to lean closer to her, standing there, his face closer and closer to her, I tried to keep myself awake to see it, to see her dreams come true. His lips grazed upon hers, I noticed for a second, and then the sickness over took me, my sight flooding in black. I could hear, and I could feel, I had the sense to be thinking, but I couldn't control my body, I couldn't move or talk, and yet, I was able to think about doing those things.


"Sydney?" I felt arms around me. I knew those arms, though I had never been in them, I knew that they were Changjo's arms. I almost died in my little mini coma, just from his muscles against my body. I used all my energy to let out this odd, squeaky, sound, so he knew I would be okay. I mentally slapped myself. That had been one of the most least attractive sounds I had ever made, in my life. I felt him pick me up. He was carrying through the halls, and I felt as he moved to avoid the slightest thing from touching me. I heard a door open, we stepped a few feet, then a door closed. I was laid on a couch, and I felt his hand rest on my forehead. "You're not warm. . . you must just be tiered." I heard him leave, and then I knew I was alone. I had no idea what was going on with Jenny, where I was, or how to get myself to move. I was even beginning to lose the senses I had managed to keep. My smell was gone quickly, the scent that had filled the room fading into nothing, and then my sense of touch also escaped, the feeling of the couch supporting me was gone, and the strange feelings of my thoughts and body floating filled me. I didn't even notice when my own thoughts disappeared and I went completely into darkness.


When I woke up, I had no idea where I was, or what was happening. The walls were lavender, so definitely not a hospital. It took me awhile to remember moving in with Leena and Hana, and that this was the room I shared with Jenny. Sitting up slowly, I looked around. I no longer felt sick, in fact, I felt better rested and happier than I had before we had left to go to the studio. The room was silent, and the light was off on my sister's side of the curtain. I heard laughing in the living room, so I figured she was in there. When I stood, I realized I was in different clothes, short pajama shorts, and a light blue tank top. I was thankful Jenny had changed me because it was stuffy in the house, even dressed like this. I stumbled into the family room and the moment I got in there the three girls swarmed me.


"His muscles, could you feel his muscles?" This was the first thing Jenny asked when she got to me. I honestly couldn't remember, I could barley remember passing out, let alone what happened as he carried me.


"I don't know!" My face had gone red trying to think about it. I thought for a couple more seconds. "OMO! Did you kiss Ricky?!" I asked, grasping her shoulders. She also turned bright red and gave a cute short nod.


"They're dating~" Leena teased, receiving a small punch from my sister. I stared, wide-eyed, shocked. I was excited to hear the news, but I was shocked because I realized I must've been out for quite a while. Hana noticed and quickly guessed what I was wondering.


"It's been a week." She explained, "We were getting pretty worried." She then added. I put my head in my hands, how could I miss a week? I wasn't ever getting that back. A little sad, I made my way to the couch to take a seat before my legs became unhappy and decided to no longer support my body. Leena handed me my phone from it's charging place and I was shocked by what I saw. There was 15 messages from Changjo alone. I opened them, and realized that there were two per day, plus a first one for today. These were 'good morning' and 'goodnight' texts, plus a good morning for today. My heart sped. How could he get cuter? He knew I wasn't awake yet, or at least could pretty well assume, yet he made sure to tell me good morning and goodnight. I quickly texted him good morning and a cute smiley face, to let him know that I had woken up.


"You're phone really started to annoy me the first couple days. By day seven, we didn't even notice it anymore." Jenny admitted, laughing as I squealed about his cuteness. "But I guess that is pretty sweet. Ricky does things like that with me." She smiled to nobody in particular before returning her attention to the television, which was playing some show about food.


"We're having them over for dinner." Hana explained, as I tried to figure out what Jenny found so interesting about a cooking show.


"Them. . . as in. . . Teen Top?" I asked. She nodded.


"Changjo called and asked if he could visit you, so we invited them all over." She smiled with a quick wink.


Changjo. Wanted to visit me? I went red. Perhaps I am more than another fan.

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teentopfanatic #1
Chapter 9: i say she shouldn't! otherwise it will be obvious how the story goes haha XD
LilAngelOfDeath #2
Chapter 2: U shall write more Sydney.. Lol Ricky better say more stuff to me~
mblaq_lover12 #3
Chapter 2: loving the first two chapters already :) cant wait for the next update :)