Chapter Five: Dinner with the boys

I Promise To Love You, Changjo! ((A Teen Top Love Story))



I was in a rush, trying to get myself ready and presentable. I didn't want to look overly good, since it wasn't just Changjo and I, but I didn't want to look careless either. I pulled on short shorts, a pink sweater, and my knee high black socks. I straightened my hair and applied a small amount of make-up. Jenny wore black skinny jeans, a neon green hoodie, and also straightened her hair and used some make-up. We made home-made pizza and Hana and Leena baked a cake for desert. We had just put the cake in to bake when the doorbell rang. We all stared at each other, trying to decide who should open it. Leena finally went up to the door and opened it.

"Hello!" She greeted them happily, stepping aside so that they could make their way into our house. Jenny quickly hurried to hug Ricky and give him a soft kiss. I wanted so bad to do that to Changjo, but I couldn't. Changjo was the first to sit down, taking the seat right beside me with out a second thought.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, smiling his beautiful smile.


"A lot better, I just woke up today, actually." I said, nodding a little as I spoke. He sighed.


"And you're already up and moving?" He looked a little bit worried and I thought it was sweet.


"Ye, but I'm fine, I promise." I smiled cutely and he let a tiny blush grow along his cheeks.


"Okay, as long as you feel better." The oven beeped and I hurried to pull the cake out. As I grabbed plates and napkins for everyone, Leena decorated the cake beautifully. Luckily the pizza wasn't a disaster and it really seemed like everyone enjoyed eating it. I had thought that dinner was going to be very quiet, since we really weren't close to them or anything, but it was pretty funny. We all yelled at Ricky for not finishing his milk but he knew we were kidding, and then later CAP and Chunji got in a food fight with the olives off their pizza. I had gathered this thought that we would have nothing to talk about, and that they would leave right after dinner but I was wrong. It was actually like we wouldn't have enough time to talk about everything that was running through our minds.


"I hope you guys have left some room for desert." Leena said as she walked back in from the kitchen and presented us with the beautiful cake Hana and her had cooked. We ate that quickly and happily, then we all migrated into the living room to talk some more. I decided to just go ahead and take a sit on the ground, and soon, Changjo was claiming his place next to me, just like he had when we had gone to sit at the table. This gesture sent a shade of pink along my face, so I looked away from him, checking on my sister and Ricky. They sat on the couch, cuddling close, but still managing to talk to all of us. I smiled again, still happy that her dreams in this sense, had come true.


I found my eyes wondering all along the room, looking at each and every person to see what they were up to. Chunji was playing with L.Joe's arm, hitting it playfully and them smacking at it some as he tossed some comment over to Leena about some sport show they had both watched. L.Joe was flicking Chunji's leg with every smack, listening to the sports conversation. Niel was bitting his lip, as if he was trying to pull it in some as Changjo made comments teasingly about them, but in a way that everyone, including Niel, knew that he didn't mean them in a mean way. Ricky was laughing at these jokes and joining in some, while my sister lay against him, being hugged in his arms. Leena and Hana were playing some card game with CAP as they spoke to Chunji and L.Joe. I smiled to myself. This seemed like something I would've classified as a dream if I had to still live in that foster home. To think that right now, we were in the place that tons of girls would love to be, and in all honesty, I didn't feel deserving of it, and I could tell by the way Jenny would glance up at Ricky that she felt the same.


It wasn't like we didn't enjoy this. God knows we had never had so much fun in our entire lives. But we just couldn't understand why out of all the different girls that could be here, with these amazing men and two amazing girls, it turned out to be us. But we were happy we got to be in this position. I smiled and unconsciously leaned against Changjo. I didn't even realize I was doing it until his arm wrapped around me to gently hold me there. Not wanting to appear surprised, I only looked at him from the corner of my eye. My confidence boosted when I saw him smiling proudly. Changjo had asked me to hang out with him again. . . but I still couldn't put the pieces together certainly. There was a lot of different ways to 'hang out'. There could be the thought of it being a date, a real romantic type of date, then there was just the idea of two friends, hanging out together in their free time to maybe get their friendship stronger, or, it could even just be fan service. Changjo new he was my bias. He knew that if I was to choose any of them, I would choose him. Was it possible that everything he was doing, moving to sit by me, texting me, and asking me to hang out, was just to keep me faithful as a fan? No, I told myself, I wouldn't be so special to do all these things for just me. So my mind rested on the idea of being just friends, though I really did wish we could be more.


"Woah~, Lookey guys, We got a potential couple going on over there." Chunji cheered, meaning Changjo and I, since he had noticed the way we were sitting together. I half expected Changjo to let me go, but he didn't he just chuckled and shook the hair out of his face. My face turned red and I suddenly gained a large amount of interest in my shoe. I played nervously with the shoelace until I heard that beautiful voice whispering in my ear.


"You okay? You're red in the face." I knew that he was teasing, he was smart enough to know why I was blushing, so I just blushed more and gently elbowed him jokingly. "Just saying! Don't worry, it's actually pretty cute looking." Chunji raised his hands innocently. Changjo shook his head again with a gentle chuckle. My head spun a little, we made a cute couple? My heart skipped happily and I let a smile cross my face. I hope that was true.


"Yah! Mianhae~" Hana tried to offer but CAP leaned down and was soon tickling her as 'punishment' for messing up the game. We looked at them, everyone getting the same idea, but this time Ricky being the one to blurt it out.


"CAP and Hana sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love then co- AHHHHHHH!" CAP had hoped up and now chased Ricky down the hall and tackled him in the middle, sitting on him until Ricky apologized enough for CAP to feel better. Hana blushed a million shades of red, and when I made eye contact with her, I realized that she actually did like CAP. We talked for a long time and before I realized what was going on, it was almost midnight.


"Aish." L.Joe said, looking at his phone, "we really need to head back." everyone sighed a little upset. We began saying our goodbyes, and while we walked them out to the car, Changjo and I stayed a little farther behind from everyone else.


"I really am glad that you are feeling better, Sydney." He smiled his sweet smile and my heart fluttered.


"Thank you. . . I appreciate those texts you sent me." We both blushed.


"It's no problem. . ." He assured me. We got to the car and I smiled awkwardly, unsure if I should hug him or just start heading back up the driveway. He answered it for me, by taking me in his arms gently. I hugged back and we stayed like that a little longer then I expected.


"Goodnight, Changjo." I said.


"Night, Sydney." 

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teentopfanatic #1
Chapter 9: i say she shouldn't! otherwise it will be obvious how the story goes haha XD
LilAngelOfDeath #2
Chapter 2: U shall write more Sydney.. Lol Ricky better say more stuff to me~
mblaq_lover12 #3
Chapter 2: loving the first two chapters already :) cant wait for the next update :)