Chapter 6

You Are My Only Weakness

It was 7:00 in the morning and Ricky was the one decided by the others to be the one to wake you up, despite all of his complaints.  As Ricky approached your door, he slowly opened it and cringed at your messy room.  There were clothes everywhere, wrappers from various food packages covered the floor, and your desk was a mess with papers and pens.

You were a mess as well.
Sprawled out on your bed, you were drooling on your pillow.  Your covers were only half covering you and the other half were blanketing the floor.
Ricky winced at the condition of the room and slowly walked in, watching his step.  He stood beside your bed and readied himself.  He climbed up onto your bed and stood up straight.  Closing his eyes, Ricky inhaled.  "JUNGMIIIIII!!!!!  JUNGMI!  JUNGMI!  JUNGMI!  JUNGMI!  JUNGMI!"  He shouted.  He jumped up and down furiously, his knees tucking all the way up to his chest with each jump.
On his last jump, he landed a little farther than he expected to.  As you were deep in sleep, Ricky forcefully jumped on your stomach.  You both let out a shrill shriek as his feet came in contact with your body.  He slipped on you, not being a stable surface, and flipped back off your bed, landing with a big thud on the hardwood floor.  "Owwiee."  He cried, unable to get up from the pain of landing flat on his back.
You shot up from your bed with a scream.  You grabbed your stomach and tried to get back the breath that was forced out of you.  You let out a loud groan and Ricky froze.  Regaining your breath, you looked around, still clutching your stomach.  You saw Ricky on the floor to the right of your bed.
He completely stopped breathing and his face drained of color.  His eyes widened as big as they could get and he quickly scrambled up, forgetting about the pain in his back.
Your eyes turned to fire and you shot out of bed.
He screamed as loud as his lungs would allow him and stumbled to the door, slipping on the miscellaneous things coating the floor.  He fell over and nearly cried out of fear.  Ricky curled into a ball on his side and pleaded for mercy.  "I-I'm sorry Jungmi!  I-I had to come wake you up bec-cause the oth-thers made me come up here and do it and I was j-jumping on y-your bed and I didn't know I would l-land that far over and I landed on you I didn't mean to but I fell and hurt myself too I'm s-s-sorry!  I love you Jungmi you know that right?!"  He spit out nonsence trying to protect himself.
You yelled and scolded him, all the while punishing him with kicking.  He squeaked with everykick you gave him.  "Ricky you little idiot!  Don't you DARE wake me up like that again or I will shove you out that window!"  You screamed and kicked him one last time.  You walked back to your bed and grabbed your pillow.  Ricky, thinking you left and he was safe, began to get up.  You marched back to the unsuspecting Ricky and hit him over the head with your pillow.  He let out a surprised cry and went back to the curled up position he was in just seconds ago.  You huffed, threw your pillow across the room, and stomped to your bathroom.  "And get out!"  You screamed from inside the room.  Ricky let out a squeal and scrambled out of your room.
Once you were done with getting ready upstairs, you came out and walked down the stairs.  Still grumpy, and your grudge toward your brother not helping your mood, you marched to the front door.  "I'm leaving!  ...okay bye."  You yelled, talking to yourself with your last sentence.  You didn't feel like eating breakfast today, nor did you feel like seeing your brother- or the rest of Teen Top for that matter.  Ricky was an acception to you of course, even though you got in fights with him often.  Quite often.  You couldn't stay very mad at him for long.  You walked to school alone today, not caring if you were accompanied or not.  You were always okay with being alone.  In fact, you enjoyed being alone.  You didn't have to watch out for anyone.
Once you reached the school grounds, you walked to your locker and opened it up to grab your books.  You were early so there were not many people in the halls.  A note fell out and you gave a confused look.  Picking it up, you unfolded the paper.
It read:
To Jungmi,
                   I know you probably didn't mean to snap at me at the amusement park.  I'm sorry about running away.  You'll forgive me though, right?  I hope you do because I'll be really sad if you don't :(  Forgive Gongchannie!  I want to make it up to you!  I'm going to create a surprise, so be prepared!  I hope that you'll like it ^^
                   From Love Gongchan (The best friend you could ever have)
Attached to it was a drawing he made himself of you and him.  You let out a laugh because he had a huge smile on his face and he gave you a grumpy looking face and a frown.  Shaking your head you re-read the letter he wrote.  You grabbed your books and safely packed away the letter and picture inside of your bag.
You then sighed.
He did absolutely nothing wrong, yet he was the one to take the step to apologize.  The wrong was on your part, but you did nothing to make it up.  He was the one to take the blame, and you simply ignored the hurt you caused.
As you made your way to your class, you ran into Baro in the hallway.  "Hey loser."  He flicked your forehead.
You smacked his hand away and kept walking.
"Why don't you ever talk to me?  Come on~ Talk~"  He whined and shook your arm, putting on the most innocent look he could.  You stared at him for a second before snapping your head back to the direction you were walking.
He huffed and let out a smirk.  He stepped infront of you, bringing both of you to a stop.  You furrowed your eyebrows and stepped to the side, Baro following your move.  You glared and stepped to the left, Baro following that move as well.  You growled and stared at him, waiting for him to move over.
He put his hands in his pockets.  "Are you doing anything after school?"  He asked with a slightly embarrassed tone.
You hissed and began walking away when he grabbed your wrist.  "Yah!  I asked you a question."  He demanded your answer.
As you opened your mouth to reject, he spoke up.  "I was wondering if you wanted to do something."  He mumbled and his jaw tightened a little as he spoke.
You looked at him weirdly.  "Why would I want to go anywhere with you?"  You questioned.
He rolled his eyes.  "I don't know.  Will you or no."  He asked impatiently.
You looked down and grabbed the straps of your backpack.
He nudged, or rather shoved you with his shoulder.  "Are you going or no?"  He looked at you.
You looked down once again and pondered on going or not, which surprised you a ton that you were even considering going anywhere with him.
"We could go to the amusement park."  He spoke.  He leaned on you, awaiting your answer.  You looked at him, disgusted by how close he was to you.
Shoving him off of you, began to talk.  "Baro, I was just there two days ago, and I'm sure you're aware of that.  I don't want to go again."
He spoke up as well.  "Come on, how long were you even there?  3 hours?  What fun is that?"
You paused and rejected him.  "I don't want to go with you, Baro."  You squinted your eyes.
Baro looked at you in disbelief.  "What?!  I'm the epitome of perfect!  Most girls would die to be in your place and you reject me?"
You rolled your eyes.  "Perfect?  Please."
"J-just.  Will you go or..."  He trailed off mid-sentence.
You stared at him for a second before scrunching up you face.  "Fine!  Fine, I'll go."  You accepted.
Baro smirked.  "I knew it."  He said, proud of himself.  "Oh, and Jungmi?"  He said.  You looked over to him.  He gave a devious grin and shoved you against the lockers, running away.
Your eyes widened.  "B-Baro!!"  You screamed with rage.
Maybe this could help me figure you out, Lee Jungmi.  Baro thought to himself as he ran away.
So I promised myself I would update this chapter last night, but I was so overly tired that I couldn't edit it very well.  I didn't want to update a TOO terrible of a chapter, so I edited it and posted it today.  SO HERE YOU GO, CHILDREN.  I LOVE YOU.  TT TT Okay thank you
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Chapter 7: please update soon if you can!! this story is just very amazing TT____TT
barooya #2
Chapter 6: and this chapter gave me a heartattack. o-o Jungmi was quite harsh. I mean hardcore o___o even Teen Top are afraid of her omg~
oh gongchan~ and his sweet letter >__<
but then Baro came and, I was curious of his intention? dundudun~~~
thank you author-nim! ^O^
barooya #3
Chapter 5: I love this one!!! L.Joe being a mean brother but I love this. I mean like, yeah. some people doesn't know how to express their love by a nice way.. so they keeps irritating and scold and bla bla bla but I know he loves meohnononoJungmi hehehehehe >/////u/////< You know, I just can't resist myself from laughing. the moment when he told everyone Jungmi's secret. omg such a meanie but. I love it! >__< I've been waiting for this update and thank you author-nim kekeke ^__^

and omg~ that's cool o.o I wish I could smack people like that though XDDD hehehe I don't think you're mean. We have our own ways in expressing so it's okay I though :3
again~ I'm anticipating fun chapter in the future ^O^ thank you :3
Thank you guys I was starting to get lonely LOL I'll update as soon as I can~ <3
barooya #5
Chapter 4: aigooo~ i'm getting curious on who's going to be in the loveline~ but your story is veeery sweet! ^__^ omg baby gongchannie T^T good job~~ :3
barooya #6
Chapter 1: i knew i did laugh when she hits niel and pulled his hair~ shocking~~~ i love this story kekeke ^__^ good job~