Chapter 2

You Are My Only Weakness

As you and Teen Top stepped into the school gates, you looked around in awe. There were students everywhere, chatting amongst themselves.  Some looked over, seeing the new students come inside the school grounds.  The girls swooned over Teen Top, who all smirked but Ricky who was confused by his newly found attention.

"Jungmi,"  He gaped.  "Why are they all staring at me."  He questioned and grabbed onto your arm.  One of the girls winked at him and he gasped.  He scampered away, pulling you with him.

"Yah!"  Your brother yelled, but you were too far gone.

You and Ricky were now inside the school and walking down the hallways.  You both looked around, taking everything in.  "Ooh!"  You heard Ricky shout.  He pointed at a painting hung up on the wall.  You went over and looked at it.  It was a painting of the sky.  All sorts of blues and whites were swirled and mixed together.  Simple but pretty.

As you were both continuing your self-tour, someone bumped Ricky into you which caused you to bump into the wall.  Ricky's eyes widened.
You recomposed you self and turned around, glaring at Ricky.  "Sorry!  I'm sorry!"  He apologized.  He knew apologizing was never enough for you though so he grabbed the straps of his backpack and ran down the hallway.  You sprinted after him but since you were a terrible runner, you weren't able to catch him.
Ricky, relieved you couldn't catch him, turned a corner and ran in to something.  Or rather someone.
Ricky stopped and slowly backed up.  He turned his gaze upward and met the eyes of a boy, a little taller than he was.  Ricky quickly apologized.  You then caught up to him, breathing heavily.  "R-ricky.  Don't- How can you- run- so quick."  You huffed.  You looked over and saw Ricky gazing up at someone.  You turned your head and met the eyes of a boy glaring at Ricky.  You scrunched your eyebrows.
The boy spoke up.  "New kid.  Watch where you're going."  He pushed Ricky.
"Hey!"  You yelled at the boy and shoved him back.
The guy glanced over at you.  "And who might you be?" He questioned.
You tighted your hands into a fist.  Ricky pulled on your sleeve.  "Jungmi," he whispered.  "Let's go."
You glared at the boy and he glared back.  You put your hand on Ricky's shoulder who was terrified of the boy by now.  Ricky didn't want anything to happen.  He knew you wouldn't give up if something did.
"I'm leaving."  The boy spat, glancing at Ricky.  He briskly walked past you, bumping your shoulder.  You elbowed him back and walked away with Ricky.
Ricky looked at you and you looked over at him.  "Watch were you're going next time Ricky."  You scolded, elbowing his stomach.  "Ow!  Okay, okay, I'm sorry."  He gripped his stomach in pain.  He pouted and continued walking.
You had found out that you all arrived a half hour early.  Niel had lied in order to get you all to school, saying you were going to be late.  You roamed around the school with Ricky for the next 30 minutes.
After that, you two arrived at your first class, math.  Only you and Ricky had it together.  You both walked inside and sat down on the left in the second row from the back.  Ricky sat to your right.  As you both sat down, two more students walked in.  Girls started getting excited and squealing.  You glanced at the door, looked away, and did a double take.  The guy who shoved Ricky walked inside the classroom along with one of his friends, you assumed, who was standing behind him.  The friend had brown hair comparing to the other guys' blonde hair.  The boy behind him looked so innocent and nice you were surprised they were even friends.  The rude boy looked over at you and Ricky and smirked.
He brought his friend over and they sat in the row behind you.  You sighed and waited for the teacher to arrive.  He sat behind you and his friend sat behind Ricky. He kicked your chair and you turned around with a blank face.  He smirked and kicked it again.  You didn't move and he poked your face with his pencil.
The kid next to him spoke up.  "A-ah sorry.  Baro is like that a lot."  He scratched the back of his head.  You looked over to the boy and nodded.  "I'm Gongchan by the way."  He smiled and stuck his hand out.  You looked at it and slowly shook it.  "What's your name?"  He asked, his eyes twinkling.  You looked at him not changing your facial expression.
Ricky turned around and shyly smiled at Gongchan.  "Her name's Jungmi."  He told him.  Gongchan looked back at you with a smile still on his face.  Baro rolled his eyes, scoffed, and bumped Gongchan who whimpered and rubbed his arm.  You glared at Baro.
"What."  He sneered.  You then noticed the bruises and cut on Baro's cheek but ignored it.  You looked over at Gongchan.  "You're his friend?"  You asked the hurt boy.  He slowly nodded his head.  You looked at Gongchan weirdly.  "Why would you want to be friends with him?  He's..."  You glanced at Baro.  "Why."  You finished.
Gongchan looked at you with big, wide eyes.  "Because he's my friend and I'm his friend."  He answered innocently.
"But he's so rude and his personalty is terrible."  You looked at Baro with disgust.  Baro's eyes widened at you and his face went red.
Ricky scoffed.  "Oh please, Jungmi.  Like your personality is any better."  You snapped your head to look at him and Ricky jumped in his chair and buried his head in his arms.  The teacher walked in and you turned back around.
As class went on, Baro would throw various things at you.  Pencils, wadded up paper, erasers.
During the last 15 minutes of class, your teacher allowed you to start on your homework.  Gongchan tapped your shoulder.  You turned around.  "I-I don't understand this..."  He spoke.  You looked at him without changing your expression.  "Why don't you just ask Baro?"  He glanced over to Baro.  "I don't think he gets it either knowing him... and I doubt he would help me anyway."  He pouted.
You sighed and went to the side of his desk.  You showed him how to do a couple of problems and Baro looked over.  "Why are you helping him."  He asked. "Because he needs help."  You said with a tone as if was the most obvious thing in the world.  Baro rolled his eyes and went back to his blank sheet of paper.  You looked at it.  "Looks like someone else doesn't understand either."  You spoke.  Baro looked at you and scoffed.  He shoved the paper back into his backpack and looked away.  You went back to helping Gongchan while Baro secretly listened to what you were explaining.
"Oh!  I get it!"  Gongchan's eyes brightened.  "Thank you!"  He smiled.  You nodded your head and went back to your seat.
Using what Baro heard you explain, he took his paper back out and tried to work out a problem.  He solved it in less than a minute and was proud of himself.  He smirked and looked at his correct answer.  He then remembered it was because of you that he got it right.  He huffed and stuffed the paper back in his backpack.
After the bell rang for class, you went to your next class, history.  You found Gongchan to be the only one in it with you.  You sat down in the back alone.  Gongchan brightened and sat in the back right next to you.  "Hello~"  He sang.  You looked over and nodded.
He passed you a lollipop.  You looked up and he just grinned and took out his supplies.  You picked it up an examined it.  Then you put it in your pocket.  Class went on as normal.
The bell rang and you continued on to your next two classes.  After your fourth class was lunch.  You stepped outside your door to be met by a hyper Gongchan.  "Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends?"  He clasped his hands with wide, hopeful eyes.
"Sorry Gongchan, but I don't really want to eat lunch with that Baro guy."  You replied.
His eyes dimmed a little.  "But I know you'll like my other friends!  They're really great!"  He jumped.
"But what about my friends?  I'm eating with them."  You told him.
"I'm sure they'll understand!"  He jumped and pulled you to the lunch room.  He brought you to a table.  Baro was sitting there as well as three unrecognized guys.  "Jungmi, you uh met Baro."  He scratched his head.  "But this is Jinyoung, Sandeul, and CNU."  He pointed to the three guys.
Gongchan smiled at you, waiting for you to do something.  You just stood there and slightly nodded your head.  Gongchan puffed his cheeks.   "Can't you show more enthusiam..."  He slouched.  You pursed your lips to the side.  Gongchan poked you and turned back to his friends.  "This is Jungmi!"  He announced, stepping to the side and pointing his arms out towards you.
You scratched your head.  "Can I go sit with my brother..."  You asked Gongchan. He sighed and then perked up.  "You have a brother?"  He asked in awe.  You slowly nodded your head.  "Who?"  He asked you, jumping.  You looked at him not exactly sure  you wanted to tell him yet.  His eyes glistened, awaiting your answer.
"Yeah,"  Baro smirked.  "Who is it."  You stared back at Baro.  He chuckled.  "Oh I know!  It's that weak Ricky kid, huh?"  He laughed.  Your fist tightened.  You hated it when anyone talked bad about Teen Top.  He went on.  "Man, that boy getting a girl to fight for him?  What a loser."  He shook his head.  You grit your teeth and lifted your fist ready to punch him.  You cared for Teen Top a lot and would never let anyone talk about them.
Gongchan gasped loudly but before you could punch him, L.Joe walked up behind you, grabbing your waist with his left hand and your fist with his right.  "Hey, are you getting into trouble already?  Tsk, tsk."  He scolded.  You turned around and saw him along with the rest of Teen Top.  Chunji gave you a look and you put down your fist, disappointed you weren't able to defend Ricky.  You then noticed L.Joe's bust lip.
"You're the one to talk.  What happened?"  You asked L.Joe, touching his lip.
He pushed your hand away.  "Just got in a fight with an idiot this morning."  He shook his head.  He looked over at Baro and his eyes widened.  "You!"  He growled.
You turned back around to look at Baro as well.  "You got in a fight with him?"  Your eyes turned to slits.
Baro smirked and gave a quick nod.  "Yep.  L.Joe is your brother?"  He shook his head.  "Figures."
"What's that supposed to mean?" L.Joe glared.  Baro just smirked.  "Just that you both have to same terrible temper.  Huh, L.Joe?"  He said with a smug face.
L.Joe grit his teeth and you tightened your fist again.
"So~"  Niel sang as he and C.a.p pulled you and L.Joe away.  "We'll uhm, be going now."  Chunji smiled and bowed.  You and Teen Top walked back to your own lunch table and left Gongchan and his friends behind.
Gongchan stomped his foot and looked at Baro.  "She's my friend! You don't have to be mean!"  He sighed and sat down next to Jinyoung.  Jinyoung patted Gongchan's head and Gongchan snuggled into Jinyoung's shoulder.  "Come on Baro,"  Jinyoung started.  "He just wants to make a friend.  Look at his sweet face."  Gongchan looked at Baro with wide, sad eyes.  Baro looked at him and closed his eyes.  He sighed and walked away.  "Sorry...."  He mumbled and left.
So here is chapter two~ 
I apologize if you didn't like it ^^;
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Chapter 7: please update soon if you can!! this story is just very amazing TT____TT
barooya #2
Chapter 6: and this chapter gave me a heartattack. o-o Jungmi was quite harsh. I mean hardcore o___o even Teen Top are afraid of her omg~
oh gongchan~ and his sweet letter >__<
but then Baro came and, I was curious of his intention? dundudun~~~
thank you author-nim! ^O^
barooya #3
Chapter 5: I love this one!!! L.Joe being a mean brother but I love this. I mean like, yeah. some people doesn't know how to express their love by a nice way.. so they keeps irritating and scold and bla bla bla but I know he loves meohnononoJungmi hehehehehe >/////u/////< You know, I just can't resist myself from laughing. the moment when he told everyone Jungmi's secret. omg such a meanie but. I love it! >__< I've been waiting for this update and thank you author-nim kekeke ^__^

and omg~ that's cool o.o I wish I could smack people like that though XDDD hehehe I don't think you're mean. We have our own ways in expressing so it's okay I though :3
again~ I'm anticipating fun chapter in the future ^O^ thank you :3
Thank you guys I was starting to get lonely LOL I'll update as soon as I can~ <3
barooya #5
Chapter 4: aigooo~ i'm getting curious on who's going to be in the loveline~ but your story is veeery sweet! ^__^ omg baby gongchannie T^T good job~~ :3
barooya #6
Chapter 1: i knew i did laugh when she hits niel and pulled his hair~ shocking~~~ i love this story kekeke ^__^ good job~