Chapter 4

You Are My Only Weakness

Double update!


As you and Gongchan arrived at Lotte World, you looked outside of your window.  There were people walking everywhere.  Most of them your age, along with their dates.  Gongchan parked the car and you both got out and inhaled the fresh air.  It was September and the leaves were starting to change all sorts of reds and yellow, falling to the ground and there was a slight breeze.  As you looked around and took everything in, Gongchan ushered you to the entrance.  He was about to pay for you when you stopped him.

"Why are you paying for me?"  You scrunched your face.  You got out your wallet and was about to pay when Gongchan pushed your arm away and quickly gave his money.  You gave a small glare and he smiled and pulled you inside.  You both looked around in awe at all of the attractions.  The two of you walked to the outside park and were even more amazed at the rides everywhere.  There were people screaming as they went down the roller coaster and laughter could be heard.  Shouts of joy were booming around the park when someone would win a stuffed animal for their loved ones.  "Come on!"  Gongchan cheered and pulled you farther into the park.  "Where do you want to go first?"  He asked you as he analyzed all of the rides.

You looked around and pointed to a roller coaster.  His eyes rounded.  "A-are you sure?"  He asked, scared of the big roller coaster you chose.  Seeing his nervousness, you smirked and nudged his shoulder.  "Why, are you scared?"  You asked.  He puffed out his chest and hit it.  "Of course not.  Of a simple roller coaster?  Ha!"  He guffawed.  (I'M SORRY BUT GUFFAWED I JUST THAT WORD I CAN'T-)

You pulled his arm.  "Then come on lets go."  You spoke.  You both got in line, Gongchan shaking of fear.  'Why would I even chose to come here.  I hate roller coasters.  I couldn't have taken her to a nice safe picnic or something.'  He thought looking up at the ride.

Meanwhile, Teen Top had already arrived at the park and had spotted you both in line for a roller coaster.  They got in line as well, despite the protests of Ricky.  They kept a careful eye on you both.  You boarded the ride along with Gongchan in the second row.  Teen Top boarded three rows behind you, so they wouldn't be noticed.
As the ride began, Gongchan quickly gripped onto your arm.  You looked at him and he gave a nervous smile.  You rolled your eyes.  L.Joe almost jumped out of his seat but due to the bar over him, he stayed put.  He grit his teeth and looked at you two.  "I'm going to kill him.  Pretending to be scared so he can grab onto her.  Guys don't get scared on these roller coasters that little-"
"But Ricky's scared."  Changjo cut him off.  L.Joe turned around and saw Ricky with his eyes closed and gripping onto C.a.p's arm.  C.a.p had an irritated face and no matter how hard he tried, Ricky wouldn't let go.  L.Joe rolled his eyes and turned back around, sending lasers at the back of Gongchan.
The ride got to the very top of the track and zoomed down.  Gongchan squeezed your arm and screamed.  Ricky did the same to C.a.p who was not at all amused of him.  When the ride ended, you all got off, Teen Top escaping and avoiding both of your sights.  Gongchan was still gripping on to you.
"It's over Gongchan.  You can let go."  You spoke, trying to pry him off.  He whimpered and shook his head.  You softened at him.  You felt bad that he was so scared.  "You could have told me you didn't want to go on that, you know."  He squeezed his eyes shut.  You sighed and told him to go sit down at a bench.  He did as he was told.  "I'll be right back, okay?  Close your eyes and keep them closed until I come back."  You told him.
"Wha..."  He gave you a confused look.  "Close.  Your eyes."  You said.  Unwillingly, he did so.  He sat there and swung his legs like a kid.  You walked away and passed by a booth that was selling little white teddy bears as prizes.  You looked at the booth and decided to give it a try.  The first time, you lost.  Although, you tried again and won.  The man gave you a bear and you examined it happily.  You thanked him and walked back to Gongchan.
You stood in front of him and held out the teddy bear.  "Gongchan,"  you whispered.  "Open your eyes."  He did so and looked at the object in your hands.  He brightened and looked up at you.  "I felt bad so, here you go.  Take it."  You mumbled and shoved it in his hands.
He grinned and took the bear and gave it a big hug.  "Thank you, Jungmi!"  He jumped up and gave you a hug.  You froze and didn't know what to do.  You gave him a small hug back.  He let go and giggled at the baby bear.  "I'm naming it Jungmi~"  He sang and patted it's head.  Your eyes widened.
"Why?  No, name it something else."  You commanded and crossed your arms.
"Too late~  Little Jungmi already has her name."  He stuck out his tongue.  You glared and punched his shoulder.  He laughed and made the bear kiss your cheek.  You jumped and he laughed again.
Teen Top, who was watching from afar were not happy.  "She gave him a bear!  They are definitely dating!  He even had it kiss her cheek!"  Chunji blurted.
"I'm sure they are!  He gave her a hug when she gave it to him, and she didn't shove him off."  Niel pouted.  L.Joe being your brother was the most angry.  He sent daggers at Gongchan and his eyes were dark.  He stood up and tried to walk over there when C.a.p pulled him down.  L.Joe closed his eyes and stayed put.  They continued to watch you and Gongchan.  Eventually you guys walked away and they followed.
You and Gongchan decided to go on a less scary ride.  Gongchan chose to get on the water ride.  It wasn't as scary for Gongchan, but you did not like water at all.  You gripped onto Gongchan's hand.  He looked over at you but you looked away, embarrassed for being afraid of something.  He smiled and hugged you.
As you got on the ride, you sat close to him.  The ride started and you looked around.  Gongchan smiled and enjoyed the ride as you closed your eyes and gripped onto his shirt.
You were approaching a waterfall (THE WATERFALL IS OVER YOU, YOU AREN'T GOING OVER A WATERFALL AND FALLING, IT'S NOT A DEATH RIDE)  and both of your eyes widened.  "No. No no no no nonono."  You shook your head furiously and hid your head behind Gongchan.  As you got closer you and Gongchan huddled together.  Your ride went under the waterfall and you both screamed.  The two of you were drenched in water.
You both came to an open area where there were water shooters perched above where people could walk by and shoot water at the rider.  You looked up at them and saw a familiar group of boys.  Your eyes widened and you quickly let go of Gongchan to see your brother's blazing eyes and the rest of Teen Top.  L.Joe smirked and aimed a water gun at you.  The rest of Teen Top did the same and you widened your eyes even more.  Gongchan notice them as well and his eyes got big.
L.Joe was the first to shoot the water.  He hit you right in the face and laughed.  You screamed and covered your face.  Teen Top laughed at you and shot as well.  You were both being hit from all directions.
"Yahh!!"  You yelled as you were hit in the back of the head.  Your anger grew with each shot.  Eventually, you were out of range of Teen Top.  You growled and crossed your arms.  "I can't believe they followed me here."  You hissed.
"A-ah it's okay Jungmi."  He tried to calm you down.  You glared at him and he shut his mouth.  He let out a sigh and you both waited for the ride to end.  When it did, you both got out.
Fuming with anger, you went to go find Teen Top when two arms wrapped around your waist.  "Hello little sister, how are you?"  The person asked.
Your eyes widened and anger filled you.  "Lee. Byunghun."  You spoke, flames in your eyes.
"Yes?"  He looked over at you, fire in his eyes as well.  "I'm sorry, did I interrupt your date?"  He asked with a smirk.
You grit your teeth.  "What is wrong with you."  You hissed, turning around.
"J-Jungmi..."  Gongchan tapped your shoulder.  You swatted his hand away and he gasped, gripping onto the bear you gave him.
"Ohh you shouldn't treat your boyfriend that way."  L.Joe taunted.  You growled and stepped closer to your brother.  "He isn't my boyfriend."  You growled.
L.Joe scoffed and took a step forward as well.  "Are you sure about that?"  He asked.  You both glared at each other.
Gongchan stepped back, afraid of getting hurt again.  "J-J-Jungm-mi."  He stuttered.
"Shut up, Gongchan!"  You yelled.
He gasped again and tears welled up in his eyes.  "Wh..."  He started.
Your eyes widened realizing what you just said and you whipped around.  "Oh my god, Gongchan.  I'm so sorry, you know I didn't mean it."  You put a hand over your mouth and a hand on his shoulder.  He shook his head, gripped onto the teddy bear you gave him earlier, and ran away.  Your heart sank.  You felt like you just yelled at a puppy and kicked it away.  You turned around and looked at your brother.  "Why are you even here?"  You asked and shoved him.
He hissed and pushed your arms away.  "I told you that you weren't allowed to date anyone, and what do you do?  Go on a date with Gongchan.  You just met him."  He yelled back.
"I wasn't on a date, L.Joe!  He took me here to get to know me better.  He just wanted to be my friend and look what you made me do!"  You shouted.  "You are always in my life.  Even when we lived in California.  I can take care of myself."
"I'm only trying to protect you, Jungmi.  You can't take care of yourself.  You think you're so smart and can get yourself out of any situation.  When the day comes that you can't get yourself out of something, your ego is going to still get in the way!  What would you do then?  You'll only get yourself in deeper trouble."  He argued back.
"Oh yeah, L.Joe.  Because coming here with Gongchan is such a dangerous decision."  You retorted.
He took in a breath.  "I'm just telling you, Jungmi.  You never listen to me when I tell you not to do something.  You're so curious to see what will happen.  You wouldn't have cared if it was dangerous or not.  You're going to do it anyway."
You shook your head.  "I can watch out for myself, L.Joe."  You turned around and walked away.
Tah dah!  Double update!  
Am I going too fast at all?  Or does my writing just all round.
Because I won't know how to improve and make the story better for your reading uNLESS YOU COMMENT AND TELL ME щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
I won't hurt you or anything.  I know I'm always afraid to talk to anyone on here because I feel like they wouldn't want to talk to me.  BUT I WANT TO TALK TO YOU OTL Unless you just don't want to talk to me that's cool too I mean.
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Chapter 7: please update soon if you can!! this story is just very amazing TT____TT
barooya #2
Chapter 6: and this chapter gave me a heartattack. o-o Jungmi was quite harsh. I mean hardcore o___o even Teen Top are afraid of her omg~
oh gongchan~ and his sweet letter >__<
but then Baro came and, I was curious of his intention? dundudun~~~
thank you author-nim! ^O^
barooya #3
Chapter 5: I love this one!!! L.Joe being a mean brother but I love this. I mean like, yeah. some people doesn't know how to express their love by a nice way.. so they keeps irritating and scold and bla bla bla but I know he loves meohnononoJungmi hehehehehe >/////u/////< You know, I just can't resist myself from laughing. the moment when he told everyone Jungmi's secret. omg such a meanie but. I love it! >__< I've been waiting for this update and thank you author-nim kekeke ^__^

and omg~ that's cool o.o I wish I could smack people like that though XDDD hehehe I don't think you're mean. We have our own ways in expressing so it's okay I though :3
again~ I'm anticipating fun chapter in the future ^O^ thank you :3
Thank you guys I was starting to get lonely LOL I'll update as soon as I can~ <3
barooya #5
Chapter 4: aigooo~ i'm getting curious on who's going to be in the loveline~ but your story is veeery sweet! ^__^ omg baby gongchannie T^T good job~~ :3
barooya #6
Chapter 1: i knew i did laugh when she hits niel and pulled his hair~ shocking~~~ i love this story kekeke ^__^ good job~