Chapter 3

You Are My Only Weakness

The bell rang signaling for school to be over.  You packed up your bags and got up from your seat.  The second you walked out of the classroom you were met by an excited Gongchan once again.

You gave him a questioning look.  "What are you doing here?"  You asked.

"I came to see you!"  He smiled.  You shook your head and walked to your locker.  "H-hey!"  He yelled, stumbling after you.

You got your books and closed your locker to be face to face to a pouting Gongchan.  "So,"  He began, drawing circles on the ground with his foot.  "I'm sorry about Baro today..."  He said.  At the mention of Baro's name, your jaw tightened.  "B-but I wanted to make it up to you!"  He spoke up.  You raised your eyebrow at him.  "I was wondering if you wanted to... uhm... did you want to go to Lotte World?  Is that your kind of thing?"  He rubbed his head.

"I don't really know you, Gongchan."  You squinted your eyes.

"W-we can get to know eachother!"  He squeaked.  "Please?  I feel really bad."  He kicked his shoe, putting his hands behind him.

You examined his face and nodded.  "I guess."

He brightened at your approval.  "Really?"  He said.  "Okay!  I can come by your house around 11:00 on Saturday, okay?"

"You don't know my address."  You replied.  "I don't want to give it to you rea-"

He cut you off.  "I'll just ask Ricky then.  He seems nice enough and he's close to you right?"  He squinted.  "I'm going to go ask him!  Bye~"  He waved.

"Gongchan!"  You yelled.  He dismissed you with the wave of his hand and ran away.  You closed your eyes and sighed.  You knew Ricky would give your address to Gongchan without a second thought.  You pulled your backpack up and went to find Teen Top.  As you stepped out of the building, you saw Baro across campus.  He met your eyes and smirked.  He walked over to you and you glared at him and walked away.  He chuckled and came behind you, hooking his arm around your neck.  Shaking it off, you kept walking, looking for your brother and the rest of Teen Top.

"Hey, loser."  He tapped your head.  "Why don't you talk that much?"  He elbowed your arm.

You turned around and squinted your eyes at him and he glared back.  Someone came up behind you and hugged you.  You were about to shove them off when you realized it was just your brother.

"Ew, you're talking to him?"  L.Joe spoke with disgust.

Baro scoffed.  "She doesn't even talk."  He flicked your forehead.  L.Joe immediately smacked his hand away and Baro retreated it.  "Ah."  He spoke examining his hand.  "Don't touch her."  L.Joe declared.  Baro rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Where's Ricky?"  You asked.
"Ah, talking to the Gongchan kid or something."  L.Joe replied with a dismissed look.  You sighed.
A few minutes later, the rest of Teen Top were all together.  As you guys walked home, Ricky questioned you.  "Why did Gongchan want your address?  He asked me for it and I gave it to him."  He looked up at you a mischievous glint in his eye.  "Are you two..."  He bumped your shoulder.
Everyone's eyes widened, including yours, and you shoved Ricky into a bush.
"Y-yah."  Ricky fumbled his words, attempting to get out of the shrub.  By now all of Teen Top was looking at you, awaiting your answer.
"He's taking me to Lotte World this weekend but we aren't-"  You started when Changjo cut you off.  "No he isn't!  You aren't going to date yet!"  He hugged you protectively.
"Yeah!  I'm the only one for you, right Jungmi!"  Chunji declared.
"He seems too nice.  I bet you'll make him cry first date." Ricky laughed.  C.a.p tried to keep his laugh in from Ricky's joke, unsuccessfully.  You glared at both of them and was about to speak up when L.Joe interrupted.  "I'm your brother and you aren't dating anyone for as long as I say."  He pushed Changjo off of you and hugged you from behind.  You sighed and rolled your eyes.

The rest of the week went on the same.  You got to know B1A4 better and found them to not be as bad a you thought.  Of course, Baro was an exception.  Jinyoung was the 'leader' in a sort of way and always took care of and watched out for the others.  Gongchan was the youngest and was always babied by the others.  Cnu was the most mature out of all of them and was usually calm.  Sandeul was the funny one and liked to play pranks on the others and make jokes.  And Baro... was Baro.  

Before long, Saturday came.  Gongchan skipped up to the house you and Teen Top shared.  He knocked on the door and waited patiently for it to open.  As the door was unlocked, Gongchan was met face to face with L.Joe.  L.Joe raised his eye brow and gave Gongchan a questioning look.
"A-ah, I'm here for Jungmi?" Gongchan squeaked.
L.Joe pursed his lips.  "So you are going on a date together."  He sent Gongchan an icy look.
Gongchan furiously shook his head and hands.  "It's just a friendly thing.  I wanted to apologize about Baro too..."
"Baro?"  L.Joe said confused.
"My uh friend..."  Gongchan mumbled.
L.joe's eyes turned dark.  "Well Gongchan, Jungmi is my little sister and if you do anything to her I swear I will not hesitat-"
"Lee Byunghun."  You spoke from behind.  L.Joe flinched, noticing you used his real name.  They both turned towards you.  "Leave him alone."  You finished.  L.Joe grumbled.  "Where are you guys going anyways?"  L.Joe questioned.  You gave him a look.  "I'm not stupid, I know you'll follow me."  You rolled your eyes.  L.Joe scoffed and put his hand on your shoulder.   "I'm your brother I should know these things."  He spoke.  You gave him a blank stare.  "Bye."  You flatly said and walked out of the house with Gongchan.
L.Joe puffed air into his cheeks, when Chunji walked by.  L. Joe stopped him and asked, "Do you know where Jungmi and Gongchan are going out to?"  Chunji nodded his head.  "Remember, she said he was taking her to Lotte World."
L.Joe perked up.  "Who wants to go to Lotte World!"  He shouted across the house and in less than a minute, everyone had come downstairs.
"Why are we going to Lotte world?"  "When are we leaving?"  "All of a sudden?"  "Are we eating there?"  Questions filled the house.  L.Joe ceased them with the slice of his hand.  All was quiet until he spoke up.  "We're spying on Jungmi and her date."  He smirked.  Teen Top's eyes went wide.  "Who is it?"  "So she is dating!"  "Jungmi!"  "Who's the guy!"  Commotion ensued again and L.Joe sighed.  "How about we just leave the house and you can all answer your own questions when we get there?"  He compromised.  Teen Top quickly nodded their heads and piled into the car.
"To Lotte World!"  Ricky cheered.
I'm sorry this chapter was so short OTL
And I just wanted to thank all of you who have subscribed to this story.  It really means a lot to me when I see the new subscribers button, so thank you!  (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
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Chapter 7: please update soon if you can!! this story is just very amazing TT____TT
barooya #2
Chapter 6: and this chapter gave me a heartattack. o-o Jungmi was quite harsh. I mean hardcore o___o even Teen Top are afraid of her omg~
oh gongchan~ and his sweet letter >__<
but then Baro came and, I was curious of his intention? dundudun~~~
thank you author-nim! ^O^
barooya #3
Chapter 5: I love this one!!! L.Joe being a mean brother but I love this. I mean like, yeah. some people doesn't know how to express their love by a nice way.. so they keeps irritating and scold and bla bla bla but I know he loves meohnononoJungmi hehehehehe >/////u/////< You know, I just can't resist myself from laughing. the moment when he told everyone Jungmi's secret. omg such a meanie but. I love it! >__< I've been waiting for this update and thank you author-nim kekeke ^__^

and omg~ that's cool o.o I wish I could smack people like that though XDDD hehehe I don't think you're mean. We have our own ways in expressing so it's okay I though :3
again~ I'm anticipating fun chapter in the future ^O^ thank you :3
Thank you guys I was starting to get lonely LOL I'll update as soon as I can~ <3
barooya #5
Chapter 4: aigooo~ i'm getting curious on who's going to be in the loveline~ but your story is veeery sweet! ^__^ omg baby gongchannie T^T good job~~ :3
barooya #6
Chapter 1: i knew i did laugh when she hits niel and pulled his hair~ shocking~~~ i love this story kekeke ^__^ good job~