Chapter 1

You Are My Only Weakness

"Yah!"  L.Joe banged his fist furiously on your door.  "Wake up!"  It was 7:00 am and your first day of school in Korea.  You groaned and pulled your pillow over your head.

Your brother, L.Joe, opened the door and stepped inside.  "Jungmi, wake up.  Do you always have to give me a hard time?"  He questioned.  You turned away from him, your pillow still covering your face.  He sighed and sat on your bed.  He took your blanket that you had hid under and shoved you onto the floor.  You landed with a big thud.

Groaning out of pain, you rolled halfway underneath your bed, hoping L.Joe would just leave you there.  "Jungmi.  Wake.  UP.  We have to get to school."  He demanded, pulling you out from under the bed.

"No I don't wannn...."  You drifted off, too tired to speak.

"SOMEBODY."  L.Joe said loudly, hinting for the rest of Teen Top to come help him wake up his sister.

"BUT SHE SCARES ME."  Ricky shouted back, fear present in his voice.  L.Joe screamed at them once again to come in.

Dejectedly, they all walked upstairs and into your room, keeping their distance from you.  They all knew you weren't easy to wake up.

Niel was the first one to approach you.  He shook you violently in which you replied with hitting him in the face and pulling his hair until he stopped.  "Ah.  Ah.  AH AH AH."  He flailed and released himself from your grip.  You lay limp on the ground while Chunji tended to the whimpering Niel.

C.a.p stepped in and stood over you.  "Aish."  He rolled his eyes, threw you over his shoulder and took you outside.  He went out front and threw you on the grass.  Hating the feeling of being on grass, you got up and wobbled to the driveway, falling flat on the cement.  About a minute passed and nothing happened.  Taking this to your advantage, you tried to fall back asleep, not caring whether you were outside or not.

You were almost back asleep when C.a.p approached you, a hose in his hand.  He turned it on full blast, ice cold water shooting out from it, leaving you drenched.  You screamed and shot up.  You looked at C.a.p in disbelief.  He shot you in the face with water again and sprinted inside.  You stood there dripping, your anger growing.  "C.A.P!!!"  You shrieked and sprinted inside.

Once inside you found him sitting at the kitchen table with the rest of Teen Top.  You glared at him and he smiled back.  The others looked at you, processing what has just happened.  They eventually understood, seeing your soaked state, and laughed at you.  You growled and marched upstairs, leaving a trail of water behind you.  You mumbled curse words and closed your door.  

You dried yourself off, got ready for your first day of school in Korea - your new home - and came down stairs still in a bad mood.  You sat down next to Ricky and took his breakfast.  "H-hey.  That's mine...."  He weakly protested.  You shot him a look to shut him up.  He slumped down in his seat.  Changjo passed him his breakfast, in which Ricky replied with a big grin.  He squealed and ate the rest of the food.  You chuckled at him and ruffled his hair.  He giggled and you smiled.

"Okay guys, we're going to be late if we don't leave right now."  Niel spoke.  You all sighed and stood up.  Everyone put their dishes in the sink and walked outside.  Together, you all walked to your new school.  You were nervous, that was definitely true, but you knew you had Teen Top with you, and that they would always be there for you.




Hello everyone~  I know this was a short chapter but I really at intros and stuff.  I probably at writing in general but I find it fun ^^  I promise you guys though, the next chapter is a lot longer than this chapter.  So just to clear it up, L.Joe is your brother and the rest of Teen Top are his (and your) friends.  You all live in the same house though.

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Chapter 7: please update soon if you can!! this story is just very amazing TT____TT
barooya #2
Chapter 6: and this chapter gave me a heartattack. o-o Jungmi was quite harsh. I mean hardcore o___o even Teen Top are afraid of her omg~
oh gongchan~ and his sweet letter >__<
but then Baro came and, I was curious of his intention? dundudun~~~
thank you author-nim! ^O^
barooya #3
Chapter 5: I love this one!!! L.Joe being a mean brother but I love this. I mean like, yeah. some people doesn't know how to express their love by a nice way.. so they keeps irritating and scold and bla bla bla but I know he loves meohnononoJungmi hehehehehe >/////u/////< You know, I just can't resist myself from laughing. the moment when he told everyone Jungmi's secret. omg such a meanie but. I love it! >__< I've been waiting for this update and thank you author-nim kekeke ^__^

and omg~ that's cool o.o I wish I could smack people like that though XDDD hehehe I don't think you're mean. We have our own ways in expressing so it's okay I though :3
again~ I'm anticipating fun chapter in the future ^O^ thank you :3
Thank you guys I was starting to get lonely LOL I'll update as soon as I can~ <3
barooya #5
Chapter 4: aigooo~ i'm getting curious on who's going to be in the loveline~ but your story is veeery sweet! ^__^ omg baby gongchannie T^T good job~~ :3
barooya #6
Chapter 1: i knew i did laugh when she hits niel and pulled his hair~ shocking~~~ i love this story kekeke ^__^ good job~