Order of the Day: Raspberry Pancakes

Coffee Prince Cafe!!! {Story is Starting}


^ Myungsoo's pancakes.( picture is not mine. it's from inner beauty *link in foreword*)


 As Jae Ri walks with her new found best friend, Yong Joo, they see a crowd of people in the middle of the park.

“What’s going on?” Yong Joo asks. Jae Ri shurgs and they go over there to see what all the commotion is all about.

When the two girls get to the crowd, they see a passed out Suzy on the ground and Woohyun and Chanyeol are next to her, trying to revive her.

“Try CPR!” Woohyun taps Chanyeol’s shoulder. Chanyeol blushes, then nods.

The closer Chanyeol’s lips get to Suzy’s, the more sweat is forming on Jae Ri’s palms and forehead. ‘I can’t let this happen. But she passed out! I still can’t let this happen… But she PASSED OU- oh?’ Jae Ri carefully studies Suzy’s face then realizes that Suzy just opened her eye a bit there and even smirked a little.

Chanyeol is about to lock lips with Suzy when suddenly, “STOP!” Everyone looks to Jae Ri, whose hands are extended out in front of her with her eyes closed.

“What are you doing?! This girl could die!” she heard someone shout.

“No, I mean, there’s no need for CPR… We could up to a revival using… uh…uh…AH! AVPU! Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive!” Jae Ri says.

“Then do it!” a man says. They force Jae Ri next to Suzy. She looks to Yong Joo who is trying to keep herself from bursting out in laughter.

Jae Ri first lightly shakes Suzy’s arm, but no response. Then she proceeds to calling out her name. Still no response. Then she proceeds to pinching Suzy’s nose and ear lobe. Jae Ri kept pinching and each pinch got harder and harder until finally…

“YAH!” Suzy got mad and sat up. The people started murmuring, wondering what is really doing on.

“A-h AH! You saved me!” she smiled and held Jae Ri’s hand. A man helped her up and she smiled at everyone. The whole crowd was applauding her for saving this “woman”, and she felt victorious.

Jae Ri goes back to Woohyun, Chanyeol, and Yong Joo.

“WAH! You showed her!” Yong Joo linked arms with her.

“So… Who wants a ride to the café?” Wooohyun asked. Everyone got a ride.

---At the café, Soo Min and Sooyeon are discussing the new summer look for the shop, the staff, and the menu.---

Yong Joo goes to Soo Min, “Unni, where’s Da Hee?”

“Oh, she and Sunggyu went to the designer to give her the new look for your guys’ uniforms. Why?” Soo Min replied.

“Nothing just wondering,” she said. She went back out and started working.

---It’s time for the store to close and Min Jung decided to visit Coffee Prince Café---

“Soo Min-ah!” Min Jung smiles. She hugs Soo Min and lays down the five boba drinks on the table.

“Yong Joo, Woohyun, and Myungsoo should be here soon,” Soo Min smiles. Min Jung looks at her phone and pretends to have gotten a call.

“Yeobosaeyeo? Ne, o-omma! OH! Really?! Oh, arasso! Soo Min-ah, I have to go! My omma said she needs me!” Min Jung runs out of the café.

“Oh! Wait!” Soo Min tried chasing after Min Jung but she was too fast. Min Jung hides behind the corner where Woohyun, Yong Joo, and Sunggyu are at.

“Is she alone there?” Yong Joo asks Min Jung.

“Yeah. Now we just- OH! Here he comes now!” Everyone hides as Myungsoo pulls up in his car in front of the shop. He goes in and everyone sighs. Yong Joo goes near the window of the shop to check in on them.

Myungsoo has just taken a notice to the empty shop, “Hey, where’s everyone?”

“Well, um… Min Jung was just here but then her mom called and asked her to go back home. I don’t know about the others,” Soo Min fiddled with the straw of her drink. Myungsoo takes out his phone and calls Min Jung, who did not answer it.

Yong Joo goes back to the group,” They’re awkward…”

“I really don’t see why we have to do this. I mean, why would we need to get those two alone together?” Sunggyu, who has been against this idea from the very beginning, asks. Behind him, Min Jung looks down disappointed and wrecked.

Woohyun takes a notice to this and says, “Because! These two are the owners. And they don’t have a very close relationship. If we want our café to work more harmoniously, they have to learn to work together.” He smiles, hoping Sunggyu would buy it. He knows Yong Joo did this to get the couples straight. Woohyun looks at Yong Joo and winks. Yong Joo smiles and her heart skips a beat.

“You guys, Myungsoo keeps calling me!” Min Jung says. She takes out her phone which is vibrating currently. Sunggyu takes it and turns it off.

“That’s weird…She turned her phone off…” Myungsoo says. The atmosphere is still awkward. Soo Min is on the other table near the one Myungsoo is in and the two haven’t even made eye contact. Suddenly, Soo Min’s stomach growls. She covers it and tries to make it shut up by holding onto it.

“Heh. Hungry?” Myungsoo smirks as he looks at the embarrassed Soo Min. With her tomato red face, she nods. Myungsoo smiles and heads into the kitchen.

Soo Min follows him, “Aniya! Don’t! I’ll cook!” She shoves him out of the kitchen and he lets her. He sits on the bar chairs at the counter and watches her from afar.

“What are you gonna cook?” he shouts.

“Shhh! I’m thinking!” she shouts back, flustered.

---Meanwhile with the group---

The four are still at the corner. Min Jung is behind Sunggyu who is talking to Woohyun and Yong Joo. Yong Joo sees that Min Jung is lonely so devises a plan on the spot. Yong Joo goes to Min Jung’s side.

“You look like you’re about to cry…” Yong Joo pouts cutely. MinJung just responds by nodding.

“I’ll help you!” Yong Joo smiles. She whispers something in Woohyun’s ear and he smiles.

“Well we gots ta go! Sunggyu-oppa, please take care of Min Jung!” Yong Joo and Woohyun leave in his car.

“Shall we?” Sunggyu offered his hand out to Min Jung to help her up. She smiles and nods. She takes his hand and they walk back to Min Jung’s café.

“So, do you know why we canceled today’s meeting?” Sunggyu asks.

“I- I don’t know either! It was actually Yong Joo’s plan. I just went along with it,” Min Jung replies, smiling. Sunggyu nods.

“Hey, you wanna go get something to eat before going home? I’m kinda hungry. You?” Sunggyu offers.

Min Jung smiles, “Yeah. We should.”

---Back at the café---

Soo Min, who is most likely the worst cook in the history of cooks, is trying her hardest to make something. The easiest thing, she concluded, to cook is pancakes. She struggles and Myungsoo is just on his phone.

“DONE!” Soo Min shouts. She brings out the two plates filled with lopsided looking cakes poorly decorated with raspberries and ice cream.

Myungsoo raises his eye brows, “What is this?”


“Bwahahahahahahahahaha~!! These are not pancakes! These are pieces of cardboard designed poorly to look like trash pancakes with ice cream and berries!” Myungsoo burst in laughter.

Soo Min whacks his head, “YAH! Not everyone can be a great cook like you!”

“Oh, so you admit I’m a great cook?” Myungsoo eyes Soo Min, who is red as of the moment. She looks away.

“Arasso! I’ll cook pancakes. That’s what you want right?” Myungsoo asks. Soo Min nods. She looks down and smiles as Myungsoo heads into the kitchen, ‘This night might not be so bad…’

---Let’s check in on the others shall we?---

Yong Joo and Woohyun talked in the car about school and work and such. Yong Joo bought them some Starbucks then Woohyun dropped her off at Soo Min’s house. Yong Joo flops down in her bed and sees a freaked out Da Hee. Woohyun, upon reaching his condo, clenched his chest. He had never felt so new before. He smiled and went to bed.

Min Jung and Sunggyu forgot all about their worries and Myungsoo and Soo Min and just ate their ramen. Min Jung was momentarily back to being her old self: being happy and bright. Sunggyu noticed how bright Min Jung was and her radiance drew him in. He forgot about Soo Min and focused on his time with Min Jung.

Da Hee and Jaejoong were chatting with each other on facebook. Jaejoong found himself smiling whenever he received a message from Da Hee and same goes for her. She was feeling something new, and when she finally noticed it (which was, like, 20 minutes after) she logged out and closed her computer (and in comes Yong Joo). Jaejoong wondered why. He laid on his bed then realized why. He was also feeling something similar to Da Hee’s. But he fears his feelings may have progressed farther into “ the void” sooner than Da Hee’s.

Sooyeon was at home, working, when suddenly her door was opened. She grabbed the closest weapon and headed for the door. She was about to swing when she heard the intruders say “SURPIRSE!” It was Hyosung and Youngjae. She invited them in her condo and they ate, had fun, and laughed with each other. Without Luhan and Jessica.

Jae Ri and Sulli were just talking with each other in a restaurant, when suddenly, she sees Suzy enter. Jae Ri’s face immediately sours. Suzy, from time to time, would keep looking at Jae Ri with insulting faces, and Jae Ri was getting really annoyed. Jae Ri told Sulli they were leaving, but when Jae Ri stood up, she crashed into someone. Sulli didn’t even bother with helping her because one: she knew who she bumped into, and two: because Jae Ri always does this. Jae Ri looks up and it was Chanyeol. He was also leaving and they walked out with each other. Jae Ri looks back at Suzy, who is infuriated, and sticks her tongue out.

Won Hee was sleeping, not thinking about anything, and Kris was out with his friends… (talk about unromantic… but don’t worry! It’s just not their time yet!).


Author's note:

Hey guys! Another update! Too long?



Also, those who comment often will get bigger parts in 

the story than those who don't 

So please comment!

pancakes.jpg<<<--- Soo Min's pancakes. (the picture is not mine. I got it from google)



How do you revive someone who has past out or out? - Yahoo! Answers <<<

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guys... please comment! the more and longer you comment, the more and longer your snips are in the story! -MylovelyBacon


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crazylilidiot #1
Chapter 21: The animal macaroons are so cute!! ~~ Can I have them please? >.<
Chapter 21: Adorable. <3
Gas leaks? D:
Feel better Dahee. :)
Chapter 20: This chapter was something fun for me. And I love long chapters so the length isn't a problem. I am still enjoying the story and all the love lines.
Chapter 20: Oh failure pancakes vs. awesome ones. XD
Sorry for not commenting earlier. ^^;
I was out for the past few days. @~@
Anyways, awesome, long chapter. <3
The length isn't too long. :3
And hopefully the two owners get along soon. :)
Love the chapter and hopefully I'll be more awake for the next one. ^^
Chapter 20: ermigerd!!! Haha:) Won Hee and Kris aren't interacting with each other what so ever! Soo Min and Myungsoo are so cute! And Min Jung-ssi, please don't worry about it! It seems like Yong Joo already has everything under control! Thank goodness Jessica and Luhan weren't there to ruin the fun for Sooyeon and Youngjae! And OMG!!! Da Hee being the cutie that she is doesn't wanna admit it!!! Hehe:) cute! My facorite at the end scenario though was the one for Jae Ri! WOO! JAERI FTW!!! Boooo Suzy:P
Chapter 19: Ohh I just loved this chapter! So cute!
Chapter 19: Aw Youngjae and Luhan. <3
Man, Chanyeol. =.=
Good luck Soomin and better luck to Wonhee. ^^;
Lovely update and hopefully, you'll update again soon. :)