Final Chappie... ^_^

When an adorable angel falls into demon reign… ^_^

After the light-hearted chat and tea, Myungsoo, Sungjong and Sungyeol rose to take their leave. Sunggyu wanted to go off with them but damn, Woohyun was holding tightly to his waist, making it impossible to move much.

“Thank you, Mr Kim, for your approval…!” Woohyun said gratefully.

“Aish… Young man, as you had said, dispense with the formalities and start calling us ‘dad’ and ‘mum’ to be more familiarised with us, okay…?” Myungsoo winked at the young couple.

“Dad! Mum! Yeollie! Hey guys, have you forgotten about me…?” Sunggyu shouted and tried frantically to remove himself from Woohyun’s clutches.

“Gyu-hyung, enjoy your early honeymoon…!” Sungyeol laughed as he and his parents stepped onto the port-hole.

“Be sure to make some babies after heavy dose of s…” Sungyeol could barely finish his sentence before the port-hole transported them back to heaven reign.

“What…?!” Sunggyu exclaimed, his eyes wide opened by a tiny-weeny fraction.

“Don’t you get it, my GyuGyu..?” Woohyun whispered huskily and nudged his nose on Sunggyu’s nape, breathing in the sweet vanilla scent. Sunggyu’s breathing hitched and he could feel an unwanted yet wanted anticipation somewhere.

“Babies… How on earth are babies produce…?” Woohyun chuckled ily before carrying Sunggyu towards his bedroom…


“Woohyunnie…. Ah….”

“GyuGyu… I… I’m near…”

“Me too… Harder… Faster…”

“Your wish is granted, master Gyu…”

“I love you…”

“I love you too…”

Alright, the above un-innocent moans are no longer the result of a relaxed massage…
In fact, it’s a vigorous exercise, if you know what I mean… ^_~


Dongwoo and Hoya stood red-faced outside Woohyun’s room. They were assigned by Myungsoo as Prince Sunggyu’s bodyguards. The duo had no idea why Woohyun’s room was not soundproof. The one hour listening to WooGyu’s vigorous activity was torturous.

Jonghyun and Key, bodyguard of Woohyun made sign for the duo to follow them. Dongwoo and Hoya shook their head and cast questioning looks at them.

“Sigh…” Jonghyun sighed. “Key and I are going to an empty room… Erm… To relieve ourselves… There’s an available room beside us though… I assure that both rooms are soundproof… Get it…?”

Both Dongwoo’s and Hoya’s eyes shone brightly and nodded eagerly. The four of them stepped into the rooms, winking knowingly at each other at the door…


Alright, that's the best I can squeeze out from my limited brain juice...
Hope my lovely readers have enjoyed reading... ^_^
For those who have left comments, thank you...! ^_^
Alright.... Erm... Sigh... The original storyline was not like that... Woohyun is a demon, for goodness sake! Which he really should act as one... Why on earth did his greasiness drown me and made me wrote this story...? Sigh... >__<
I'll try if I can have another story with the Original Storyline... But no promise though... ^_~

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Chapter 7: Haha the ending was...well it's a happily ever after right?
I can't believe Myungsoo gave his approval so quickly. Erm the babies are going to be half-demon half-angel?
turtlejusz #2
Chapter 7: *laugh* oh! My~ its still cUte.
Chapter 7: Phahahaha! Love the ending!!!
Chapter 6: phaha Woohyun's a genetically-defected child XD
Chapter 6: 'selling you off' hahahaha. oh my gosh, sunggyu's parents are hilarious. it's okay, gyu bb. at least you'll be with woo! hahaha.
Chapter 1: very interesting!<3
Chapter 5: ooo~ this is interesting! excited to see what happens!