Chappie Three...

When an adorable angel falls into demon reign… ^_^

“Knock…! Knock…!” The knocking on the door seemed hesitant and frightened which made Myungsoo wondered why.

“Come in, Yeollie…” Myungsoo voiced out tiredly. In come the tall choding with eyes wide opened and terrified. His watery and puffy eyes gave signs that he had been crying earlier on.

“Dad, mum… Is Gyu-hyung back yet…?” Sungyeol’s voice crackled due to long hours of weeping and shouting for his elder brother.

“Yeollie… I’m afraid that Gyu has entered the demon reign…” Sungjong replied despairingly.

“What…?! Why…?! How…?! When…?! Who accompany Gyu-hyung to the demon reign…?!” Sungyeol spitted out a whole chain of questions rapidly.

“Oh my, calm down, my son…! Spitting out questions like an automatic machine gun… Gosh…! Cool down, son… You’re more worked up than me… Come on, take a deep breath and relax…” Myungsoo coaxed his youngest son who followed his father instruction reluctantly though he was damn anxious about his brother.

“Well… Yeollie… When was the last time you saw Gyu…?” Sungjong inquired, hoping that his youngest son had a clue of how Sunggyu ended in demon reign.

“Hmm…” Sungyeol tried to recall. “Five hours ago, Gyu-hyung and I were playing hide-and-seek in the West Zone Garden… I remember it was Gyu-hyung’s turn to hide… I closed my eyes and laid my head on the oak tree, trying to count to fifty… But I heard Gyu-hyung faint shouting before I could count to fifteen… And I’ve been searching for him till now…”

Sungjong palmed his forehead in exasperation, making the father and son casting quizzical looks at him.

“The long-forgotten port-hole to the demon reign is in the West Zone Garden…!” Sungjong clarified. “Gyu must have accidentally stepped on it…!”

“Damn…!” Myungsoo cursed, earning a frown from Sungjong who strictly disapproved any form of cursing and vulgarities. “Sorry, Jongie… Well… Think I shall make a call to the young king of demon reign… The old and vicious king has passed away few years ago in a battle… I’ve never communicated with this new king before… And I wonder how his character likes… Sigh… I’ve to pray hard that he would not be too harsh on our kid…”

Sungyeol suppressed his urges to roll his eyes. “Dad… You’re already the God… Who are you going to pray to…?”

“Oh yah… I’ve forgotten about that…” Myungsoo stuck out his tongue childishly and rubbed his neck embarrassedly. Despite the situation, the mother and son laughed heartily.

Myungsoo plucked up his courage and picked up the phone to call the young demon king. After several rings, the line was finally connected. Myungsoo put in on speaker mode so that Sungjong and Sungyeol could listen to it too.

“Hello…?” A deep and melodious voice answered the call and Myungsoo could already confirm that the guy on the other line was the new demon king.

“Mr Nam…? The new young king of demon reign…?” Myungsoo cleared his voice and inquired.

“Hahaha… Genes run alike… Sigh… Dispense with the formalities, just call me by ‘Woohyun’ will do…” Woohyun chuckled cheerfully.

“Genes run alike…?” Sungjong tilted his head towards his right and immersed in a deep thought.

“Ah…!” Realization hit Sungjong. “Is my son, Sunggyu, with you…?”

Before Woohyun could reply, the family heard a pleasure moan from the other end.

“Woohyunnie…. This feels heavenly great and awesome… Ah….” Sunggyu purred in pleasure.

Hearing his brother like no tomorrow made Sungyeol’s face turned as red as tomatoes.

Woohyun chuckled silently and could vividly imagine the pale faces of Sunggyu’s parents at the other line.

"Ouch...! This hurts terribly, Woohyunnie... Can you be more gentle...?!" Sunggyu cried out.

"Sorry, GyuGyu... I'll be gentler... But you need to relax to enjoy this session..." Woohyun replied, very aware that he was still on the line.

“Ah… I want more… Come on, harder… This is so damn comfortable… Woohyunnie, I could never imagine that you’re so talented in this area… Well… Anyway, I’m the only one gets to know and feel all these… I feel so honoured to be your first…!”

“Erm… Guess this is not an appropriate time to answer call… Well, as you can see… No… As you can hear, I’m quite busy… I shall return your call later… Bye…” Woohyun tried hard to stifle his laughter and ended the call.

“Doo doo…” For moments, only the sound from the phone resounded in the spacious room with the family of three staring unbelievably at each other.

“Hoya! Dongwoo!” The God shouted for his loyal guards who came running, waiting for their command. “Get ready, we are going to visit the demon reign in half an hour time…!”

Dongwoo and Hoya was astonished for the surprise visit but nonetheless, they scrambled away to get ready.


Hi to all my lovely readers...!
Thanks for all the lovely comments which are deeply appreciated... ^_^
As promise, another update for you guys... Hope you've enjoyed reading... ^_~
As usual, let me know what you think... okay...? ^_~

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Chapter 7: Haha the ending was...well it's a happily ever after right?
I can't believe Myungsoo gave his approval so quickly. Erm the babies are going to be half-demon half-angel?
turtlejusz #2
Chapter 7: *laugh* oh! My~ its still cUte.
Chapter 7: Phahahaha! Love the ending!!!
Chapter 6: phaha Woohyun's a genetically-defected child XD
Chapter 6: 'selling you off' hahahaha. oh my gosh, sunggyu's parents are hilarious. it's okay, gyu bb. at least you'll be with woo! hahaha.
Chapter 1: very interesting!<3
Chapter 5: ooo~ this is interesting! excited to see what happens!